;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; (define (draw) (begin (func 1 10000 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (func 45 100 50 -350 5 205 10 0 25 0) ; (func 45 100 -50 -350 6 -25 10 0 25 0) ; (func 40 100 0 -350 0 180 10 0 25 0) (func 40 100 0 -225 1 180 10 0 25 0) (func 40 100 0 -350 4 0 10 0 25 0) (func 40 100 0 -225 2 0 10 0 25 0) (func 70 100 0 -500 3 90 5 0 10 0)) (exitonclick)) (speed 0) (define (func num n x y c h dn dx dy dh) (if (> num 0) (begin (cond ((eq? num 1) (color "#00FFFF")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 6) (color "green")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 5) (color "red")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 4) (color "blue")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 3) (color "orange")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 2) (color "purple")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 1) (color "yellow")) ((eq? (modulo c 7) 0) (color "black")) ) (penup) (setposition x y) (setheading h) (pendown) (begin_fill) (circle n) (end_fill) (func (- num 1) (+ dn n) (+ dx x) (+ y dy) (+ c 1) (+ dh h) dn dx dy dh)) nil)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. All Scheme tokens in this file (including the one below) count ; toward the token limit. (draw)