CS194-26 Proj 4: Classification and Segmentation

Kelly Lin


This project used convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to (1) create a classifier for the Fashion MNIST dataset, and (2) perform semantic segmentation on the Mini Facade dataset.

Part 1: Image Classification

The task was to create a convolutional neural network to classify images pulled from the Fashion MNIST dataset. The Fashion MNIST categorizes images into 1 of 10 categories: t-shirt/top, trouser, pullover, dress, coat, sandal, shirt, sneaker, bag, and ankle boot.


Here are a few sample images from the Fashion MNIST dataset, along with their respective classes:


My final CNN consists of 2 convolutional layers, each followed by a SELU and maxpool layer. Those are then followed by 2 fully-connected layers followed by SELUs, a dropout layer with probability p=0.5, another fully-connected layer followed by a SELU, and then a final fully-connected layer. The details are described below:

Network: input > conv1 > relu1 > maxpool1 > conv2 > relu2 > maxpool2 > fc1 > relu3 > fc2 > relu4 > dropout > fc3 > relu5 > fc4 > output

Loss Function and Optimizer

I used cross entropy loss as the prediction loss, and trained the network on an Adam optimizer using a learning rate of 0.001 and a weight decay of 0. I chose a convergence value of 1, leading to the model training for a total of 5 epochs (I had set the limit to 20). I also used a batch size of 128.


Here is a graph plotting the training and validation accuracy over time:

Here are the per-class accuracies on the validation and test datasets:

Class Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
T-shirt/top 0.78 0.75
Trouser 0.96 0.97
Pullover 0.81 0.80
Dress 0.93 0.91
Coat 0.84 0.83
Sandal 0.95 0.95
Shirt 0.80 0.80
Sneaker 0.97 0.98
Bag 0.96 0.97
Ankle boot 0.93 0.93
Overall 0.88 0.88

The hardest classes to classify were T-shirt/top, pullover, shirt, and coat.

Here are images from each class that were classified correctly and incorrectly (Label 1 is the incorrect label that was assigned to Misclassified1, and Label 2 is the incorrect label that was assigned to Misclassified2):

Class Classified Correctly Classified Correctly Misclassified1 Label 1 Misclassified2 Label 2
T-shirt/top Bag Pullover
Trouser Dress Dress
Pullover Shirt Shirt
Dress Shirt Shirt
Coat Shirt Pullover
Sandal Sneaker Sneaker
Shirt Dress Pullover
Sneaker Ankle boot Ankle boot
Bag Shirt Pullover
Ankle boot Sandal Sneaker

Here are the learned filters for both of my convolutional layers:

Convolution 1:
Convolution 2:

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation

The task was to perform semantic segmentation on the Mini Facade dataset.


I split up the training data to be 80% of the original training data, and saved 20% of the data to be used for validation.


My final model architecture consisted of 6 convolutional layers, with all but the last followed by a ReLU.

Network: inputs > conv1 > relu > conv2 > relu > conv3 > relu > conv4 > relu > conv5 > relu > conv6 > output

Loss Function and Optimizer

Just like the previous part, I used the cross entropy loss for my loss function, and trained my model using the Adam optimizer. I used a learning rate of 0.001 and weight decay of 1e-5. I used a batch size of 64 (for both training and validation) and let the model train for 60 epochs.


Here is the plot of the training and validation losses over time:

Here are the average precision results on the test data set:

Class AP Value
0 0.66596
1 0.78164
2 0.149757
3 0.79940
4 0.34213
Average 0.5478

Below are the legend and some results from running my model on some images pulled from the Mini Facade dataset.

Category Image Ground Truth Labeled

I also ran the model on one of my own images (Valley of the Temple, Hawaii). The model failed on this particular image since it misidentified nearly everything as either a balcony or facade. The training data did not deal with any examples of asian architecture, so I suspect that the lack of model familiarity led to the image segmentation failure.

Original Image Labeled Output