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Class outline:

  • Multiple environments
  • Environments for HOFs
  • Local names
  • Function composition
  • Self-referencing functions
  • Currying

Multiple Environments

Life cycle of a function

What happens?
Def statement

                                    def square( x):
                                        return x * x
  • A new function is created!
  • Name bound to that function in the current frame.
Call expression

                                    square( 2 + 2)
  • Operator & operands evaluated
  • Function (value of operator) called on arguments (values of operands)
def square( x )
  • A new frame is created!
  • Parameters bound to arguments
  • Body is executed in that new environment

A nested call expression

  1. next prev prev prev prev prev prev prev next prev next next prev
  2. next next
  3. next next next next next next next prev prev prev

                                def square(x):
                                    return x * x
Global frame
square ⚫️ ----> func square(x) [parent=Global]
f1: square [parent=Global]
x 3
Return value 9
f2: square [parent=Global]
x 9
Return value 81
square( square(3) ) func square(x) square(3) func square(x) 3 9 81

Multiple environments in one diagram!

                        def square(x):
                            return x * x
Global frame
square ⚫️ ----> func square(x) [parent=Global]
f1: square [parent=Global]
x 3
Return value 9
f2: square [parent=Global]
x 9
Return value 81

An environment is a sequence of frames.

  • Environment: Global frame
  • Environment: Local frame (f1), then global frame
  • Environment: Local frame (f2), then global frame

Names have no meanings without environments

                    def square(x):
                        return x * x
Global frame
square ⚫️ ----> func square(x) [parent=Global]
f1: square [parent=Global]
x 3
Return value 9
f2: square [parent=Global]
x 9
Return value 81

Every expression is evaluated in the context of an environment.

A name evaluates to the value bound to that name in the earliest frame of the current environment in which that name is found.

Names have different meanings in different environments

                    def square(square):
                        return square * square
Global frame
square ⚫️ ----> func square(square) [parent=Global]
f1: square [parent=Global]
square 4
Return value 16

Every expression is evaluated in the context of an environment.

A name evaluates to the value bound to that name in the earliest frame of the current environment in which that name is found.

Environments for higher-order functions

Review: Higher-order functions

A higher-order function is either...

  • A function that takes a function as an argument value
    summation(5, lambda x: x**2)
  • A function that returns a function as a return value

Functions are first class: Functions are values in Python.

Example: Apply twice

                    def apply_twice(f, x):
                        return f(f(x))

                    def square(x):
                        return x ** 2
                    apply_twice(square, 3)

Arguments bound to functions

Screenshot of apply_twice PythonTutor diagram (part 1)
Screenshot of apply_twice PythonTutor diagram (part 2)

Environments for nested definitions

Example: Make texter

                    def make_texter(emoji):
                        def texter(text):
                            return emoji + text + emoji
                        return texter
                    happy_text = make_texter("😄")
                    result = happy_text("lets go to the beach!")

Environments for nested def statements

Screenshot of make_texter in PythonTutor
  • Every user-defined function has a parent frame
  • The parent of a function is the frame in which it was defined
  • Every local frame has a parent frame
  • The parent of a frame is the parent of the called function
  • An environment is a sequence of frames.

How to draw an environment diagram

When a function is defined:

  1. Create a function value:
    func <name>(<formal parameters>) [parent=<label>]
  2. Its parent is the current frame.
  3. Bind <name> to the function value in the current frame

When a function is called:

  1. Add a local frame, titled with the <name> of the function being called.
  2. Copy the parent of the function to the local frame: [parent=>label<]
  3. Bind the <formal parameters> to the arguments in the local frame.
  4. Execute the body of the function in the environment that starts with the local frame.

Local names

Example: Thingy Bobber

                    def thingy(x, y):
                        return bobber(y)
                    def bobber(a):
                        return a + y

                    result = thingy("ma", "jig")

🤔 What do you think will happen?

Local name visibility

Local names are not visible to other (non-nested) functions.

Screenshot of ThingyBobber PythonTutor diagram
  • An environment is a sequence of frames.
  • The environment created by calling a top-level function consists of one local frame followed by the global frame.

Function Composition

Example: Composer

                    def happy(text):
                        return "☻" + text + "☻"
                    def sad(text):
                        return "☹" + text + "☹"

                    def composer(f, g):
                        def composed(x):
                            return f(g(x))
                        return composed

                    msg1 = composer(sad, happy)("cs61a!")
                    msg2 = composer(happy, sad)("eecs16a!")

🤔 What do you think will happen?

Example: Composer (Part 2)

One of the composed functions could itself be an HOF...

                    def happy(text):
                        return "☻" + text + "☻"
                    def sad(text):
                        return "☹" + text + "☹"

                    def make_texter(emoji):
                        def texter(text):
                            return emoji + text + emoji
                        return texter
                    def composer(f, g):
                        def composed(x):
                            return f(g(x))
                        return composed

                    composer(happy, make_texter("☃︎"))('snow day!')

Composer 2 expression tree

composer(happy, make_texter("☃"))("snow day!") composer(happy, make_texter("☃")) func composer(f, g) func happy(text) make_texter("☃") func make_texter(emoji) "☃" func texter(text) func composed(x) "snow day!" "☻☃snow day!☃☻"


A self-referencing function

A higher-order function could return a function that references its own name.

                    def print_sums(n):
                        def next_sum(k):
                            return print_sums(n + k)
                        return next_sum

Environment for print_sums

Self-reference example in PythonTutor

Understanding print_sums

The call:

                    print sums(1)(3)(5)

produces the same result as:

                    g1 = print sums(1)
                    g2 = g1(3)

A call to print sums(x) returns a function that:

  • Prints x as a side-effect, and
  • Returns a function that, when called with argument y, will do the same thing, but with x+y instead of x.

So these calls will...

  • First print 1 and return g1,
  • which when called with 3, will print 4 (= 1+3) and return g2,
  • which when called with 5, will print 9 (= 4+5), and return. . . .


add vs. make_adder


                    from operator import add

                    add(2, 3)

                    def make_adder(n):
                        return lambda x: n + x

🤔 What's the relationship between add(2, 3) and make_adder(2)(3)?

Function currying

Currying: Converting a function that takes multiple arguments into a single-argument higher-order function.

A function that currys any two-argument function:

                    def curry2(f):
                        def g(x):
                            def h(y):
                                return f(x, y)
                            return h
                        return g

                    make_adder = curry2(add)

                    curry2 = lambda f: lambda x: lambda y: f(x, y)

Why "currying"?

It's not food! ❌ 🥘 ❌ 🍛

Named after American logician Haskell Curry, but actually published first by Russian Moses Schönfinkel, based on principles by German Gottlob Frege.

See also: Stigler's law of eponymy