Project 5: Stitching and Mosaics

CS 194-26 Image Manipulation and Computational Photography Spring 2020


Part 1: Image Warping and Mosaicing

In this section, I took photos around my house to produce rectified images and blended some into cool mosaics.

1.1 Recover Homographies

In order to warp my images, I recovered the 3x3 homography that relates the a pair of images. I first used Python's ginput() function to pick 10 points on each pair of images. With the equation below, I used least squares to recover [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] which would be the values in H (and i = 1).

1.2 Image Warp and Rectification

Given the equation p' = Hp, I solved for p by applying the inverse homography matrix on the set of all coordinates, then normalizing all the x,y coordinates to 1 by dividing by w. To prevent aliasing during resampling, I applied linear interpolation so there wouldn't be any holes in the output. Below are some examples of rectification. For these two specific images, I specified 4 points on the image, and 4 corners of a blank destination image that would be used to reproduce H.

1.3 Image Stitching

For each panorama, I took 3 images (left, middle, right) and stitched them together to produce one final result. I recovered the homography transformation from the left→middle images as well as the transformation from right→middle images. I warped the left and right images to the middle image using the method specified in the section above. Once I had all 3 images in their correct rectified form, I played around with masks and applied alpha blending to each image.

1.4 Part 1 Takeaways

It was cool to see similar concepts from project 3 being applied to this project. I find it pretty fascinating that the homography matrix does so much of the bulk of this transformation. Choosing the points correspondances was quite tedious so I'm curious about the next part where we will automate that process.