;;; ;;; Title: ;;; Uranus in CS61A ;;; ;;; Tier: ;;; Featherweight ;;; ;;; Descriptive Haiku: ;;; Project One was fun ;;; And then Project Four Happened ;;; Now look at my bum ;;; Note: I really hope the contest voters can see this animated. (define side 1) (define ang 91) ;6 words (speed 9999999) (forward 1000) (left 90) (begin_fill) (circle 1000) (end_fill) (define (rings r) (penup) (setposition r r) (setheading 270) (set! side (* 2.022 r)) (pendown) (define (help remaining) (forward side) (left ang) (if (> remaining 0) (help (- remaining 1)) () ) ) (help 90) ) ;49 words so far (define (pickcolor r) (cond ((< r 90) ''|#000000|) ((< r 125) ''|#0f0500|) ((< r 175) ''|#1a0600|) ((< r 245) ''|#2a0600|) (''|#330700|) ) ) ;70 words so far (define (enlarge r) (color '|#20b5ff|) (rings r) (color (pickcolor r)) (rings (/ r 1.413)) (if (< r 200) (enlarge (* r 1.413)) () ) ) ;92 words so far (enlarge 50) (hideturtle) ;(exitonclick) ;96 words and symbols total (approximately, I might have miscounted by a few words)