Course Information for CS250: VLSI Systems Design

Fall 2012

Catalog Description: VLSI Systems Design

4 units. Three hours of lecture per week, plus one hour of section per week. Labs. Prerequisites: CS150.

Class Schedule/Rooms

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 11AM-12:30PM, 320 Soda Hall
Section: Wednesday, 5-6PM, 320 Soda Hall


John Wawrzynek, Professor, CS Division, EECS Department
Email: johnw at eecs
Office Hours: TBD, 630 Soda Hall

Krste Asanović, Associate Professor, CS Division, EECS Department
Email: krste at eecs

John Lazzaro, Research Specialist, EECS Department
Email: john dot lazzaro at gmail

Jonathan Bachrach, Assistant Adjunct Professor, CS Division, EECS Department
Email: jackbackrack at gmail
Office Hours: Thursday, 10-11AM, 567 Soda Hall (ParLab)

Teaching Assistant:

Rimas Avizienis
Email: rimas at eecs
Office Hours: TBD


The course has a Piazza site that we will use for online class discussions and to answer questions.

Course Grading

5%Class Discussion

See also Departmental Grading Guidelines for Graduate Courses.


The labs will provide hands-on experience with the VLSI tools.

Late Labs Policy

Each student gets a total of four late days they can spend to extend the lab deadlines for any reason. No other extensions will be given, unless for serious documented emergencies.

Collaboration Policy

Students are encouraged to discuss solutions to the lab assignments with other students, but must run the lab themselves and turn in their own lab report.