"""This module implements a declarative Logic language using Scheme syntax. Logic is a variant of the Prolog language, based on scmlog by Paul Hilfinger and the logic programming example in SICP. All valid logic expressions are Scheme lists. Valid forms include: (fact ...): Assert a consequent, followed by zero or more hypotheses (query ...): Query zero or more relations simultaneously (load PATH): Load a .logic file by evaluating its expressions """ # BEGIN SOLUTION NO PROMPT __version__ = '1.2.0' # END SOLUTION from scheme import Frame from scheme_reader import Pair, nil, read_line from scheme_builtins import scheme_atomp, scheme_symbolp, scheme_pairp, scheme_listp from ucb import main, trace import scheme import scheme_reader import scheme_test facts = [] ############# # Inference # ############# glob = Frame(None) glob.stack = [] def do_query(clauses): """Yield all bindings that simultaneously satisfy clauses.""" for env in search(clauses, glob, 0): yield [(v, ground(v, env)) for v in get_vars(clauses)] # BEGIN SOLUTION NO PROMPT ALT="DEPTH_LIMIT = 50" DEPTH_LIMIT = None # END SOLUTION def search(clauses, env, depth): """Search for an application of rules to establish all the clauses, non-destructively extending the unifier env. Limit the search to the nested application of depth rules.""" if clauses is nil: yield env elif DEPTH_LIMIT is None or depth <= DEPTH_LIMIT: if clauses.first.first in ('not', '~'): clause = ground(clauses.first.second, env) try: next(search(clause, glob, 0)) except StopIteration: env_head = Frame(env) for result in search(clauses.second, env_head, depth+1): yield result else: for fact in facts: fact = rename_variables(fact, get_unique_id()) env_head = Frame(env) if unify(fact.first, clauses.first, env_head): for env_rule in search(fact.second, env_head, depth+1): for result in search(clauses.second, env_rule, depth+1): yield result def unify(e, f, env): """Destructively extend env so as to unify (make equal) e and f, returning True if this succeeds and False otherwise. env may be modified in either case (its existing bindings are never changed).""" e = lookup(e, env) f = lookup(f, env) if e == f: return True elif isvar(e): env.define(e, f) return True elif isvar(f): env.define(f, e) return True elif scheme_atomp(e) or scheme_atomp(f): return False else: return unify(e.first, f.first, env) and unify(e.second, f.second, env) ################ # Environments # ################ def lookup(sym, env): """Look up a symbol repeatedly until it is fully resolved.""" try: return lookup(env.lookup(sym), env) except: return sym def ground(expr, env): """Replace all variables with their values in expr.""" if scheme_symbolp(expr): resolved = lookup(expr, env) if expr != resolved: return ground(resolved, env) else: return expr elif scheme_pairp(expr): return Pair(ground(expr.first, env), ground(expr.second, env)) else: return expr def get_vars(expr): """Return all logical vars in expr as a list.""" if isvar(expr): return [expr] elif scheme_pairp(expr): vs = get_vars(expr.first) for v in get_vars(expr.second): if v not in vs: vs.append(v) return vs else: return [] IDENTIFIER = 0 def get_unique_id(): """Return a unique identifier.""" global IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER += 1 return IDENTIFIER def rename_variables(expr, n): """Rename all variables in expr with an identifier N.""" if isvar(expr): return expr + '_' + str(n) elif scheme_pairp(expr): return Pair(rename_variables(expr.first, n), rename_variables(expr.second, n)) else: return expr def isvar(symbol): """Return whether symbol is a logical variable.""" return scheme_symbolp(symbol) and symbol.startswith("?") ################## # User Interface # ################## def process_input(expr, env): """Process an input expr, which may be a fact or query.""" if expr == 'exit': print("Goodbye.") sys.exit(0) if not scheme_listp(expr): print('Improperly formed expression.') elif expr.first in ("fact", "!"): facts.append(expr.second) elif expr.first in ("query", "?"): results = do_query(expr.second) success = False for result in results: if not success: print('Success!') success = True output = "\t".join("{0}: {1}".format(k[1:], v) for k, v in result) if output: print(output) if not success: print('Failed.') elif expr.first == "load": scheme.scheme_load(expr.second.first, env) else: print("Please provide a fact or query.") # BEGIN SOLUTION NO PROMPT # This originally was in run_logic, but that made it challenging for # the autograder (since the autograder doesn't call run_logic). # END SOLUTION scheme_reader.buffer_input.__defaults__ = ('logic> ',) scheme_reader.buffer_lines.__defaults__ = ('logic> ', False) scheme.scheme_eval = process_input @main def run_logic(*argv): if len(argv) == 2 and argv[0] == '-t': scheme_test.run_tests(argv[1]) return scheme.run(*argv)