;; Constructor (define (make-person name children) (list name children)) ;; Accessors (define (children tree) (cadr tree)) (define (name tree) (car tree)) ;; Jessica (define jessica (make-person '(Jessica Grey) (list (make-person '(Joseph Wetter) '())))) ;; Jason (define jason (make-person '(Jason Grey) (list (make-person '(Sean Grey) '()) (make-person '(Mary Grey) (list (make-person '(Fred Smith) '()) (make-person '(Jane Smith) '()))) (make-person '(Hannah Grey) '())))) ;; John (define john (make-person '(John Grey) (list (make-person '(Amy Grey) '()) jason jessica))) ;; Lucas (define lucas (make-person '(Lucas Grey) (list john (make-person '(Peter Grey) '())))) ;; Find the max number of grandchildren that a person in the ;; given person's family has. (define (number-most-grandchildren person) "") ;; Who has the most grandchildren? (define (most-grandchildren person) "") ;; Change a person's name in a given person's family tree (define (replace-people oldname newname person) "") ;; Remove a person's family from a given person's family tree (define (replace-family target person) "") ;; ;; Print helper ;; (define (print-family-tree person) (define (helper person depth) (display (n-spaces (* 3 depth))) (show (name person)) (for-each (lambda (x) (helper x (+ 1 depth))) (children person))) (helper person 0)) (define (n-spaces n) (if (= n 0) "" (word " " (n-spaces (- n 1)))))