CS 294-3 Spring 2004:
Reconfigurable Computing.

Project Proposal Guidelines:


This is intended to give you an idea of what is expected for the in-class oral project proposal.


Project proposal presentations start in class on 2/11. We will use the class presentation discussion to help focus (or expand) your proposal.  Please prepare slides (PowerPoint, for instance) so that you can get through the material quickly.  Plan on speaking for 12-15 minutes (this means no more than 10 slides).  You need to cover the following points:


Background and Motivation. (What is the context for this work?  Why is it interesting/challenging?)


Prior Work.  (What is the related work?  Have others tried it already?)


Project Goals.  (What is your objective in this project?)


Approach.  (How are you going to tackle the problem?  What are the intermediate steps you will be taking?  Where do you expect to end up by the end of the semester?)


Extensions and fall-back.  (If you find yourself with more time how would you expand the project?  If you are unable to complete your primary goals what will be a reasonable fall-back position?)