In [1]:
import numpy as np
import skimage as sk
import skimage.draw as skd
import as skio
import skimage.transform as sktr
import scipy.special as spsc
import scipy.ndimage as spi
import scipy.spatial as spsp
import scipy.interpolate as spin
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import cv2
import time
import math
from random import uniform
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from functools import reduce

%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
%%javascript # disable scrolling for output
IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
    return false;
In [3]:

# make matplotlib figures larger
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

Load Images

In [4]:
im_A = skio.imread('./ims/mid_1.jpg')
im_B = skio.imread('./ims/mid_2.jpg')

Step 1a: Detect Harris Corners

In [5]:
from skimage.feature import corner_harris, peak_local_max

def get_harris_corners(im, edge_discard=20):
    This function takes a b&w image and an optional amount to discard
    on the edge (default is 5 pixels), and finds all harris corners
    in the image. Harris corners near the edge are discarded and the
    coordinates of the remaining corners are returned. A 2d array (h)
    containing the h value of every pixel is also returned.

    h is the same shape as the original image, im.
    coords is 2 x n (ys, xs).

    assert edge_discard >= 20

    # find harris corners
    h = corner_harris(im, method='eps', sigma=1)
    coords = peak_local_max(h, min_distance=1, indices=True, threshold_rel=0.02)

    # discard points on edge
    edge = edge_discard  # pixels
    mask = (coords[:, 0] > edge) & \
           (coords[:, 0] < im.shape[0] - edge) & \
           (coords[:, 1] > edge) & \
           (coords[:, 1] < im.shape[1] - edge)
    coords = coords[mask].T
    return h, coords

def dist2(x, c):
    dist2  Calculates squared distance between two sets of points.

    D = DIST2(X, C) takes two matrices of vectors and calculates the
    squared Euclidean distance between them.  Both matrices must be of
    the same column dimension.  If X has M rows and N columns, and C has
    L rows and N columns, then the result has M rows and L columns.  The
    I, Jth entry is the  squared distance from the Ith row of X to the
    Jth row of C.

    Adapted from code by Christopher M Bishop and Ian T Nabney.
    ndata, dimx = x.shape
    ncenters, dimc = c.shape
    assert(dimx == dimc, 'Data dimension does not match dimension of centers')

    return (np.ones((ncenters, 1)) * np.sum((x**2).T, axis=0)).T + \
            np.ones((   ndata, 1)) * np.sum((c**2).T, axis=0)    - \
            2 * np.inner(x, c)
<>:49: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
<>:49: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
<>:49: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
<ipython-input-5-b064d25cf608>:49: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
  assert(dimx == dimc, 'Data dimension does not match dimension of centers')


In [6]:
im_A_corners_vals, im_A_corners_coords = get_harris_corners(sk.color.rgb2gray(im_A), edge_discard=80)
im_B_corners_vals, im_B_corners_coords = get_harris_corners(sk.color.rgb2gray(im_B), edge_discard=80)

im_A_corners_coords = im_A_corners_coords.T
im_B_corners_coords = im_B_corners_coords.T


In [7]:

im_A_corners_overlay = np.copy(im_A)
for p in im_A_corners_coords:
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_A_corners_overlay[p[0]+y_off, p[1]+x_off] = (255, 0, 0)

im_B_corners_overlay = np.copy(im_B)
for p in im_B_corners_coords:
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_B_corners_overlay[p[0]+y_off, p[1]+x_off] = (255, 0, 0)
In [8]:
skio.imsave('./out/im_A_corners_overlay.jpg', im_A_corners_overlay, quality=100)

skio.imsave('./out/im_B_corners_overlay.jpg', im_B_corners_overlay, quality=100)

Step 1b: Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

In [9]:
(24713, 2)
In [10]:
def ANMS(pts, H, num_pts=500, c_robust = 0.9):
    new_pts = np.array([[0, 0], 0])
    for p_i in tqdm(pts):
        strength_i = H[p_i[0], p_i[1]]
        ops = pts[ c_robust * H[ pts[:,0],pts[:,1] ] > strength_i ]
        if ops.shape[0] == 0:
            new_pts = np.vstack((new_pts, np.array([p_i, float('inf')])))
            dists = dist2(np.array([p_i]), np.array(ops))
            new_pts = np.vstack( ( new_pts,np.array([p_i, np.amin(dists)]) ) )
    new_pts = new_pts[1:]
    sort_i = np.argsort(new_pts[:,1])[-num_pts:]
    return np.stack(new_pts[sort_i][:num_pts,0])


In [11]:
im_A_corners_coords_anms = ANMS(im_A_corners_coords, im_A_corners_vals)
im_B_corners_coords_anms = ANMS(im_B_corners_coords, im_B_corners_vals)


In [12]:

im_A_corners_overlay_anms = np.copy(im_A)
for p in im_A_corners_coords_anms:
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_A_corners_overlay_anms[p[0]+y_off, p[1]+x_off] = (255, 0, 0)

im_B_corners_overlay_anms = np.copy(im_B)
for p in im_B_corners_coords_anms:
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_B_corners_overlay_anms[p[0]+y_off, p[1]+x_off] = (255, 0, 0)
In [13]:
skio.imsave('./out/im_A_corners_overlay_anms.jpg', im_A_corners_overlay_anms, quality=100)

skio.imsave('./out/im_B_corners_overlay_anms.jpg', im_B_corners_overlay_anms, quality=100)

Step 2: Extract Feature Descriptors

In [14]:
def get_feature_descriptors(im, pts, sample_res=40, output_res=8):
    feat_descs = []
    for p in pts:
        sample_raw = im[p[0]-(sample_res//2):p[0]+(sample_res//2), p[1]-(sample_res//2):p[1]+(sample_res//2)]
        sample_downscale = cv2.resize(sample_raw, (output_res,output_res))
        sample_downscale_norm = (sample_downscale - sample_downscale.mean()) / sample_downscale.std()
        sample_downscale_norm_bw = sk.color.rgb2gray(sample_downscale_norm)
    return np.array(feat_descs)


In [15]:
im_A_feature_descriptors = get_feature_descriptors(im_A, im_A_corners_coords_anms, sample_res=160, output_res=16)
im_B_feature_descriptors = get_feature_descriptors(im_B, im_B_corners_coords_anms, sample_res=160, output_res=16)


In [16]:
# n/a

Step 3: Match Feature Descriptors

In [17]:
def match_feature_descriptors(feat_desc_A, feat_desc_B, threshold=0.65):
    assert feat_desc_A.shape == feat_desc_B.shape
    num_feats, feat_size, _ = feat_desc_A.shape
    feat_desc_vectorized_A = np.resize(feat_desc_A, (num_feats,feat_size*feat_size))
    feat_desc_vectorized_B = np.resize(feat_desc_B, (num_feats,feat_size*feat_size))
    dists = dist2(feat_desc_vectorized_A, feat_desc_vectorized_B)
    e_1nn = np.amin(dists, axis=1)
    nn_j = np.argmin(dists, axis=1)
    e_2nn = np.partition(dists, 1)[:,1]
    nn_i = np.nonzero((e_1nn/e_2nn) < threshold)[0]
    feature_matchings = (nn_i, nn_j[nn_i])
    return feature_matchings


In [18]:
feature_matchings = match_feature_descriptors(im_A_feature_descriptors, im_B_feature_descriptors)
In [19]:
num_feats = feature_matchings[0].shape[0]
print("Number of Matches = {}".format(num_feats))
Number of Matches = 33


In [20]:

im_A_matchings_overlay = np.copy(im_A)
im_B_matchings_overlay = np.copy(im_B)

rand_color = lambda : int(uniform(0,255))

for i in range(num_feats):
    pa_i = feature_matchings[0][i]
    pb_i = feature_matchings[1][i]
    pa = im_A_corners_coords_anms[pa_i]
    pb = im_B_corners_coords_anms[pb_i]
    color = np.array([rand_color(), rand_color(), rand_color()])
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_A_matchings_overlay[pa[0]+y_off, pa[1]+x_off] = color
            im_B_matchings_overlay[pb[0]+y_off, pb[1]+x_off] = color
In [21]:
skio.imsave('./out/im_A_matchings_overlay.jpg', im_A_matchings_overlay, quality=100)

skio.imsave('./out/im_B_matchings_overlay.jpg', im_B_matchings_overlay, quality=100)

Step 4: RANSAC for Homography

In [22]:
def computeH(im1_pts, im2_pts):
    pts_1 = np.hstack((im1_pts, np.ones((im1_pts.shape[0],1))))
    pts_2 = np.hstack((im2_pts, np.ones((im2_pts.shape[0],1))))
    y = np.zeros(1)
    for p in pts_1:
        p = p.reshape((3,1))
        y = np.vstack((y,p))
    y = y[1:]
    A = np.zeros((1,9))
    for p in pts_2:
        r = np.hstack((p, np.zeros(6)))
        A = np.vstack((A, r))
        r = np.hstack((np.zeros(3), p, np.zeros(3)))
        A = np.vstack((A, r))
        r = np.hstack((np.zeros(6), p))
        A = np.vstack((A, r))
    A = A[1:,]
    x, r, rank, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None)
    return x.reshape(3,3)
In [23]:
def ransac(pts_A, pts_B, feature_matchings, check_perc=2, threshold=80):
    num_pts = feature_matchings[0].shape[0]
    epochs = int(check_perc * spsc.comb(num_pts,4))
    pts_A_matched = pts_A[feature_matchings[0]] # (n, 2)
    pts_B_matched = pts_B[feature_matchings[1]] # (n, 2)
    best_inliers_i = None
    best_num_inliers = float('-inf')
    best_anchor_pts_A = None
    best_anchor_pts_B = None
    for _ in tqdm(range(epochs)):
        pts_i = []
        while len(pts_i) < 4:
            i = int(uniform(0, num_pts-1))
            if i not in pts_i:
        pts_i = np.array(sorted(pts_i)) # (1, n)
        pts_A_subset = pts_A_matched[pts_i] # (k, 2)
        pts_B_subset = pts_B_matched[pts_i] # (k, 2)
        H = computeH(pts_A_subset, pts_B_subset) # (3, 3) [x (2/3, k)]
        b_prep = np.hstack( (pts_B_matched, np.ones( (num_pts,1) )) ) # (n, 3)
        Hb = np.matmul(H, b_prep.T)[:2,] # (2, n)
        if False:
            b_prep = np.hstack( (pts_B_subset, np.ones( (4,1) )) ) # (4, 3)
            test = np.matmul(H, b_prep.T) # (2, 4)
            print(test[:2] - pts_A_subset.T)
            error = np.sum((test[:2] - pts_A_subset.T)**2, axis=0) # (1, 4)
            error = np.sum(np.sum((test[:2] - pts_A_subset.T)**2, axis=0)) # (1, 4)
            return None
        ssd = np.sum((Hb - pts_A_matched.T)**2, axis=0) # (1, n)
        inliers_i = np.nonzero(ssd < threshold)
        num_inliers = np.count_nonzero(ssd < threshold)
        if num_inliers > best_num_inliers:
            best_inliers_i = inliers_i
            best_num_inliers = num_inliers
            best_anchor_pts_A = pts_A_subset
            best_anchor_pts_B = pts_B_subset
            print('Found Homography with {} Inliers'.format(num_inliers))
    pts_A_matched_inliers = pts_A_matched[best_inliers_i]
    pts_B_matched_inliers = pts_B_matched[best_inliers_i]
    H = computeH(pts_A_matched_inliers, pts_B_matched_inliers)
    return H, pts_A_matched_inliers, pts_B_matched_inliers, best_anchor_pts_A, best_anchor_pts_B


In [24]:
H, pAmi, pBmi, bapA, bapB = ransac(im_A_corners_coords_anms, im_B_corners_coords_anms, feature_matchings)
Found Homography with 5 Inliers
Found Homography with 6 Inliers
Found Homography with 7 Inliers
Found Homography with 9 Inliers
Found Homography with 10 Inliers


In [25]:

im_A_ransac_overlay = np.copy(im_A)
im_B_ransac_overlay = np.copy(im_B)
im_A_ransac_overlay_warped_pts = np.copy(im_A)
rand_color = lambda : int(uniform(0,255))

for i in range(pAmi.shape[0]):
    pa = pAmi[i]
    pb = pBmi[i]
    pc_prep = np.hstack( (pb, 1) ).T
    pc = np.rint(np.matmul(H, pc_prep)).astype(int)[:2]
    color = np.array([0, rand_color(), rand_color()])
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_A_ransac_overlay[pa[0]+y_off, pa[1]+x_off] = color
            im_B_ransac_overlay[pb[0]+y_off, pb[1]+x_off] = color
            im_A_ransac_overlay_warped_pts[pc[0]+y_off, pc[1]+x_off] = color
rand_color = lambda : int(uniform(100,255))

for i in range(bapA.shape[0]):
    pa = bapA[i]
    pb = bapB[i]
    pc_prep = np.hstack( (pb, 1) ).T
    pc = np.rint(np.matmul(H, pc_prep)).astype(int)[:2]
    color = np.array([rand_color(), 0, 0])
    for x_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
        for y_off in range(-RADIUS,RADIUS+1):
            im_A_ransac_overlay[pa[0]+y_off, pa[1]+x_off] = color
            im_B_ransac_overlay[pb[0]+y_off, pb[1]+x_off] = color
            im_A_ransac_overlay_warped_pts[pc[0]+y_off, pc[1]+x_off] = color
In [26]:
print('Actual Points im A')
skio.imsave('./out/im_A_ransac_overlay.jpg', im_A_ransac_overlay, quality=100)

print('Actual Points im B')
skio.imsave('./out/im_B_ransac_overlay.jpg', im_B_ransac_overlay, quality=100)

print('Warped Points im B -> A')
skio.imsave('./out/im_A_ransac_overlay_warped_pts.jpg', im_A_ransac_overlay_warped_pts, quality=100)
Actual Points im A
Actual Points im B
Warped Points im B -> A

Step 5a: Warp into Mosaic

In [27]:
def warpImage(im, H_mat):
    # Warp Corners
    im_B_H, im_B_W, im_B_D = im.shape
    im_corners = np.array([(0, 0, 1),
                           (im_B_H, 0, 1),
                           (im_B_H, im_B_W, 1),
                           (0, im_B_W, 1)
    new_corners = np.matmul(H_mat, im_corners.T)
    # Fix Bounding Box
    HMAX, HMIN = max(new_corners[0]), min(new_corners[0])
    WMAX, WMIN = max(new_corners[1]), min(new_corners[1])
    warp_H, warp_W = int(HMAX), int(WMAX)
    t_vec = np.zeros(2)
    if HMIN < 0:
        t_vec += np.array([-1 * int(HMIN) + 1, 0])
    if WMIN < 0:
        t_vec += np.array([0, -1 * int(WMIN) + 1])
    t_vec = np.rint(t_vec).astype(int)
    print('im_B dims = {}'.format(im.shape[:2]))
    print('t_vec = {}'.format(t_vec))
    print('warped im size = {}'.format((warp_H + t_vec[0], warp_W + t_vec[1])))
    print('corners (TL BL BR TR) =')
    # Points from warped canvas to be Calculated
    im_points_rr, im_points_cc = skd.polygon(new_corners[0]+t_vec[0], new_corners[1]+t_vec[1], (warp_H + t_vec[0], warp_W + t_vec[1]))
    im_points_rr -= t_vec[0]
    im_points_cc -= t_vec[1]
    im_points_one = np.column_stack((im_points_rr, im_points_cc, np.ones(im_points_cc.shape[0])))

    # Find Points from Image B to be Used
    raw_pts = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(H_mat), im_points_one.T)
    im_pts = np.rint(raw_pts[:2]).astype(int).T
    good_i_1 = np.nonzero(im_pts[:,0] >= 0)
    good_i_2 = np.nonzero(im_pts[:,0] < im_B_H)
    good_i_3 = np.nonzero(im_pts[:,1] >= 0)
    good_i_4 = np.nonzero(im_pts[:,1] < im_B_W)
    good_i = reduce(np.intersect1d, (good_i_1, good_i_2, good_i_3, good_i_4))
    im_pts = im_pts[good_i]
    im_points_rr = im_points_rr[good_i]
    im_points_cc = im_points_cc[good_i]
    # Warp Points
    im_warped = np.zeros((warp_H + t_vec[0], warp_W + t_vec[1], im_B_D), im.dtype)
    im_warped[im_points_rr+t_vec[0], im_points_cc+t_vec[1]] = im[im_pts[:,0],[im_pts[:,1]]]
    return im_warped, t_vec, np.rint(new_corners).astype(int)[:2].T


In [28]:
im_B_warped, translation_vec, im_B_warped_corners = warpImage(im_B, H)
im_B dims = (3024, 4032)
t_vec = [142   0]
warped im size = (3210, 5989)
corners (TL BL BR TR) =
[[  64 1898]
 [3069 1823]
 [2864 5915]
 [-141 5989]]


In [47]:
skio.imsave('./out/im_B_warped.jpg', im_B_warped, quality=100)

Step 5b: Combine Images and Gaussian+Laplacian Spectrum Blending (NOT USED)

In [48]:
def blend(im_1, im_2, mask, N):
    assert im_1.shape == im_2.shape == mask.shape
    im_curr_gauss_1 = im_1
    im_curr_gauss_2 = im_2
    mask_curr = mask
    im_combined = np.zeros(mask.shape)
    # Loop through Levels of Stack
    for n in range(0, N + 1):
        # Gaussian Constants
        k = 100
        s = k/3

        # Create Gaussian Filter    
        gaussian_1d = cv2.getGaussianKernel(k, s)
        gaussian_2d = np.outer(gaussian_1d, gaussian_1d)
        gaussian_2d = gaussian_2d / np.sum(gaussian_2d)
        # Apply Gaussian
        im_curr_gauss_prev_1 = im_curr_gauss_1
        im_curr_gauss_prev_2 = im_curr_gauss_2
        im_curr_gauss_1 = spi.convolve(im_curr_gauss_1, gaussian_2d)
        im_curr_gauss_2 = spi.convolve(im_curr_gauss_2, gaussian_2d)
        mask_curr = spi.convolve(mask_curr, gaussian_2d)
        # Find Laplacian
        if n == N:
            im_curr_lapl_1 = im_curr_gauss_prev_1
            im_curr_lapl_2 = im_curr_gauss_prev_2
            im_curr_lapl_1 = im_curr_gauss_prev_1 - im_curr_gauss_1
            im_curr_lapl_2 = im_curr_gauss_prev_2 - im_curr_gauss_2
        # Construct Combined Image
        im_combined_curr = np.multiply(mask_curr, im_curr_lapl_1) + np.multiply(1 - mask_curr, im_curr_lapl_2)
        im_combined = im_combined + im_combined_curr
        # Show Current Stack Layer
        print_img('Laplacian Stack N={}'.format(n))
    return im_combined

Create Mask

In [ ]:


In [49]:
# Calculate Blending
im_blend = blend(im_1, im_B_warped, border_mask, 3)
'\n# Calculate Blending\nim_blend = blend(im_1, im_B_warped, border_mask, 3)\n'

Step 5b: Combine Images and Alpha Blend

In [50]:
canvas = np.zeros(im_B_warped.shape)
In [51]:
H, W, D = im_A.shape

rr = np.array([0, H, H, 0])
cc = np.array([0, 0, W, W])

im_points_rr_old, im_points_cc_old = skd.polygon(rr, cc)
im_points_rr_new, im_points_cc_new = im_points_rr_old + translation_vec[0], im_points_cc_old + translation_vec[1] 

good_i_1 = np.nonzero(im_points_rr_old >= 0)
good_i_2 = np.nonzero(im_points_rr_old < H)
good_i_3 = np.nonzero(im_points_cc_old >= 0)
good_i_4 = np.nonzero(im_points_cc_old < W)

good_i = reduce(np.intersect1d, (good_i_1, good_i_2, good_i_3, good_i_4))

im_points_cc_old = im_points_cc_old[good_i]
im_points_rr_old = im_points_rr_old[good_i]
im_points_cc_new = im_points_cc_new[good_i]
im_points_rr_new = im_points_rr_new[good_i]

canvas[im_points_rr_new, im_points_cc_new] = im_A[im_points_rr_old,im_points_cc_old]
In [52]:
mask = np.logical_and(canvas, im_B_warped)

canvas += im_B_warped

canvas[mask > 0] = canvas[mask > 0] / 2

canvas = canvas.astype(np.uint8)


In [53]:
skio.imsave('./out/final_result.jpg', canvas, quality=100)
In [ ]: