Web Page Assignment

Due by Friday, September 13th, 2002.

Create a simple web page that contains: Name the HTML file with this information "index.html" and put it in a directory named after yourself in all lowercase with no special characters and with an underscore between your first and last name (e.g. james_obrien). Put the picture of yourself and anything else referenced by web page in the directory. Make sure all references in the web page (other than the link to your home page) are relative. TAR up the directory and e-mail it to Prof. O'Brien.

An example is here, and the TAR'ed version is here.

This "assignment" will not be graded, but failure to do it will annoy the professors who will then insist on referring to you as "what's-'is-name" or perhaps "you there." Please follow the directions closely so that your professors do not become confused.

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