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Class outline:

  • Hog winners 🐷 🎲
  • Trees 🌴🌳🌲

Hog winners

Hog strategy contest

At first, there was a 3-way tie for first:
Nishant Bhakar, Toby Worledge, Asrith Devalaraju & Aayush Gupta

Then we fixed a bug...
1) Nishant Bhakar, 2) Toby Worledge, 3) Jiayin Lin & Roger Yu

Hog dice contest

Much ❤️ for all the entries!

Place Caption Authors
Third Super Piggy World Taylor Moore
Second xlb piggies Michelle Wu, Kevin Xu
First based on our true story Bella Lee, Dayeon Jang



Diagram of tree
Recursive description Relative description
  • A tree has a root label and a list of branches
  • Each branch is itself a tree
  • A tree with zero branches is called a leaf
  • A tree starts at the root
  • Each location in a tree is called a node
  • Each node has a label that can be any value
  • One node can be the parent/child of another
  • The top node is the root node

Trees: Data abstraction

We want this constructor and selectors:

tree(label, branches) Returns a tree with root label and list of branches
label(tree) Returns the root label of tree
branches(tree) Returns the branches of tree (each a tree).
is_leaf(tree) Returns true if tree is a leaf node.

                            t = tree(3, [
                                      tree(2, [
                            label(t)  # 3
                            is_leaf(branches(t)[0])  # True

Tree: Our implementation

                            t = tree(3, [
                                      tree(2, [

Each tree is stored as a list where first element is label and subsequent elements are branches.

                    [3, [1], [2, [1], [1]]]

					def tree(label, branches=[]):
						return [label] + list(branches)

					def label(tree):
						return tree[0]

					def branches(tree):
						return tree[1:]

					def is_leaf(tree):
						return len(branches(tree)) == 0

Trees: Dict Implementation

A dictionary for each tree/subtree:

{'l':20,'c':[{'l':12,'c':[{'l':9,'c':[{'l':7,'c': []},{'l':2,'c':[]}]},{'l':3,'c':[]}]},{'l':8,'c':[{'l':4,'c':[]},{'l':4,'c':[]}]}]}

					def tree(label, branches=[]):
					    return {"l": label, "b": branches}

					def label(tree):
					    return tree["l"]

					def branches(tree):
				        return tree["b"]

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                 [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					                [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Tree processing

A tree is a recursive structure.

Each tree has:

  • A label
  • 0 or more branches, each a tree

Recursive structure implies recursive algorithm!

Tree processing: Counting leaves

Diagram of tree

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        leaves_under = 0
					        for b in branches(t):
					            leaves_under += count_leaves(b)
					        return leaves_under

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Tree processing: Counting leaves

The sum() function sums up the items of an iterable.

					sum([1, 1, 1, 1])   # 4

That leads to this shorter function:

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        branch_counts = [count_leaves(b) for b in branches(t)]
					        return sum(branch_counts)

Creating trees

A function that creates a tree from another tree is also often recursive.

Creating trees: Doubling labels

Diagram of tree

					def double(t):
					    """Returns a tree identical to T, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(b) for b in branches(t)])

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Creating trees: Doubling labels

A shorter solution:

					def double(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(b) for b in branches(t)])

Explicit base cases aren't always necessary in the final code, but it's useful to think in terms of base case vs. recursive case when learning.

Exercise: Printing trees

                    def print_tree(t, indent=0):
                        """Prints the labels of T with depth-based indent.
                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(1), tree(2, [tree(1), tree(1)])])
                        >>> print(t)

Exercise: Printing trees (solution)

                    def print_tree(t, indent=0):
                        """Prints the labels of T with depth-based indent.
                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(1), tree(2, [tree(1), tree(1)])])
                        >>> print(t)
                        print(indent * " " + label(t))
                        for b in branches(t):
                            print_tree(t, indent + 2)

Exercise: List of leaves

                    def leaves(t):
                        """Return a list containing the leaf labels of T.
                        >>> t = tree(20, [tree(12, [tree(9, [tree(7), tree(2)]), tree(3)]), tree(8, [tree(4), tree(4)])])
                        >>> leaves(t)
                        [7, 2, 3, 4, 4]

Hint: If you sum a list of lists, you get a list containing the elements of those lists. The sum function takes a second argument, the starting value of the sum.

                    sum([ [1], [2, 3], [4] ], []) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
                    sum([ [1] ], []) # [1]
                    sum([ [[1]], [2] ], []) # [[1], 2]

Exercise: List of leaves (Solution)

                    def leaves(t):
                        """Return a list containing the leaf labels of T.
                        >>> t = tree(20, [tree(12, [tree(9, [tree(7), tree(2)]), tree(3)]), tree(8, [tree(4), tree(4)])])
                        >>> leaves(t)
                        [7, 2, 3, 4, 4]
                        if is_leaf(t):
                            return [label(t)]
                            leaf_labels = [leaves(b) for b in branches(t)]
                            return sum(leaf_labels, [])

Exercise: Counting paths

                    def count_paths(t, total):
                        """Return the number of paths from the root to any node in t
                        for which the labels along the path sum to total.

                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(-1), tree(1, [tree(2, [tree(1)]), tree(3)]), tree(1, [tree(-1)])])
                        >>> count_paths(t, 3)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 4)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 5)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 6)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 7)

Exercise: Counting paths (solution)

                    def count_paths(t, total):
                        """Return the number of paths from the root to any node in t
                        for which the labels along the path sum to total.

                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(-1), tree(1, [tree(2, [tree(1)]), tree(3)]), tree(1, [tree(-1)])])
                        >>> count_paths(t, 3)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 4)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 5)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 6)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 7)
                        if label(t) == total:
                            found = 1
                            found = 0
                        return found + sum([count_paths(b, total - label(t)) for b in branches(t)])

Tree: Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation 1 2 3"a" "b" "c"
Data abstraction tree() branches() label()
User program double(t) count_leaves(t)

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Trees, trees, everywhere!

Directory structures

Tree for a directory structure

Parse trees

For natural languages...

Parse tree for English sentence: A mouse eats a cat

Key: S = Sentence, NP = Noun phrase, D = Determiner, N = Noun, V = Verb, VP = Verb Phrase

Parse trees

For programming languages, too...

Parse tree for an arithmetic expression

Key: E = expression

Python Project of The Day!


Kolibri: An open-source learning platform optimized for offline access.

Screenshot of Kolibri catalog

Technologies used: Python, Django.
(Github repository)