CS 194-26: Image Manipulation, Computer Vision and Computational Photography, Spring 2020

Project 5: Stitching Photo Mosaics

Ryan Koh, CS194-26-acc

Part A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Just for the checkpoint, I implemented simple rectification of an image taken at an angle using homography. First, I defined a function that given two sets of correspondence points, found the homography transformation matrix that takes one to the other using least squares. I then took an angled photograph of another picture on my wall, and selected correspondence points on that photograph at each of its four corners. I then defined another set of correspondence points equivalent to just a simple rectangle. From there, I found the H matrix using my function that I defined with those two sets of correspondence points, and then for each point position in my original image, found the inverse warping equivalent pixel from the angled image. After finding this matching, I filled in the pixels accordingly, to create my rectified image! Below are my original, and then rectified images:


Here is another example of me using rectification, this time on a light switch on my wall:


Next, I took pictures of parts of my house, and manually set correspondence points in order to align and blend them into a mosaic. I used the same technique as in Project 3, except using a homography instead of an affine transformation, to compute the inverse warping between two images, in order to warp one to the alignment of the other one. I managed to do this for various pairs of pictures, manually defining the correspondence points by hand to create the corresponding homography transformation between them. I also used alpha blending to smooth out the edges of the pictures for alignment, multiplying pixels by constant values between 0 and 1 that increased to 1 as they got closer to the center. This allowed for the edges to become smoother between images, although it did create slightly darker images in certain areas of the panorama.

Below are the source images and resulting mosaic of three different attempts at manually defining correspondence points of images in my own house, and one from the provided source images. I used a total of 10 - 12 correspondence points per image, which resulted in some noise between the two, although this could be corrected depending on the precision of those points or just including more in general:

Wall: Left
Wall: Right
Wall: Mosaic
Room: Left
Room: Right
Room: Mosaic
Loft: Left
Loft: Right
Loft: Mosaic (Failure Case)
City: Left
City: Right
City: Mosaic

In particular, the loft panorama turned out incredibly stretched, most likely due to how I took the pictures. Since I was standing in the center of the room, and pivoted in a circle to capture the images, it caused the resulting panorama to not really account for that rotation, and stretch out the sides instead to account for this. Due to this, I made sure to take into account this when taking the rest of my images for future reference.

What I learned

In this part, I learned how simple it was to rectify things, only needing to use a simple least squares formulation, and how I could create cool panoramas just using techniques I used from previous projects! It was really interesting how everything built together to create these new images, and its exciting to see how the underlying technology for doing these sorts of things is actually remarkably simple.

Part B: Feature Matching for Autostitching

In the previous part, I manually defined correspondence points in order to find the appropriate homography; this time however, the goal was to figure out how to implement automatically finding the homography, in order to create a better and automatic matching.

For the subparts, I demonstrate the intermediate results on my wall images, although I eventually use this automatic matching technique for all the same previous mosaics!

Step 1: Corner Detection

In order to first detect corners, I used the provided harris.py code, and ran it on both of the two images that I wanted to combine. Essentially, the code returned a set of interest points, or Harris corners, from each image, as well as their individual corner strength. I also used a minimum distance of 35 pixels between the corners in order to create more spread between the corners, since I had relatively high resolution images and I didn't want too many points. Below are the results of plotting these Harris corners on each of their respective images:

Left: Harris Corners
Right: Harris Corners

Next, I implemented Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression, which resulted in taking a sparser subset of these chosen corners in order to be more selective with our desired matches. Basically, ANMS works by going through all the provided Harris corners and checking each one for its minimum suppresion radius. I computed for each corner the closest other corner that 'suppresses' it, which means the closest one that meets the criteria where its strength times 0.9 was still greater than the current corner's strength. Doing this allowed me to reduce the thousand over Harris corners given to a smaller subset of 500 per image, as seen below:

Left: ANMS
Right: ANMS

Step 2: Feature Descriptor Extraction

Next, for each of my remaining corners, I took that corner as the center of a 40 x 40 pixel box, and downsampled it to 8 x 8 with a stepsize of 5. Then I demeaned and normalized this box to get a generic descriptor of the corner. Essentially, this method allows for similar features to map to boxes with similar SSD values, which will be helpful later for feature matching. Below are the display results of one of the descriptors from each image. Note that the descriptor is resized visually up from 8 x 8:

Left: Feature Descriptor
Right: Feature Descriptor

Step 3: Descriptor Matching

To determine which of the features in each image were good matches for each other, I took the SSD of each feature descriptor in one image with each feature descriptor in the other; then for each, I obtained both the first nearest neighbor (1-NN) amd the second closest nearest neighbor (2-NN). By Lowe's rule for thresholding, I concluded that I could choose to only include feature pairs that whereby the ratio between the first and second nearest neighbors were less than 0.5. Essentially, what this meant is that the SSD to the 1-NN was a lot smaller than the SSD to the 2-NN, which meant that the original two were very likely to be correct and matching correspondence points. This was just outlier rejection, and allowed me to throw out a large amount of points that did not have good correspondences with other points. Then to tidy up the remaining points, I also removed duplicate pairs that existed from checking the threshold in both directions.

Step 4: RANSAC

With a bunch of pairs of corners between the two images, I then used 4 point RANSAC to create a better homography estimate. The procedure for this is to arbitarily select four pairs and compute the homography transformation between them, exactly rather than using least squares. Then, I went through all pairs of points (p, p'), applied the homography tranformation H to p, and then took the SSD between Hp and p'. If this SSD was less than 1, I concluded that the correspondence points matched the transformation, and added it to a current set of inliers. Doing this for a long time, about 10000 iterations, and then taking the largest set of inliers allowed me to decide that the remaining set of inliers were highly likely to be correct correspondence points. The last step of RANSAC is to then compute the least squares homography matrix over all the inliers, which in turn created a more accurate estimation.

Step 5: Run Original Alignment w/ New Homography

Using this automatically generated homgography matrix, I could then just run the original alignment code to create mosaics and panoramas as before! Below are the results of the same source images, as before, although on the left is the result of manual correspondence selection, while on the right is the result of automatic stitching:


The automatic stitching appeared to better correct the alignment between both the city image and the loft image! Overall, the mosaics made appeared to be of a higher quality, and were more refined as a whole.

What I learned

The coolest thing here was how everything really came together to be able to create these amazing panoramas automatically! It was really cool how the computer manages to achieve similar or even better results than just the human eye automatically, even though you would think that manually defining correspondence points is something that humans would be better at doing. As a whole, this project was really rewarding, and I learned so much about how we can use these techniques of feature detection and matching in order to automatically stitch! Also RANSAC is really cool :')