[Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics


Shoot the Pictures

I took two pairs of pictures using iPhone with exposure and focus locking.

Pair A

Pair B

Recover Homographies

First, I use ginput in Python to providing point matches.

In our case, the transformation is a homography: p’=Hp, where H is a 3x3 matrix with 8 degrees of freedom (lower right corner is a scaling factor and can be set to 1). One way to recover the homography is via a set of (p’,p) pairs of corresponding points taken from the two images.

By setting lower right corner factor h33 to 1, the following equations can be derived:

Re-express with matrix:

This equation can be solved using least-squares:

Warp the Images

I used inverse warping to warp the images. First, I predict the bounding box by piping the four corners of the image through H. For each pixel in the warped bounding box, I computed the inverse warp and find the original value in original image.(without loop in Python)

Original Image in Pair A

Warped Image in Pair A

Original Image in Pair B

Warped Image in Pair B

Image Rectification

Because I know that the window is square, I clicked on the four corners of a window and store them in im1_pts while im2_pts I defined by hand to be a square.

Original Image

Rectified Image

Blend the images into a mosaic

I used masks to blend images. The mask is to set it to 1 at the center of each image and it fall off until it hits 0 at the edges.

Blend_img = im_A * mask_A + im_B * mask_B

Pair A:

Pair B:

Pair B did not blend well, because the lightness changed in the two pictures.


It is really interesting to know we can change the view angle of a image by simply applying the homography transformation. And the least-squares helps a lot when computing the matrix H. If you want to have a perfect blended image, you need to take the images in the same condition.