Sofie Yang

CS 194-26 - Project 4 Classification and Segmentation

Project Overview


This project explored using convolutional neural networks to perform classification on FashionMNIST and segmentation on building facades.

Part 1: FashionMNIST Classification Results

Training and validation accuracy across epochs


FashionMNIST reached 0.134 training loss and 0.277 validation loss, 94.8% training accuracy and 91.2% validation accuracy over 50 epochs using hyperparameters: 1024 batch size, 0.001 learning rate, Adam optimizer, and unweighted CrossEntropy Loss.

Per class accuracy on the validation dataset

validaton confusion matrix

Per class accuracy on the test dataset

test confusion matrix

Which classes were hardest to classify?

The model performs the worst on Class 6 (Shirt) with 73% accuracy which is most commonly confused with Class 0 (T-Shirt/Top) and 4 (Coat), which is understandable because they all have the same structure with sleeves. Since the resolution was so low, the model could not fit to differences in texture/fabric.

Which classes were easiest classify?

It performs the best on Class 1 (Trousers) and Class 5 (Sandal) and Class 8 (Bag) with 98% accuracy on all of them. This is likely because trousers have different angles for the legs compared to shirts that would be captured by my small kernel filters. Sandals have more detail on them than the other footwear categories, so they are also easy to classify.

Correctly and Incorrectly Classified Testing Images

True Class Correct classification Incorrect classification
0: T-shirt/top  
True: 6
True: 6
1: Trouser  
True: 3
No other incorrect
2: Pullover  
True: 6
True: 6
3: Dress  
True: 1
True: 4
4: Coat  
True: 6
True: 6
5: Sandal  
True: 7
True: 7
6: Shirt  
True: 2
True: 3
7: Sneaker  
True: 8
True: 9
8: Bag  
True: 0
True: 6
9: Ankle boot  
True: 5
True: 7

It looks like Shirt and Coat have a lot of similarities in the images - "shirt" is too broad a category and has too much internal variation for my neural net.

Visualization of learned filters

Conv Layer 1: 32 filters, kernel size 5

conv1 filters

Many of the filters in the first convolutional layer look like they represent top, bottom, or side edges, especially filter 5 and 6. Even with only the first layer, my prototype neural net was able to get a 60% accuracy on some classes e.g. Bag.

Conv Layer 2: 32 filters, kernel size 5

conv2 filters
conv1 filters
conv1 filters
conv1 filters
conv2 filters
conv1 filters
conv1 filters
conv1 filters

The different sets of 32 layers are different from each other in that some of them are sharp gradients while others are more uniform in color - picking up on edges or details on the surface of the fashion items.

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation"

Neural Net Architecture

Sources of architecture inspiration:


Long, Shellhammer, Darrell, 2018 FCN


Suh AlexNet Pytorch
FacadeNet Architecture

Design choices:

  • 6 convolutional layers and 2 transpose convolutional layers
  • Used deep convolutional layers in the middle of the network with up to 1024 filters to learn more detailed information
  • Used batch normalization after ReLU to renormalize the values truncated by the non-linearty - improved performance substantially
  • Found that small kernels worked better than larger ones, so I kept the size at 3 for all convolutional layers
  • Dropout layers or more maxpool layers did not help decrease loss or increase AP


  • Criterion: Cross Entropy Loss with equal weights on each class (overweighting pillars did not boost its accuracy)
  • Optimizer: Adam with learning rate 1e-3 and weight decay 1e-5)
  • Validation size: 10%, Training size: 90% (Chose larger training set because there were very few samples given the number of NN parameters)
  • Batch size: 10 for training, 0 for validation and test
  • Epochs: 15

Training loss curve across 15 epochs

tl facade
Training loss

Validation loss curve across 15 epochs

vl facade
Validation loss

Test Set Average Precision

Class Average Precision
0: Other | Black


1: Facade | Blue


2: Pillar | Green


3: Window | Orange


4: Balcony | Red


Mean AP across all classes


Example Image Result

I chose a picture of Doe Library because it has very thin windows and columns which will be difficult for the neural network to segment and it also has a bit of sentimental value since I'm a graduating senior. The neural network was still able to identify the middles of the pillars (but fails on the extremities of the pillars) and performed very well on the windows.

Doe Library

Test set success and failure case

My FacadeNet works very well for regular, rectangular windows and balconies.

Img 61
Ground Truth 61
Output 61

It tends to fail when it detects pillars where there are none.

Img 97
Ground Truth 97
Output 97