Project 5: (Auto)Stitching Photo Mosaics

1. Image Warping and Mosaicing

Recover Homographies

The data for warping is consist of five images and 10 pairs of keypoints are annotated by hand for each pair of neighboring images. The red dots in the images below are the annotated keypoints used to warp the images.

As we can see, there is a noticeable difference between the blue and orange dots in the right images. This is due to hand annotation errors but mostly due to parallax since we do not have a tripod available and objects in the scene are only a few meters away from the camera.

Image Rectification

Below are some rectification result using the perspective transformation algorithm. The red dots in the images are the keypoints used to warp them.


We can create a panorama photo by stitching multiple images together. There is a slight parallax effect due to having translations when taking the photos.