Classification and Segmentation

Jingwei Kang, cs194-26-abr


Part 1: Image Classification

Network Details

In this part of the project, I learned to create a convolutional neural network to classify different articles of clothing in the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The network had two convolutional layers with 32 channels of size 3 kernels, each followed by a ReLU and max pooling layer. These convolutional layers are followed by two fully connected layers, with a ReLU after the first fully connected layer. The last fully connected layer has 10 output nodes, each representing the probabilities for the 10 classes in the dataset. I initially used a learning rate of 0.01 with the Adam optimizer, but reduced the learning rate to 0.001 after noticing the loss oscillating without improving. I trained the model to convergence (loss in successive calculations was less than 0.0001). This translated to increasing the number of epochs from 2 to 10.


Accuracy Over Training Process

Prior to training, we split the training data into a training and validation set (for tuning our hyperparameters). We can visualize the accuracy for each over the training process below. Note that at around the 10th mini-batch (around the 2nd epoch), we do notice the training accuracy diverge from the validation accuracy, suggesting we may be starting to overfit.

Per Class Accuracy

Below we show the accuracy for each class of image, as well as some examples of images that were correctly and incorrectly classified. In total, our average validation and test accuracy were both 90%.

Class (#) Colloquial Validation Acc. Test Acc. Sample Images
0 T-shirt/top 83% 84%
1 Trouser 98% 98%
2 Pullover 88% 85%
3 Dress 87% 87%
4 Coat 80% 82%
5 Sandal 97% 97%
6 Shirt 74% 73%
7 Sneaker 97% 98%
8 Bag 98% 97%
9 Ankle boot 93% 93%

Above, we can observe how some of the misclassifications occurred. For example, the last sandal was misclassified as a sneaker. We can notice the higher ankle support and a heel present in the sandal, similar to the sneakers. The second to last sandal was misclassified as an ankle boot and we see similar characteristics, but with an even higher ankle. In general, shirts and coats were the hardest to classify, probably due to variations in length, color, and design.

Filter Visualization

The 32 filters from the first convolutional layer (1 channel input, 32 channel output) are shown below.

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation

Network Details

In this part, I aimed to identify each pixel in an image with the correct architechtural class (facade, pillar, window, balcony, others). The network was designed to increase the number of channels as I moved from a higher resolution image to a lower resolution one (through max pooling), and decrease the number of channels as I moved from lower resolution to higher resolution (through upsampling/transposed convolution). There were no fully connected layers - in fact, the last convolutional layer had the same dimensions as the original image, with 5 total channels (1 for each architectural class). This allows us to classify each individual pixel rather than the whole image (in Part 1). The layers used in my network are listed below. Any parameters not listed use the default values in Pytorch.

  1. Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
  2. ReLU()
  3. MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)
  4. Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
  5. ReLU()
  6. ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=0)
  7. Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=5, kernel_size=2, padding=0)
We can see above that the kernel sizes and padding change for some of the layers. These parameters were selected so that each pixel in the output corresponded to one pixel from the input. I opted for a relatively shallow layer because training time was a constraint, but more convolutional and max pooling layers could be added, with additional transposed convolutional layers to maintain symmetry. One last key point to mention is that there is no ReLU after the last convolutional layer. This is because there seemed to be some negative values in the output, and adding ReLU hurt our average precision. Other details of this network include using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-3 and weight decay of 1e-5. I opted to train this network for ~50 epochs.


Loss Over Training Process

As we can see below, the cross-entropy loss decreased for both the training and validation sets over the 30 epochs. Oddly enough, the validation loss was lower than the training loss. I would expect the training losses to be lower because that is what the model is training on, and this is actually the case when I use the dummy model initially provided to us. This happened despite running to convergence such that subsequent losses differ by less than 0.0001. It could be due to the way I split the training data into the training and validation sets. The dataloader written for us didn't seem to allow a simple function call to randomly split the data (as with Part 1), so I specified the first 800 images to be the training set and the last 106 images to be the validation set. The other discrepancy was the batch size (I used 4 for the train and 1 for the validation), but it seems like the losses were normalized for the number of samples. Ultimately, I wasn't able to reconcile this discrepancy but was able to still generate decent results.

Average Precision
Pixel Value Color Class Test AP
0 black others 0.654
1 blue facade 0.738
2 green pillar 0.109
3 orange window 0.727
4 red balcony 0.307
- - Overall 0.507

As we see above, pillars and balconies are the most difficult to classify, possibly because they have lower representation in the datasets.

Sample Images

The sample images below support the idea that we simply don't have as many pillars and balconies present in images.

Original Predicted Labels Ground Truth