CS 39J - The Art and Science of Photography Dani's camera
Designed by Steven Chan


Schedule & Notes

This page is an overview of each week's session, with a breakdown of topics discussed.

Notes Clicking this icon takes you to the Notes for each session.
* This icon precedes an assignment.


Week 1 (September 3) — Welcome


Welcome to CS 39J


Preliminary quiz



Week 2 (September 10)


Administrative matters


Film processing in Berkeley


Brands of Slide films

* ASUC Darkroom Facilities

As the first assignment, take a few pictures in the dusk, a bit earlier than sunset, a little underexposed. This assignment is due Wednesday 9/22/04, at 4:00pm. Email me a pointer to the files.


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 2...


Week 3 (September 17)


Administrative matters


Why use slides?



* A couple of rules of thumb

The first assignment is due this Wednesday 9/22/04, 4:00pm. Don't forget to email me a pointer to the files.


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 3...


Week 4 (September 24)


A critique of assignment 1 (sunset assignment)was held in class.



Week 5 (October 1)


Administrative matters




Depth of field

* Creating a Natural Fill Flash Effect at Sunrise/Sunset

The second assignment is due this Wednesday 10/06/04, 4:00pm. Don't forget to email me a pointer to the files.


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 5...


Week 6 (October 8)


The class attended a rally, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the free speech movement in Sproul Plaza. Photos taken by the students and staff can be found here.


NotesSee the FSM page...


Week 7 (October 15)


Administrative matters


Guest Lecturer, Mr. Richard Lyon


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 7...


Week 8 (October 22)


Getting started in Photoshop


Critique of the photos of color assignment


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 8...


Week 9 (October 29)


Guest lecturer professor Linda Rugg


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 9...


Week 10 (November 5)




Critique of color and construction assignments


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 10...


Week 11 (November 12)


New assignment on "depth of field"


Today, we went to the Berkeley Art Museum where we were shown the work of various photographers including Ansel Adams (The Museum Collection), Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Marion Brenner, Michael Kenna, Julia Margaret Cameron, Robert Adams, Imogen Cunningham, William Rogan, and Dorthea Lange.



Week 12 (November 19)


Gale Jesi was the guest lecturer. You can find the notes here.


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 12...


Week 13 (December 3)


Critique of people and depth of field assignments




Week 14 (December 10)


The final project, color wheel, was presented. Here is a link to the photos.


NotesSee the Detailed Notes for Session 14...














Department of Computer ScienceOfficial Website for the University of California, Berkeley

Current webmaster: Shamim Pakzad (shamimp@ce.berkeley.edu).
CS 39J: The Art and Science of Photography is a freshman seminar taught by Professor Brian A. Barsky.
Site design by Steven Chan.