Project 5: Image Stitching


For the first part of the project, I implemented a transformation that transforms one image to look like from the perspective of another.

To find the homography, I solve an H matrix with 4 pairs of labeled points. I also use the algorithm to produce rectification of paintings.

For the second part of this project, I implemented algorithm to automatically produce labeled points for calculating transformation matrix.



The following pictures are taken in my kitchen. The algorithm transforms the first into one that can be stitched with the second.

Image 1 and 2



Automatically Selecting Points: Harris Detector -> ANMS -> Matching

Here I select min_distance in finding local peaks to be 5, and take only the top 2000 results.

For ANMS, a threshold of 0.2 turns out to be most accurate.

Harris Corners  ANMS Matched




Below are mosaic from manually-labeled point on the left and automatically labeled ones on the right.






For this part, I used the transformation function to transform the painting on the right of the original picture to a frontal parallel one.





Part1:From this part, I was surprised by how well this simple transformation works without any complicated technique. Thats what I learned most from, that to tackle a seemingly hard problem sometimes we dont need that many complicated techniques.

Part2: Similar to part1, I realize how simple automation in image processing can be in some problems. However, such automation is still outperformed by manually labeled data.