;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: this is the only time I want to be voted ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Why are we in space? ;;; I want to be at the ship! ;;; I miss my mommy 🥺 ;;============DRAWING CREWMATE PARTS============ ;;------------colored body------------ (define (crew dark light) (color dark) (begin_fill) (circle 50) (end_fill) (body) (color light) (lightbody) (back 20) (right 50) (helmet) ) (define (body) (begin_fill) (right 110) (draw-curve 3 25 10) (forward 50) (draw-curve 3 25 10) (left 80) (draw-curve 2 7 10) (leg) (left 80) (forward 20) (left 80) (forward 10) (leg) (draw-curve 3 6 33) (end_fill)) (define (leg) (draw-curve 7 20 7) (right 20) (forward 20)) (define (lightbody) (right 170) (begin_fill) (forward 80) (left 70) (draw-curve 5 -13 16) (left 10) (draw-curve 4 -19 28) (draw-curve 11 -15 12.5) (end_fill)) ;;------------blue helmet------------ (define (helmet) (color "#73989e") (darkhelmet) (color "#CAE8ED") (lighthelmet) (color "#FFFFFF") (highlight) ) (define (darkhelmet) (begin_fill) (circle 43) (end_fill)) (define (lighthelmet) (begin_fill) (circle 30) (end_fill)) (define (highlight) (begin_fill) (circle 10) (end_fill)) ;;============DRAWING FUNCTIONS============ (define (draw-curve num angle len) ;Draws a curve (if (<= num 0) nil (begin (forward len) (right angle) (draw-curve (- num 1) angle len)))) (define (lh x y) ;Location Helper (penup) (setposition x y) (pendown)) (define (draw-crew cdark clight x y) (lh x y) (crew cdark clight) ) (define (draw) ; YOUR CODE HERE (bgcolor "#142732") (color "#243742") (begin_fill) (lh 400 0) (circle 400) (end_fill) (draw-crew "#28a5bc" "#2effda" -350 -200) ;cyan (draw-crew "#8294bc" "#d6ddef" 200 300) ;white (draw-crew "#0fa641" "#54ec39" 0 200) ;lime (draw-crew "#b23b12" "#f07c0a" 300 -300) ;orange (draw-crew "#3a177b" "#6c2fb9" -300 300) ;purple (draw-crew "#07158f" "#142dcf" 30 -100) ;dark blue (draw-crew "#aa2cac" "#ed52ba" -320 0) ;pink (draw-crew "#8a071d" "#d9041a" 300 0) ;red (draw-crew "#1e1e26" "#3e4651" -200 -350) ;black (hideturtle) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)