Project 4: Classification and Segmentation

1. Image Classification

We trained a CNN on the Fashion MNIST dataset. The number of samples in the training set is 54000. The number of samples in the validation set is 6000. The number of samples in the test set is 10000.

1.1 Sample a few images from the dataset

Here are a few samples from the dataset along with their class labels.

Coat Sneaker Shirt Pullover

1.2 CNN Architecture

The CNN Architecture

The number of epochs was 80. The batch size was 32. We used cross entropy loss and Adam optimizer for training. The learning rate was set at 0.05, and the weight decay was set at 0.0

1.3 Training and Validation Accuracies

Here is the plot of the train and validation accuracies during the training process.

Accuracies during Training

1.3 Per-class Accuracy

1.3.1 Per-class Accuracy of Validation Set

Here is the per-class accuracy from the validation set

Class Accuracy
Top 89 %
Trouser 97 %
Pullover 90 %
Dress 89 %
Coat 89 %
Sandal 97 %
Shirt 72 %
Sneaker 94 %
Bag 98 %
Ankle boot 96 %
Average 91%

From the table, Shirt is the hardest to get. The top four hardest to get classes are Shirt, Top, Coat, and Dress.

1.3.2 Per-class Accuracy of Test Set

Here is the per-class accuracy from the test set.

Class Accuracy
Top 86 %
Trouser 98 %
Pullover 87 %
Dress 91 %
Coat 86 %
Sandal 97 %
Shirt 75 %
Sneaker 97 %
Bag 97 %
Ankle boot 96 %
Average 91%

From the table, Shirt is the hardest to get. The top four hardest to get classes are Shirt, Top, Coat, and Pullover.

1.3.3 Samples from Correct Predictions

Here are two samples the network classified correctly from each class

Image Class Label
Ankle boot
Ankle boot
1.3.4 Samples from Incorrect Predictions

Here are two samples the network classified incorrectly from each class

Image Ground Truth Label Prediction
Ankle boot Sandal
Ankle boot Sneaker
Bag Pullover
Bag Shirt
Coat Pullover
Coat Shirt
Dress Shirt
Dress Trouser
Pullover Shirt
Pullover Shirt
Sandal Sneaker
Sandal Sneaker
Shirt Coat
Shirt Dress
Sneaker Ankle boot
Sneaker Sandal
Top Shirt
Top Shirt
Trouser Dress
Trouser Pullover

1.4 Visualization of the Learned Filters

Here is the visualization of the learned filters from the first layer. The values are normalized to the range of 0 to 1.

Learned Filters

2. Semantic Segmentation

We trained a CNN on the Mini Facade dataset. The number of samples in the training set is 815. The number of samples in the validation set is 91. The number of samples in the test set is 114.

2.1 CNN Architecture

The CNN Architecture

The number of epochs was 30. The batch size was 10. We used cross entropy loss and Adam optimizer for training. The learning rate was set at 0.0025, and the weight decay was set at 0.0001

2.2 Training and Validation Losses

Losses during Training

2.3 Average Precision on the Test Set

The average precision(AP) on the test set was 0.569

2.4 Sample Predictions

Here are a few sample predictions from the Mini Facade dataset.

Image Ground Truth Prediction

2.5 My Own Image

This is the result from running the trained model on the photo of a building from my own collection.

Image Prediction

In general, the model did pretty good on parts of window and facade. It got it right for the windows in the image and the facades of the building are mostly correctly labeled. If failed on parts of pillar: as we can see, there are no pillars in the image yet the model labeled some parts as pillar in the prediction. It also failed on parts of balcony: the right side of the image are all balconies, but the model predicted them as window.