import tkinter import time _tk_master = None _disp_board = None class life_display: """A display of a Life game. To use: >>> import hw6, life_gui >>> b = hw6.life_lists(...) >>> d = life_gui.life_display(b, title="My game", width=300, height=300) >>> Clicking on the display will toggle cells of the board. """ def __init__(self, board, width=400, height=400, pixel_size=10, title="Game of Life"): """A new graphical display of the Life game on BOARD. Use TITLE as the window title and initially make WIDTH x HEIGHT the size in pixels.""" self._board = board self._tk_master = tkinter.Tk() self._tk_master.title("Game of Life") self._menubar = tkinter.Menu(self._tk_master) self._menubar.add_command(label="Quit", command=self._tk_master.quit) self._menubar.add_command(label="Step", self._menubar.add_command(label="Steps", command=lambda: self._tk_master.config(menu=self._menubar) self._disp_board = tkinter.Canvas(_tk_master, width=400, height=400, bg="black") self._disp_board.bind("", self._click) self._disp_board.pack() self.set_size(width, height, pixel_size=pixel_size) self.update() def set_board(self, new_board): """Update my board as indicated by NEW_BOARD and redisplay.""" self._board.set_board(new_board) self.update() def play(self, generations=1, interval=0.02): """Advance my board by GENERATIONS generations, displaying each at intervals of INTERVAL seconds.""" self.update() for g in range(generations): self._board.tick() self.update() time.sleep(interval) def _click(self, event): """Handle a mouse-click on my display by toggling the appropriate cell of my board.""" r, c = event.y // self._pixel_size, event.x // self._pixel_size self._board.set_alive(r, c, not self._board.is_alive(r, c)) self.update() def update(self): """Update display to reflect current state of board.""" s = self._pixel_size self._disp_board.delete('gen') for r in range(self._board.rows): for c in range(self._board.cols): if self._board.is_alive(r, c): self._disp_board.create_rectangle(c*s, r*s, c*s+s, r*s+s, fill="white", tags="gen") self._tk_master.update() def set_size(self, width, height, pixel_size=10): """Set the size of my display to WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels. Set each cell to PIXEL_SIZE x PIXEL_SIZE""" self._disp_board.config(width=width, height=height) self._pixel_size = pixel_size self.update()