~cs3/public_html/*/README Aug 24, 2005 On Aug 24, 2005, I did this: cd ~cs3/public_html mv 2003FaDan fa03 mv 2003SpDan sp03 mv 2003SuClint su03 mv 2003SuClintTopLevel su03/2003SuClintTopLevel mv 2004FaNate fa04 mv 2004SpMike sp04 mv 2004SuClint su04 mv 2005SpNate sp05 mv 2005SuClint sp05 Then I installed ~cs3/public_html/archives.html (lists links to the past semesters) ~cs3/public_html/index.html (redirects to the current semester or to archives.hrml) I checked each subdirectory for hard-coded links that were broken by this, and I made them relative links ("./" instead of ~cs3/sp03/", etc). The motivation and the plan for this are described under http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/setup.html#class_page. Kevin Mullally Manager, EECS Instructional Support Group 378 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, (510) 643-6141 http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~kevinm