CS194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography
Sping 2020
Project 4:Classification and Segmentation
Zixian Zang, CS194-26-act


In this problem, we will solve classification of images in the Fashion-MNIST dataset and semantic segmentation of images in mini Facade dataset using Deep Nets!

Part 1: Image Classification

Section 1.1: CNN Architecture and Training Details

The input shape of Fashion-MNIST is 28*28*3. The Convolutional Neural Network I use starts with 2 convolution layers, each with 32 channels and followed by ReLU nonlinearity and 2*2 maxpooling layers. Then there follows 3 fully connected layers, with dimensions 120, 84 and 10, followed by ReLU nonlinearity. I use cross-entropy loss and Adam optimizer, with a learning rate of 0.001. I randomly split 20% of training set to be validation set. The network is trained for 30 epochs and data batch of size 4.

Section 1.2: Accuracy Curve

By keeping track of the network's performance on training and validation set during training process, the curve below shows how the network improves. It is worth notice that during the ending epochs of training, accuracy on validation stops from having significant improvement, suggesting that the network is overfitting on the training set. This issue can be solved by adding random drop out to the model.

Section 1.3: Performance on Different Classes

Class Name Accuracy (%)
T-shirt/top 86 (test), 87 (validation)
Trouser 96 (test), 97 (validation)
Pullover 85 (test), 87 (validation)
Dress 92 (test), 90 (validation)
Coat 83 (test), 84 (validation)
Sandal 97 (test), 98 (validation)
Shirt 66 (test), 66 (validation)
Sneaker 98 (test), 97 (validation)
Bag 96 (test), 95 (validation)
Ankle boot 95 (test), 95 (validation)

As shown in the table above, the class that is hardest to get is SHIRT class, probably because the images in shirt class varies a lot. The table below visualize some images in each class that are classified correctly and incorrecly.

Class Name Classified Correctly Classified Incorrectly
Ankle boot    

Section 1.4: Visualize Learned Filters

Visualize the 32 filters learned by the first convolution layer. Is is remarkable that some filters successfully capture important details in the training data.

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation

Mini Facade dataset consists of images of different cities around the world and diverse architectural styles (in .jpg format), shown as the image on the left. It also contains semantic segmentation labels (in .png format) in 5 different classes: balcony, window, pillar, facade and others. The task is to train a network to convert image below from the one on the left to the labels on the right. The color to label map is shown below.

Section 2.1: CNN Architecture and Training Details

I use a CNN with 6 convolution layers, with 32, 128, 512, 128, 32 and 5 channels respectively, and every one but the last layer is followed by ReLu nonlinearity. No maxpooling and upsampling is used, and in order to maintain the shape of the data, I use padding size 2 along with the kernel size 5*5. I use cross-entropy loss and the network is trained with Adam with a learning rate of 1e-3 and weight decay 1e-5. The network is trained for 50 epochs, and 20% of training data is used as validation set.

Section 2.2: Learning Curve

By plotting the training and validation loss during the training process, we can see that the network slowly overfits, as the training loss keeps on decreasing but the validation loss does not shown significant improvement.

Section 2.3: Results and Analysis

At the end of day, the network manages to achieve 57% overall AP (Average Precision) accuracy on test set. To be honest it is surprisingly high for such a simple structured CNN. Besides the pillar channel, all other channels exceed 65% AP accuracy. Here are some results generated from the testing images.

Input 1
Segmentation 1
Label 1
Input 2
Segmentation 2
Label 2

I also try to generate segmentation from my own source image. Here is the result. This is a photo of the Doe Library in UC Berkeley. Notice that the network performs well on capturing the windows but does relatively poorly capturing pillars.

Input Image