CS 194-26 Project 4

Classification and Segmentation

Shreyas Krishnaswamy


In this project, we use convolutional neural nets to classify the Fashion-MNIST dataset and segment the Mini Facade Dataset.

Part 1: Image Classification


My final network included:

  1. Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=55, kernel_size=(5, 5))
  2. ReLU
  3. MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
  4. Conv2d(in_channels=55, out_channels=48, kernel_size=(3, 3))
  5. ReLU
  6. MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
  7. Linear(1200, 124)
  8. ReLU
  9. Linear(124, 10)

I also used Cross Entropy Loss and the Adam optimizer with a 0.001 learning rate, and I trained the network for 10 epochs. Here are a few sample images from the dataset:

Classes from left to right: 0 (T shirt), 8 (Bag), 7 (Sneaker), 2 (Pullover)

Here's the classifier's performance while training. I've included both the overall performance and the performance by classes:

Where each class id corresponds to the following clothes and has the following final accuracies.:

The classifier is especially good at classifying trousers and sneakers, but struggles to classify shirts and coats. Here are a few examples of correct and incorrect classifications. The two left images on each row were classified correctly. The two on the right were classified incorrectly.

T Shirts. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as shirts.
Trousers. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as dresses.
Pullovers. Incorrectly classified the 3rd and 4th images as a bag and a coat, respectively.
Dresses. Incorrectly classified the 3rd and 4th images as a trouser and a bag, respectively.
Coats. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as pullovers.
Sandals. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as sneakers.
Shirts. Incorrectly classified the 3rd and 4th images as a t shirt and a pullover, respectively.
Sneakers. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as ankle boots.
Bags. Incorrectly classified the 3rd and 4th images as a pullover and a coat, respectively.
Ankle Boots. Incorrectly classified both 3rd and 4th images as sneakers.

We can also visualize the filters used in both convolutional layers to get a sense of what features the net is looking for:

Layer 1
Layer 2

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation


My final network included:

  1. Conv2d(3, 64, 1, padding=0)
  2. ReLU
  3. Conv2d(64, 256, 5, padding=2)
  4. ReLU
  5. MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
  6. Conv2d(256, 128, 3, padding=1)
  7. ReLU
  8. MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
  9. Conv2d(128, 96, 3, padding=1)
  10. ReLU
  11. Upsample(scale_factor=2.0, mode='bilinear')
  12. Conv2d(96, 64, 3, padding=1)
  13. ReLU
  14. Upsample(scale_factor=2.0, mode='bilinear')
  15. Conv2d(64, 5, 1, padding=0)

I again used Cross Entropy Loss and the Adam optimizer with a 1e-3 learning rate and 1e-5 weight decay. I trained the network for 15 epochs and acheived a 0.497 Average Precision on the test set.

I then ran the network on an image from the Internet (https://www.123rf.com/photo_17985244_beautiful-old-facade-at-a-historic-building.html). Here's the original and the network output for comparison:


My classifier did a decent job generally locating the windows but a poor job filling them in completely. It also seems to recogize some of the lining below the top row of windows but classifies it as a "balcony" rather than "other." It does a poor job locating pillars as well. It entirely misses the pillars in the bottom row; however, it does make out some of the pillars in the top row. Unfortunately, it doesn't fill them out completely on the segmentation. Considering the entire image contains a facade, the classifer does a good job of labelling most of the image with blue.