1) Please summarize the paper. 2) My colleagues often email me links to documents in Google Drive. Often, when I click those links, I need to log in to my Calnet account before I can access the document, so I've gotten used to entering my password whenever I click on a link in an email and see something that looks like a Calnet login form. Has this conditioned me to act in a safe way or unsafe way? Why? 3) The Calnet administrators are considering adding some code to the Calnet login page to block use of password managers (so your browser's password manager won't automatically fill in the password, even if you have configured your browser to remember your Calnet password). What impact, if any, will this have on the risk of phishing attacks targeted at Berkeley users? 4) Was there anything about the paper that you'd like to discuss in class? Or, what's the one thing you'd most like us to discuss in class today?