Homework 09:

Due by 11:59pm on Friday, 4/19


Download hw09.zip.

Our course uses a custom version of Scheme (which you will build for Project 4) included in the starter ZIP archive. To start the interpreter, type python3 scheme. To run a Scheme program interactively, type python3 scheme -i <file.scm>. To exit the Scheme interpreter, type (exit).

Submission: When you are done, submit with python3 ok --submit. You may submit more than once before the deadline; only the final submission will be scored. Check that you have successfully submitted your code on okpy.org. See Lab 0 for more instructions on submitting assignments.

Using Ok: If you have any questions about using Ok, please refer to this guide.

Readings: You might find the following references useful:

Grading: Homework is graded based on effort, not correctness. However, there is no partial credit; you must show substantial effort on every problem to receive any points.

Q1: List Comprehensions

Recall that list comprehensions in Python allow us to create lists out of iterables:

[<map-expression> for <name> in <iterable> if <conditional-expression>]

Use a macro to implement list comprehensions in Scheme that can create lists out of lists. Specifically, we want a list-of macro that can be called as follows:

(list-of <map-expression> for <name> in <list> if <conditional-expression>)

Calling list-of will return a new list constructed by doing the following for each element in <list>:

  • Bind <name> to the element.
  • If <conditional-expression> evaluates to a truth-y value, evaluate <map-expression> and add it to the result list.

Here are some examples:

scm> (list-of (* x x) for x in '(3 4 5) if (odd? x))
(9 25)
scm> (list-of 'hi for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) if (= (modulo x 3) 0))
(hi hi)
scm> (list-of (car e) for e in '((10) 11 (12) 13 (14 15)) if (list? e))
(10 12 14)

Hint: You may use the built-in map and filter procedures. Check out the Scheme Built-ins reference for more information.

You may find it helpful to refer to the for loop macro introduced in lecture. The filter expression should be transformed using a lambda in a similar way to the map expression in the example.

(define-macro (list-of map-expr for var in lst if filter-expr)

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q list-comp

Optional (not graded): Recall also that the if <conditional> portion of the Python list comprehension was optional. Modify your macro so that the Scheme list comprehension does not require a conditional expression.

Refer to the macro form in the Scheme Specification for an explanation of how to do optional macro parameters.