;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: Time Enough ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Dare I sigh relief? ;;; How gentle the implosion ;;; Till the bubble pops (bgcolor "#1e1621") (color "#c9d3d8") (define (cup x y a) (pu) (setposition x y) (setheading a) (pd)) (define (hand x y angle dist) (cup x y (- angle 90)) (forward (* dist .6)) (setposition x y) (setheading (/ angle 12)) (forward dist) ) (define (loop x y radius depth) (clock (+ (* .4 radius) x) y (* radius .25) (- depth 1)) (clock (+ (* -.4 radius) x) y (* radius .25) (- depth 1)) (clock x (- y (* .35 radius)) (* radius .25) (- depth 1))) (define (clock x y radius depth) (cup x (+ y radius) -90) (circle radius) (setposition x (+ y (* radius .95))) (circle (* radius .95)) (setposition x (+ y (* radius .7))) (circle (* radius .7)) (hand x y (+ (* radius depth x) y) radius) (if (> depth 0)(loop x y radius depth)) ) (define (termina x y size) (setposition (+ x size) (- y (* size 8))) (setposition (- x size) (- y (* size 8))) (setposition (- x size) (+ y size)) (setposition (+ x size) (+ y size))) (define (tower x y size depth) (cup (+ x size) (+ y size) 0) (color "#1e1621") (begin_fill) (termina x y size) (end_fill) (color "#c9d3d8") (termina x y size) (if depth (tower x y (* size .95) #f)) ) (define (belfry x y size depth) (tower x y size depth) (clock x y (* size .7) depth) (loop x (+ y (* size 1.2)) (* size -.7) depth) (if (>= depth 0)(belfry x (- y (* size 6.4)) (* size -.69) (- depth 1))) ) (define (draw) ; YOUR CODE HERE (belfry 380 340 170 8) (belfry -380 340 170 8) (belfry 0 -608 -145 0) (clock 0 141 -630 3) (belfry 0 320 100 7)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)