;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: What did John Say? ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; If you don't give up, ;;; This class won't give up on you. ;;; Have a lollipop! (define (draw) ; *YOUR CODE HERE* (background) (fox) (pu) (goto -87 75) (pd) (tree 190) (exitonclick)) (define (background) (bgcolor 'black)) (define (fox) (color "orange") (begin_fill) (lt 90) (fd 25) (rt 90) (fd 60) (rt 30) (fd 20) (rt 120) (fd 20) (lt 60) (fd 40) (lt 60) (fd 20) (rt 120) (fd 20) (rt 30) (fd 60) (rt 90) (fd 25) (lt 90) (fd 5) (lt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 10) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (rt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (rt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 10) (end_fill) (pu) (goto 40 35) (pd) (color "brown") (begin_fill) (circle 10) (end_fill) (pu) (goto 10 35) (pd) (color "brown") (begin_fill) (circle 10) (end_fill) (color "white") (begin_fill) (pu) (goto 0 20) (pd) (rt 90) (fd 30) (rt 120) (fd 10) (rt 120) (fd 10) (lt 120) (fd 10) (rt 120) (fd 10) (lt 120) (fd 10) (rt 120) (fd 10) (end_fill) (pu) (goto -9 -12) (pd) (color "green") (begin_fill) (rt 3) (fd 115) (lt 90) (fd 10) (lt 90) (fd 115) (lt 90) (fd 10) (end_fill)) (define (tree n) (if (> n 0) ((cond ((> n 175) (color "red")) ((> n 150) (color "orange")) ((> n 125) (color "yellow")) ((> n 100) (color "green")) ((> n 75) (color "blue")) ((> n 50) (color "purple")) (else nil)) (fd (/ n 3)) (lt 30) (tree (- n 1)) (pu)))) (hideturtle) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. All Scheme tokens in this file (including the one below) count ; toward the token limit. (draw)