Project 5: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Part 1

Shooting Images

Below are the pictures I took for this project. All pictures were captured on an iPhone X, but were resized digitally for more efficient computation.

Recovering Homographies

The relationship between two photos taken at the same center of projection can be represented with a Perpsective Projection Transformation. A homography matrix can represent the transformation.

Warping Images

Below are some results of testing my homography function before applying it to mosaicing. I used it to rectify images with rectangular objects.

Example 1: For this image, I selected the four corners of the iPad and spoofed coordinates to transform them into: [[50, 100], [250, 100], [250, 400], [50, 400]]. The application of the resulting homography matrix H is shown on the right.

Original Image
Rectified Image

Example 2: For the sake of the Project 5A checkpoint, I took some pictures of my bedroom and tried to align them as a panorama. Unfortunately, when I took the photos I did not keep the same center of projection and accidentally moved the camera a bit, which accounts for the blurriness of the panorama. I didn't get a chance to retake the photos before the deadline tonight, but I implemented all the relevant functions and tested on this (poor) set of images. I believe that once I take better photos & choose better correspondence points, they will form a much nicer panorama.

Left Image
Right Image
Left Image Warped
Right Image Warped
Stiched Panorama