;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: The Old King of Christmas ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; We tell our kids about Santa ;;; But forget it is The Messiah ;;; The Lion roaring in Judah (define (draw) ; YOUR CODE HERE (bgcolor "#321f28") (define (make_cross length) (begin (pendown) (color "#e79e4f") (forward (* 0.6 length)) (left 90) (forward (* 0.3 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.1 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.3 length)) (left 90) (forward (* 0.2 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.1 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.2 length)) (left 90) (forward (* 0.3 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.1 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.3 length)) (left 90) (forward (* 0.6 length)) (right 90) (forward (* 0.1 length)) (right 90) (penup) )) (define (trace_crosses n x_init y_init cross_length axis) (begin (setposition x_init y_init) (define (helper n x_init y_init cross_length axis) (if (> n 0) (begin (make_cross cross_length) (if (= axis 1) (begin (setposition (+ x_init (* 0.7 cross_length)) y_init) (helper (- n 1) (+ x_init (* 0.7 cross_length)) y_init cross_length axis) ) (begin (setposition x_init (+ y_init cross_length)) (helper (- n 1) x_init (+ y_init cross_length) cross_length axis) ))))) (helper n x_init y_init cross_length axis) )) (trace_crosses 15 0 -300 40 0) (trace_crosses 15 28 -300 40 0) (trace_crosses 15 -28 -300 40 0) (trace_crosses 5 -168 100 40 1) (trace_crosses 5 -168 140 40 1) (trace_crosses 5 56 100 40 1) (trace_crosses 5 56 140 40 1) (hideturtle) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)