Archived Announcements

  • BH office hour shift Wed 10/31
    Sorry for the short notice, but my office hours tomorrow will be 9-10:30am instead of the usual 10-11:30am. (I have a crucial elementary school Halloween parade to attend!)
  • Proj3a is due 10/22
    Proj3a is due at noon on Monday 10/22.
    Your group should hand in one paper (not one per person) including a listing of your modified adv.scm and adv-world.scm program with the modifications highlighted (different color for person A and B) and a transcript of your answers to question 1 and 2 and any additional testing.
    Your group must also submit the same files once online (not one per person). Your group's work MUST be merged into one adv.scm and one adv-world.scm. Include logins and indicate who is person A and who is person B.

    Optionally, if your group worked on every problem together, you may note this on your paper and your grades will be averaged.

  • Midterm 2 logistics
    Midterm 2 will be held on Wednesday, October 17 from 7-9pm in 1 Pimentel.
    Extra office hours:
    • Sonesh: Friday, 10-12pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Sergiu: Friday, 10-12pm in 445 Soda.
    • Evan: Friday, 3-4:50pm and Sunday, 3-5pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Michael: Sunday, 11-1pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Ramesh: Sunday, 1-3pm and Tuesday, 7-9pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Jerry: Wednesday, 5:40-7pm in lab (C50 HFA).
  • Proj3 due dates
    The reader has conflicting information about the proj3 due dates. The ones in the homework section are correct:
    • Proj3a is due 10/22
    • Proj3b is due 10/29
  • Midterm 1 logistics
    Midterm 1 will be held on Tuesday, September 25 from 7-9pm in 1 Pimentel.
    Extra office hours:
    • Ramesh: Monday, 5-7pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Evan: Sunday, 1-4pm in 283 Soda
    • Michael: Sunday, 11-1pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Albert: Sunday, 1-3pm in lab (C50 HFA).
    • Sergiu: Friday, 10-12 in 445 Soda.
    For extra practice, see old exams in the reader and these Review Problems (with solutions). Remember that due to the order of topics changing, you will need to look at Midterm 2 material from previous semesters' exams.
  • Connecting from home
    Here are guides you can use for connecting from home using a Mac or a Windows PC.
  • Schedule change
    The schedule of TAs has changed since Monday's lecture. See the new schedule at the staff webpage.

  • Welcome to CS61A!
    We will post course announcements here as they come up.