;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: Breakout Rooms be like diSCusS ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Red: I saw Blue kill ;;; Body in electrical ;;; Everyone: red sus ; circle with radius r and line thickness t, centered at 0, 0 (define (circle-wt r t) (if (> t 0) (begin (move-color-line r 0 0 "#82ba4e") (circle r) (circle-wt (- r 1) (- t 1)))) ) (define (move-color x y h c) (end_fill) (penup) (setposition x y) (setheading h) (pendown) (color c) (begin_fill)) (define (move-color-line x y h c) (end_fill) (penup) (setposition x y) (setheading h) (pendown) (color c)) ; (define (character cw direction) (forward 300) (circle (* cw 150) 180) (direction -90) (circle (* cw 40) 90) (forward 70) (circle (* cw 40) 90) (direction -90) (forward 30) (direction 48) (forward 160) ) (define (eyes n) (if (> n 0) (begin (forward 50) (circle 30 90) (eyes (- n 1)))) ) (define (repeat-letter letter n x h) (if (> n 0) (begin (move-color-line x 300 h "#fff") (letter) (repeat-letter letter (- n 1) (- x 1) h)) ) ) (define (D) (I) (right 90) (circle 80 180)) (define (I) (backward 160)) (define (S) (circle 40 180) (circle -40 180)) (define (C) (circle 80 180)) (define (U) (forward 130) (circle 30 180) (forward 130)) (define (!) (backward 110) (penup) (backward 20) (pendown) (backward 20)) (define (draw) ; draw the backdrop (bgcolor "#b9d1e9") (move-color 440 0 0 "#aaed52") (circle 440) ; draw the 2 characters (move-color -50 -400 0 "#d96c00") (character 1 left) (move-color 50 -400 0 "#126301") (character -1 right) ; shading (move-color -50 -80 0 "#f77900") (circle 130) (move-color 310 -80 0 "#167801") (circle 130) (move-color -40 -115 0 "#8ec2cf") (eyes 4) (move-color 145 -115 0 "#8ec2cf") (eyes 4) ;draw the outline of the circle (circle-wt 450 10) ; draw the letters (repeat-letter D 20 -350 0) (repeat-letter I 20 -230 0) (repeat-letter S 20 -150 -90) (repeat-letter C 20 0 -90) (repeat-letter U 20 40 180) (repeat-letter S 20 200 -90) (repeat-letter S 20 300 -90) (repeat-letter ! 20 370 0) (hideturtle) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)