; Title: Turtles on Graphics ; Haiku: ; Carried like a god, ; The weight of all this power! ; My shell feels heavy... (define (draw_turtles) (speed 10) (color "#00FF00") (pu) (rt 90) (fd 270) (rt 90) (fd 350) (lt 90) (lt 90) (pd) (draw_turtle .666) (ht) ) (define (draw_turtle n) (lt 25) (circle (/ 200 n) 130) (lt 115) (fd (/ 410 n)) (rt 180) (fd (/ 410 n)) (rt 90) (fd (/ 50 n)) (circle (/ 40 n) 160) (circle (/ 8 n) 100) (fd (/ 30 n)) (pu) (lt 100) (fd (/ 20 n)) (rt 90) (fd (/ 5 n)) (bk (/ 5 n)) (lt 90) (pd) (color "black") (begin_fill) (rt 180) (circle (/ 3.5 n) 180) (rt 90) (fd (/ 3 n)) (bk (/ 7 n)) (fd (/ 4 n)) (lt 90) (end_fill) (color "#00FF00") (pu) (circle (/ 3.5 n) 180) (fd (/ 20 n)) (rt 50) (pd) (fd (/ 40 n)) (lt 90) (circle (/ 110 n) 43) (circle (/ 40 n) 57) (rt 50) (rt 90) (circle (/ 41 n) 180) (rt 180) (circle (/ 41 n) 180) (rt 180) (circle (/ 41 n) 180) (rt 180) (circle (/ 41 n) 183) (pu) (lt 87) (fd (/ 70 n)) (rt 90) (fd (/ 140 n)) (pd) (if (< n 30) (draw_turtle (* n 1.5)) ) ) (draw_turtles)