Project 5 - [Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics

Part 1: Shooting the Pictures

Here are two pictures taken from my kitchen from two different points of view.

Part 2: Recover Homographies

The idea of Homography comes from this website: We choose multiple pairs of corresponding points in both pictures, then use the formula in the website to get a least square solution of the transformation matrix.

Part 4: Image Rectification

With the homogrtaphy, I pair the points on the four corners in a rectrangular screen in picture and pair them to the four corners of the picture.

Part 3: Warped the Images

Below is the cropped and warped version of the first image toward the second image.

Part 5: Blending the Images into a Mosaic

Here is the result of blending the images. It is worth to notice that the warped image is darker than the original image. It is mainly due to the reason that in the process of transformation, some of the pixels are not mapped hence are filled with black. I will try to improve it in PartB.


Image Rectification is fun especially when you have the experience in the crowd museum that you don't have the chance to shoot the painting in a nice way. Image Rectification helps to solve this problem!