;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: Poseidon's Kiss ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Not even toilet paper ;;; Can fend against ;;; The Splash of Poseidon's kiss (define colorful (cons-stream "red" (cons-stream "orange" (cons-stream "yellow" (cons-stream "green" (cons-stream "blue" (cons-stream "purple" colorful))))))) (define (bigcircles x y colored stop angle) (penup) (pendown) (color (car colored)) (begin_fill) (circle x) (end_fill) (left angle) ;155, 180; 210 amazing,25, 270 (if (or (< y 0) (<= x stop)) (circle stop) (bigcircles (- x 0.5) y (cdr-stream colored) stop angle))) (define (star x size colored angle) (setposition 0 0) (pendown) (color (car colored)) (forward size) (left angle) (backward size) (if (or (< size 0) (<= x 0)) (circle 0) (star (- x 1) size (cdr-stream colored) angle))) (define (repeatcircles x y color) (bigcircles x y color 0 angle) (if (or (<= x 0) (<= y 0)) (bigcircles x y color 0 angle) (repeatcircles (- x 25) (- y 25) color))) (define (draw) (bgcolor "black") (speed 0) (pendown) (star 750 1000 colorful 0.5) (setposition 0 0) (bigcircles 150 0 colorful 0 215) (hideturtle) (exitonclick) ) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)