Face Morphing

A CS 194-26 project 3 by Xiangtian Li cs194-26-agr

Part1: Defining Correspondences

I use plt.ginput to select some key points of correspondences. The points is shown below.


Then I use Delaunay to get a triangulation for these points. The results are shown below.

george_tri lxt_tri
George's tri My tri

Part2: Computing the "Mid-way Face"

First we use the following formula to compute the affine matrix


then we get the affine matrix


We compute its inverse transform matrix and warp the two original images into mid shape. Below are the two original images and the mid-way face.

george lxt mid_way
George My face Mid-way face

Part3: The Morph Sequence

In order to get a sequence with 46 frames, I equally divide [0,1] into 46 parts and get 46 weights. For shape interpolation, New_img = img1*weight+img2*(1-weight). And cross dissolve shares the same weights as the shape interpolation. We get two example sequences below.

lxtgeorge suwu
me_george su_wu

Part4: The "Mean face" of a Population

We use the Danes dataset to compute the mean face. Below we give three example individual mean faces we computed.

01-1m 16-1m 30-2f
average1 average2 average3

This is the Danes mean face


And I also warp my face into Dances' and Dances' into mine

warp_lxt warp_danes
My face to Danes Danes' face to me


Part5: Caricatures

In this part, we select t as -1,0,1, and get the three images which are really interesting.

caricature_-1 caricature_0 caricature_1
t=-1 t=0 t=1

Also , we make a caricature gif to show something more funny.


Bells and Whistles

Change "Gender" of Face

We use a female average face below


Then we try to apply only the shape into my face, only the color into my face and both into my face.

lxt only_shape only_color shape_color
Original face Only shape changed Only color changed Both changed

Harry Potter poster

We find a spoof version of Harry Potter movie poster and an original poster. Then we try to do some local change of the poster.

hp1 hp2 hp

Make a Produce a face-morphing music video of the students in the class

I make a gif of the transition between me and the next student.

My face The next student The transition between us

The full music video is shown below:

Shoud out to Zixian Zang for organizing this video!

Make a morphing music video on a theme

We make a music video on a pianist theme. We select 7 great pianists to make the video.