"""Submission for CS61A Homework 5. Name: Login: Collaborators: """ from ucb import main, interact # Q1. def reverse_list1(L): """Reverse the contents of L and return None. (Use a loop)""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def reverse_list2(L): """Reverse the contents of L and return None. (One assignment)""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # Q2 def make_account(balance): """A new bank account with initial balance `balance`. If acc is an account returned by make_account, then acc('balance') returns the current balance. acc('deposit', d) deposits d cents into the account acc('withdraw', w) withdraws w cents from the account, if possible. 'deposit' and 'withdraw' return acc itself.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # Q3. def shuffle(r): """Interleave the first half of rlist R with the second half. The resulting list starts with the first item of the original R, then the middle item, then the second item, then the item after the middle, etc. If R contains an odd number of items, the extra one is in the first half and goes on the end of the resulting list. Nondestructive: does not disturb the original list. >>> L = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] >>> R = shuffle(L) >>> L [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] >>> R [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7] """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # Q4. import re class Life(object): """A representation of a position in J.H. Conway's Game of Life.""" def __init__(self, starting_board): """Initialize SELF to the position depicted in the string STARTING_BOARD. STARTING_BOARD has the form "xxxxx\nxxxxx\nxxxxx..." where each x is either '.' or '*', and the newlines separate rows. The number of x's in each row must be equal. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.""" # Represent a board as a list of lists of single characters, one list # per row, and within each row, one character per column. B0[r][c] # represents the current contents of row #R, column #C of the board, # numbering from 1. Row 1, column 1 is the upper left. # The first row (#0) and last (#self.H-1) row and first (#0) and last # and last (#self.W-1) column are added at initialization, and should # be kept permanently at '.' (this reduces the number of special # cases in the neighbor computation). # self.H: number of rows (including top and bottom "desert" rows) # self.W: number of columns (including left and right desert columns) # self.B0: current board. # self.B1: extra board. starting_board = starting_board.strip() if not re.match(r'[.*\n]*$', starting_board): raise ValueError("board contains invalid characters") A = starting_board.split('\n') if len(A) == 0 or len(A[0]) == 0: raise ValueError("board too small") self.H = len(A)+2 self.W = len(A[0])+2 if any(map(lambda row: len(row) != self.W-2, A)): raise ValueError("board is irregular") self.B0 = [ ['.'] * self.W ] + \ [ ['.'] + list(s) + ['.'] for s in A ] + \ [ ['.'] * self.W ] self.B1 = [ ['.'] * self.W for i in range(self.H) ] def advance(self): """Advance SELF's board to the next turn.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def printable(self, empty=" ", occupied="*"): """A printable representation of SELF, using EMPTY for unoccupied squares and OCCUPIED for occupied ones.""" return "\n".join([ "".join(map(lambda c: empty if c == '.' else occupied, row[1:-1])) for row in self.B0[1:-1] ]) def __str__(self): """String representation returned by str(SELF).""" return self.printable() # A couple of standard initialization strings for playing around. GLIDER = """\ ................ ..*............. ...*............ .***............ ................ ................ ................ ................ """ PULSAR = """\ .................... ......***...***..... .................... ....*....*.*....*... ....*....*.*....*... ....*....*.*....*... ......***...***..... .................... ......***...***..... ....*....*.*....*... ....*....*.*....*... ....*....*.*....*... .................... ......***...***..... ....................""" BLOCK_ENGINE = """\ ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............*.*..... ...**........*........ ...**.........*..*.... ................***... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................""" def run_life(board, n): """Assuming BOARD is a Life object, print it and advance by N turns, printing each step.""" print("Step 0") print(str(board)) print() for i in range(n): print("Step", i+1) board.advance() print(str(board)) print() # Mutable rlists. empty_rlist = None def make_rlist(first, last = None): return [first, last] def first(r): return r[0] def rest(r): return r[1] def set_first(r, new_first): r[0] = new_first def set_rest(r, new_rest): r[1] = new_rest def rlist(*items): """A new rlist consisting of ITEMS.""" result = empty_rlist for i in range(1, len(items)+1): result = make_rlist(items[-i], result) return result def rlist_to_list(r): """The standard Python list containing the same items as R.""" result = [] while r != empty_rlist: result.append(first(r)) r = rest(r) return result # Q5. def dfilter_rlist(pred, r): """Remove all items in R for which PRED returns a false value, returning the rlist of the remaining items. Destructive: does not use make_rlist (or create new lists by other means either). >>> L = rlist(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7) >>> R = dfilter_rlist(lambda x: x%2 == 0, L) >>> R [0, [2, [4, None]]] >>> L [0, [2, [4, None]]] """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # Q6. Extra for experts. def dshuffle_rlist(r): """Interleave the first half of rlist R with the second half. The resulting list starts with the first item of the original R, then the middle item, then the second item, then the item after the middle, etc. If R contains an odd number of items, the extra one is in the first half and goes on the end of the resulting list. Destructive: does not use make_rlist (or create new lists by other means either). Returns the modified list. >>> L = rlist(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) >>> R = dshuffle_rlist(L) >>> rlist_to_list(L) [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7] >>> rlist_to_list(R) [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7] >>> L = rlist(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) >>> R = dshuffle_rlist(L) >>> rlist_to_list(L) [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3] >>> rlist_to_list(R) [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3] """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" @main def run(): interact()