[Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics


Shoot the Pictures

I took two pairs of pictures using iPhone with exposure and focus locking.

Pair A

Pair B

Recover Homographies

First, I use ginput in Python to providing point matches.

In our case, the transformation is a homography: p’=Hp, where H is a 3x3 matrix with 8 degrees of freedom (lower right corner is a scaling factor and can be set to 1). One way to recover the homography is via a set of (p’,p) pairs of corresponding points taken from the two images.

By setting lower right corner factor h33 to 1, the following equations can be derived:

Re-express with matrix:

This equation can be solved using least-squares:

Warp the Images

I used inverse warping to warp the images. First, I predict the bounding box by piping the four corners of the image through H. For each pixel in the warped bounding box, I computed the inverse warp and find the original value in original image.(without loop in Python)

Original Image in Pair A

Warped Image in Pair A

Original Image in Pair B

Warped Image in Pair B

Image Rectification

Because I know that the window is square, I clicked on the four corners of a window and store them in im1_pts while im2_pts I defined by hand to be a square.

Original Image

Rectified Image

Blend the images into a mosaic

I used masks to blend images. The mask is to set it to 1 at the center of each image and it fall off until it hits 0 at the edges.

Blend_img = im_A * mask_A + im_B * mask_B

Pair A:

Pair B:

Pair B did not blend well, because the lightness changed in the two pictures.


It is really interesting to know we can change the view angle of a image by simply applying the homography transformation. And the least-squares helps a lot when computing the matrix H. If you want to have a perfect blended image, you need to take the images in the same condition.


Detecting corner features in an image

The interesting points are Harris corners in an image. The Harris matrix at position (x, y) is the smoothed outer product of the gradients.

To find interest points, we first compute the “corner strength” function

Using Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression mentioned in "Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches", we can obtain the 500 interesting points by computing r_i:


Extracting a Feature Descriptor for each feature point

Given an oriented interest point, we sample a 8 × 8 patch of pixels around the sub-pixel location of the interest point, using a spacing of s = 5 pixels between samples. After sampling, the descriptor vector is normalised so that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. This makes the features invariant to affine changes in intensity (bias and gain).


Matching these feature descriptors between two images

According to "Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches", e1−NN /e2−NN is a good indicator of corner matching. Here e1−NN denotes the error for the best match (first nearest neighbour) and e2−NN denotes the error for the second best match (second nearest neighbour). I set the threshold to be 0.5.


Use a robust method (RANSAC) to compute a homography

Follow the algorithm as follows:


Proceed as in Project 3 to produce a mosaic


Masic A


Masic B


Masic C

Bells & Whistles

Add multiscale processing for corner detection and feature description.

Using Gaussian image pyramid to detect corners from 5 levels. And each level has its own feature description.


Add rotation invariance to the descriptors.

For each interest point, we also compute an orientation θ, where the orientation vector [cos θ,sin θ] = u/|u| comes from the smoothed local gradient




Panorama recognition

By computing the homogeneous matrix of each pair, we can get an ralation graph. By cluster the images connected, we can recognize all the panoramas.



Recognized Panoramas


AUTOSTITCHING is really interesting. I haved learned all these interesting algorithms to get a perfect panorama. This step-by-step process let me totally understand these computer vision algorithms.