/* Downloaded at: {{.Now "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05.9999999 MST 2006"}} */ var DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION = null /* null means latest */, DEFAULT_GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_VERSION = null /* null means latest */, GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS = { BashTerminalOption: null /* null means auto-detect, 'ConHost' is more Unicode compatible, 'MinTTY' is better but requires running 'winpty python' */, PathOption: 'BashOnly' /* 'Cmd', 'CmdTools' or 'BashOnly' */, CRLFOption: 'CRLFAlways', EditorOption: 'Nano', NoIcons: 0, SSHOption: 'OpenSSH', CURLOption: 'WinSSL', PerformanceTweaksFSCache: 'Enabled', UseCredentialManager: 'Enabled', EnableSymlinks: 'Enabled' }, PYTHON_OPTIONS = { PrependPath: 0 /* This option is is buggy... Python's installer can add to PATH, but won't clean up properly on uninstall. If you don't care, then feel free to set to true. */, Include_launcher: 1 /* Prefer py.exe over adding Python to PATH. Also, this will still work even if our installer doesn't get a chance to initialize the environment on Bash startup. */, Shortcuts: 1, AssociateFiles: 1, CompileAll: 1, InstallAllUsers: 1, InstallLauncherAllUsers: 1, Include_doc: 0, Include_exe: 1, Include_lib: 1, Include_pip: 1, Include_tcltk: 1, Include_test: 0 }, MSYS2_VERSION_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/git-for-windows/git/releases", PYTHON_URL_PREFIX = "https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/", DOWNLOAD_SPEED_TEST_FILE = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.1/python-3.8.1-webinstall.exe" /* just a small sample file to do a rough speed test; we don't actually use this otherwise */, INFO_LINE_PREFIX = " "; // For command-line usage instructions, see main(). var FSO = WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell'); var ShellApp = WScript.CreateObject('Shell.Application'); var WshProcEnv = WshShell.Environment('Process'); var ssfPERSONAL = 0x5, ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x10, ssfLOCALAPPDATA = 0x1C, ssfPROFILE = 0x28; var CTL_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS = 0x800A003A, COR_E_ENDOFSTREAM = 0x800A003E, STIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND = 0x80070002, INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = 0x800C0005, WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED = 0x80072EE7; var PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = /^(.*)-([^\-]+-[^\-]+)(?:-(?:x(?:86_)?64|i[3-6]86))\.pkg(?:\.\w+)*/; RegExp.escape = function (s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); }; function to_hex_string(number) { if (number < 0) { number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1; } return number.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } function error_code_to_string(number) { return Math.abs(number) > (1 << 16) ? "0x" + to_hex_string(number) : number; } function duration_to_human(seconds) { var result; if (seconds >= 60) { var s = (seconds / 60).toFixed(seconds < 2 * 60 ? 1 : 0); result = s + " " + (seconds.toFixed(0) == "1" ? "minute" : "minutes"); } else { var s = seconds.toFixed(0); result = s + " " + (seconds.toFixed(0) == "1" ? "second" : "seconds"); } return result; } function get_processor_architecture() { return WshProcEnv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE').toUpperCase() === 'AMD64'.toUpperCase() || WshProcEnv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432').toUpperCase() === 'AMD64'.toUpperCase() ? 64 : 32; } function create_command_line(argv, for_cmd) /* Note: Does NOT handle backslashes before double-quotes correctly! */ { var quoted_args = []; var re1 = /(\")/g; var re2 = /[\"\^\(\)%!\t ]/g; for (var i = 0; i !== argv.length; ++i) { var arg = argv[i]; if (arg !== null) { var quoted_arg = arg.replace(re1, for_cmd ? "^$1" : "\\$1"); if (arg != arg.replace(re2, "\"\1\"")) { quoted_arg = "\"" + quoted_arg + "\""; } quoted_args.push(quoted_arg); } } return quoted_args.join(" "); } function run(cmd, stdout_sink, stderr_sink) { var result = null; var process = WshShell.Exec(cmd); if (process !== null) { try { process.StdIn.Close(); var streams = [{input: process.StdOut, output: WScript.StdOut}, {input: process.StdErr, output: WScript.StdErr}]; var stdout = process.StdOut.ReadAll(); stdout_sink ? stdout_sink(stdout) : WScript.StdOut.Write(stdout); var stderr = process.StdErr.ReadAll(); stderr_sink ? stderr_sink(stderr) : WScript.StdErr.Write(stderr); while (!process.Status) { process.StdOut.ReadLine(); process.StdErr.ReadLine(); } } finally { process.Terminate(); } result = process.ExitCode; } else { result = -1; } return result; } function GetWindowsFolder() { return FSO.GetSpecialFolder(0); } function GetSystemFolder() { return FSO.GetSpecialFolder(1); } function GetTempFolder() { return FSO.GetSpecialFolder(2); } function try_compute_file_digest_base64(filepath, digest) /* returns error code on error, or hash as base64 string otherwise */ { if (!digest) { throw new Error("invalid digest algorithm: " + digest); } var lines = []; var result = run(create_command_line([FSO.BuildPath(GetSystemFolder(), 'certutil.exe'), '-hashfile', filepath, digest]), function (text) { lines.push(text); }); lines = lines.join("\n").replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n"); return result === 0 ? lines[1].replace(/[ \t\.-]/g, "") : result; } function check_file_digest(filepath, expected_sha256, key /* optional */) /* returns > 0 if correct, 0 if hash was computed but correct hash is unknown, < 0 if failed, null/undefined if unable to compute hash */ { var result = null; if (expected_sha256) { try { var hash = try_compute_file_digest_base64(filepath, 'SHA256'); if (typeof hash === 'string') { var effective_key = key; if (!(effective_key && effective_key in expected_sha256)) { var pseudo_key = FSO.GetFileName(filepath); if (pseudo_key in expected_sha256) { effective_key = pseudo_key; } } var expected = effective_key && effective_key in expected_sha256 ? expected_sha256[effective_key] : null; var expected_array = expected ? expected instanceof Array ? expected : [expected] : null; result = 0; if (expected_array !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < expected_array.length; ++i) { if (result === 0) { result = -1; } if (expected_array[i].toLowerCase() === hash.toLowerCase()) { result = +1; } } } } } catch (ex) { } } return result; } function save(data, filename) { var stream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); stream.Open(); try { var is_text = typeof data === 'string'; stream.Type = is_text ? 2 /*adTypeText*/ : 1 /*adTypeBinary*/; if (is_text) { stream.WriteText(data); } else { stream.Write(data); } stream.Position = 0; stream.SaveToFile(filename, 2 /*adSaveCreateOverWrite*/); } finally { stream.Close(); } } function save_text(ascii, filename, mode, newline) { if (ascii instanceof Array) { if (!newline) { newline = "\r\n"; } ascii = ascii.join(newline) + (ascii.length > 0 ? newline : ""); } var inffile = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, typeof mode !== 'undefined' && mode !== null && mode ? mode : 2, true, 0); try { inffile.Write(ascii); } finally { inffile.Close(); } } function replace_text(replacement_function, filename, newline) { var ascii; var inffile = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, true, 0); try { ascii = inffile.ReadAll(); } finally { inffile.Close(); } var replaced = replacement_function(ascii); if (replaced !== ascii) { var inffile = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 2, true, 0); try { inffile.Write(replaced); } finally { inffile.Close(); } } } function url_basename(url) { return url.match(/^(?:[^?&#]+\/)?([^\/?&#]*)(?:$|[?&#])/)[1]; } function WshShell_TryRegRead(path) { var result = null; try { result = WshShell.RegRead(path); } catch (ex) { } return result; } var internet_connection_speed = null; function download(url, binary_flag_or_file_path, expected_content_type /* optional */, curl_path /* optional */, expected_sha256 /* optional */) { if (typeof binary_flag_or_file_path !== 'boolean' && typeof binary_flag_or_file_path !== 'string') { throw new Error("Expected boolean parameter for 'binary_flag_or_file_path'"); } var result = -1, report_progress = false; try { var inherit_stderr_and_stdout = typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string'; if (typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string') { var file_exists = FSO.FileExists(binary_flag_or_file_path); var integrity_check_status = check_file_digest(binary_flag_or_file_path, expected_sha256, url); if (!(integrity_check_status < 0) && file_exists) { /* file already exists! */ result = 0; } else { if (file_exists) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("existing file appears to be correct or tampered with; will retry downloading: " + binary_flag_or_file_path); } WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Downloading: " + url + "\r\n to: " + binary_flag_or_file_path); report_progress = true; } } var system_curl_path = FSO.BuildPath(GetSystemFolder(), "curl.exe"); if ((!curl_path || !FSO.FileExists(curl_path)) && FSO.FileExists(system_curl_path)) { curl_path = system_curl_path; } var powershell_path = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(GetSystemFolder(), "WindowsPowerShell"), "v1.0"), "powershell.exe"); var exception_thrown = null; if (result === -1) { try { // Enable TLS 1.2 -- it isn't always enabled by default var TLS_1_2 = 0x800; var secure_protocols_key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\SecureProtocols"; var secure_protocols = WshShell_TryRegRead(secure_protocols_key); if (!(secure_protocols & TLS_1_2)) { WshShell.RegWrite(secure_protocols_key, secure_protocols | TLS_1_2, 'REG_DWORD'); } var classes = ['MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0', 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1']; var xhr = null; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) { var classname = classes[i]; try { xhr = WScript.CreateObject(classname); } catch (ex) { continue; } var tstart = new Date().getTime(); var tstart_test = new Date().getTime(); try { xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 3) { tstart = new Date().getTime(); if (report_progress) { var content_length = null; try { content_length = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'); } catch (ex) { } if (content_length >= (1 << 20)) { if (internet_connection_speed === null) { try { if (DOWNLOAD_SPEED_TEST_FILE) { var tstart_test = new Date().getTime(); var xhr_test = WScript.CreateObject(classname); xhr_test.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr_test.readyState === 3) { tstart_test = new Date().getTime(); } }; xhr_test.open('GET', DOWNLOAD_SPEED_TEST_FILE, false); xhr_test.send(); internet_connection_speed = +xhr_test.getResponseHeader('Content-Length') / ((new Date().getTime() - tstart_test) / 1000); } } catch (ex) { } } var wait_time = internet_connection_speed > 0 ? content_length / internet_connection_speed : null; WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(); WScript.StdErr.Write("Download is " + (+content_length / (1 << 20)).toFixed(2) + " MiB; please wait" + (wait_time > 1 ? " ~" + duration_to_human(wait_time) + " " + "(" + (internet_connection_speed / (1 << 20)).toFixed(2) + " MiB/s" + ")" : "") + "..."); } } } }; } catch (ex) { /* if we can't get progress information then don't worry */ } xhr.open('GET', url, false); var download_succeeded = false; try { xhr.send(); download_succeeded = true; } catch (ex) { if (i === classes.length - 1) { throw ex; } } if (download_succeeded) { if (report_progress) { WScript.StdErr.Write(" finished in " + duration_to_human((new Date().getTime() - tstart) / 1000) + "."); } break; } } if (xhr && xhr.status !== 200) { result = null; var e = new Error(xhr.status, xhr.statusText); e.number = xhr.status; throw e; } var response = (!expected_content_type || (typeof expected_content_type === 'string' ? xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') === expected_content_type : xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type').match(expected_content_type))) ? binary_flag_or_file_path !== false ? xhr.responseBody : xhr.responseText : null; if (typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string' && response !== null) { save(response, binary_flag_or_file_path); result = 0; } else { result = response; } } catch (ex) { exception_thrown = ex; } } if (result === -1 && !(exception_thrown && (!(exception_thrown.number ^ INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) || !(exception_thrown.number ^ WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED))) && FSO.FileExists(powershell_path)) { try { var script = "& { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; try { $protocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol; $protocol.value__ = $protocol.value__ -bor 0xC00; [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $protocol; $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $WebClient.Headers.Add('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 Safari'); If ($args[1]) { $WebClient.DownloadFile($args[0], $args[1] + '.tmp'); Move-Item -Force ($args[1] + '.tmp') $args[1]; } Else { $WebClient.DownloadString($args[0]) } } catch [Net.WebException] { $e = $_.Exception.Status; if ($e -eq [Net.WebExceptionStatus]::NameResolutionFailure) { $e = " + error_code_to_string(WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) + "; } Exit $e; } catch [Exception] { Exit 31; } }"; var cmdline = create_command_line([powershell_path, "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-Command", script, url, typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string' ? binary_flag_or_file_path : '']); var lines = []; result = run(cmdline, typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string' ? null : function (line) { lines.push(line); }); if (result === 31) { result = -1; } if (result === 0) { result = lines.join("\r\n") /* should be only 1 line anyway */; } } catch (ex) { if (exception_thrown === null) { exception_thrown = ex; } } } if (result === -1 && FSO.FileExists(curl_path)) { try { var cmdline = create_command_line([curl_path, inherit_stderr_and_stdout ? null : "-s", "-L", "-J", "-o", typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string' ? binary_flag_or_file_path + ".tmp" : "-", url]); var lines = []; var temp_result = run(cmdline, typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string' ? null : function (line) { lines.push(line); }); if (temp_result !== 0) { throw new Error(temp_result, "code " + error_code_to_string(temp_result) + " from command: " + cmdline); } if (typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string') { if (FSO.FileExists(binary_flag_or_file_path)) { FSO.DeleteFile(binary_flag_or_file_path, true); } FSO.MoveFile(binary_flag_or_file_path + ".tmp", binary_flag_or_file_path); } result = temp_result; if (result === 0) { result = lines.join("\r\n") /* should be only 1 line anyway */; } } catch (ex) { if (exception_thrown === null) { exception_thrown = ex; } } } if (result === -1) { var local_file = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName), decodeURIComponent(url_basename(url))); var lines = []; if (!(exception_thrown.number ^ INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) || !(exception_thrown.number ^ WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)) { lines.push(exception_thrown.message + "Are you connected to the internet?"); } else { lines.push(exception_thrown.message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, "") + " " + "(" + "error " + error_code_to_string(exception_thrown.number) + ")"); } if (typeof binary_flag_or_file_path === 'string') { lines.push("Please re-run this script after manually downloading" + "\r\n " + url + "\r\n to: " + local_file); } throw new Error(exception_thrown.number, lines.join("\r\n")); } if (typeof result === 'number' && result !== 0 && exception_thrown) { throw exception_thrown; } if (check_file_digest(binary_flag_or_file_path, expected_sha256) < 0) { throw new Error("File integrity verification failed: " + binary_flag_or_file_path + "; expected SHA-256 hash: " + (expected_sha256 ? expected_sha256[FSO.GetFileName(binary_flag_or_file_path)] : null)); } } finally { if (report_progress) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(); } } return result; } function CreateFolderAndAncestorsIfNotExist(folder_path) { var parents = []; for (;;) { if (FSO.FolderExists(folder_path)) { break; } parents.push(folder_path); var parent = FSO.GetParentFolderName(folder_path); if (!parent || parent === folder_path) { break; } folder_path = parent; } while (parents.length > 0) { try { FSO.CreateFolder(parents.pop()); } catch (ex) { if (!(ex.number ^ CTL_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS)) /* a race condition could cause someone else to create the folder, but that's fine */ { break; } throw ex; } } } function search_path(file_or_files, kind /* -1 for folder, +1 for file, 0 for any */, include_pathexts) { var files = file_or_files instanceof Array ? file_or_files : [file_or_files]; if (!kind) { kind = 0; } var pat = /(?:\"[^\"]*\"|[^\";]+)+/g; var pathexts = include_pathexts === false ? [] : WshProcEnv('PATHEXT').match(pat); var paths = WshProcEnv('PATH').match(pat); for (var i = 0; i < pathexts.length; ++i) { pathexts[i] = pathexts[i].replace(/\"/g, ""); } for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) { paths[i] = paths[i].replace(/\"/g, ""); } for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) { var path = paths[i]; if (path) { for (var j = -1; j < pathexts.length; ++j) { var pathext = j < 0 ? "" : pathexts[j]; if (j < 0 || pathext) { for (var k = 0; k < files.length; ++k) { var file = files[k]; var candidate = file.indexOf('\\') >= 0 || file.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? file : FSO.BuildPath(path, file + pathext); if (kind >= 0 && FSO.FileExists(candidate) || kind <= 0 && FSO.FolderExists(candidate)) { return candidate; } } } } } } return null; } function IdleLib_ConfigMain_Fixup(content) { return content .replace(/(\[EditorWindow\][^\[\]]*\nwidth\s*=\s*)[^\r\n]*/, "$1 100") ; } function IdleLib_ConfigKeys_Fixup(content) { return content .replace(/(\[IDLE Classic Windows\][^\[\]]*\nhistory-next\s*=\s*(?=\S)(?!))/, "$1 ") .replace(/(\[IDLE Classic Windows\][^\[\]]*\nhistory-previous\s*=(?=\S)(?!))/, "$1 ") ; } function extract_python_version_components(url) { var result = []; var match = url.replace(/.*\//, "").match(/^[^\d]*(\d[\d\.]*)(\w*)/, ""); var parts = match ? match[1].split('.') : []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { parts[i] = parts[i] ? +parts[i] : 0; } var release_type = -100; if (!match[2]) { release_type = 0; } else if (match[2].indexOf('rc') === 0) { release_type = -1; } else if (match[2].indexOf('b') === 0) { release_type = -2; } else if (match[2].indexOf('a') === 0) { release_type = -3; } parts.unshift(release_type); return parts; } function move_out_microsoft_store_python_apps() { var result = 0; var error_message = null; try { var dir = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(WshProcEnv('LOCALAPPDATA'), "Microsoft"), "WindowsApps"); if (FSO.FolderExists(dir)) { // Since we get "Permission denied" by just renaming the Python stubs (which are reparse points), we instead simulate a rename by creating a hardlink and deleting the originals. var cmd = 'CD /D "{}" && For %f In ("python" "python3") Do (If Exist "%~f.exe" (If Not Exist "%~f.bak.exe" MkLink /H "%~f.bak.exe" "%~f.exe" > NUL) && (Echo Moving "%~dpnxf.exe" to prevent conflicts...&& Del "%~f.exe"))'.replace(/{}/g, dir); result = run('"' + WshProcEnv('COMSPEC') + '" /S /D /Q /C ' + '"' + cmd + '"'); } } catch (ex) { result = ex.number; error_message = ex.message; } if (result !== 0) { WScript.Echo("Unable to rename Python stubs in " + dir + " due to error " + error_code_to_string(result) + (error_message ? " " + "(" + error_message + ")" : "") + "; continuing anyway..."); } return result; } function main(argv) /* Usage: Pass the desire Python version as the first argument (e.g. "3.6") */ { var has_integrity = false, has_high_integrity = false; try { run(create_command_line([FSO.BuildPath(GetSystemFolder(), 'whoami.exe'), '/groups']), function (text) { var lines = text.match(/[^\r\n]+/g); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var line = lines[i]; if (line.indexOf('Mandatory Label\\') === 0) { has_integrity = true; } if (line.match(/^Mandatory Label\\High Mandatory Level +Label +S-1-16-12288 +/)) { has_high_integrity = true; } } }); } catch (ex) { if (ex.number ^ STIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND) { throw ex; } /* File not found -- couldn't find whoami for some reason; just ignore */ } var NO_RELAUNCH = '--no-relaunch', no_relaunch = false; if (argv.length > 0 && argv[0] === NO_RELAUNCH) { no_relaunch = true; argv.splice(0, 1); } var python_version_regex = argv.length > 0 ? argv[0] : null /* TODO: Either use or ignore this */; var msys2_version_regex = null; var delete_downloads_before_exit = false; var os_version = null; var is_winxp_or_earlier = false; var is_win7_or_earlier = false; try { os_version = new Enumerator(GetObject('winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\CIMV2').ExecQuery('SELECT Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem', 'WQL', 0x30)).item().Version; var os_version_match = os_version.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)/); is_winxp_or_earlier = os_version_match && (Number(os_version_match[1]) < 5 || (Number(os_version_match[1]) === 5 && Number(os_version_match[2]) <= 2)); is_win7_or_earlier = os_version_match && (Number(os_version_match[1]) < 6 || (Number(os_version_match[1]) === 6 && Number(os_version_match[2]) <= 1)); } catch (ex) { } var cscript = "cscript"; if (!python_version_regex) { python_version_regex = DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION; if (python_version_regex === null) { if (is_winxp_or_earlier) { python_version_regex = "3.4.3"; } else if (is_win7_or_earlier) { python_version_regex = "3.7"; } } } if (!msys2_version_regex) { msys2_version_regex = DEFAULT_GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_VERSION; } if (typeof python_version_regex === 'string') { python_version_regex = new RegExp('^' + RegExp.escape(python_version_regex) + '(?!\\d)', 'i'); } if (typeof msys2_version_regex === 'string') { msys2_version_regex = new RegExp('^' + RegExp.escape(msys2_version_regex) + '(?!\\d)', 'i'); } var desire_relaunch = has_integrity && !has_high_integrity; try { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Preparing to install Python and Git-Bash..."); } catch (ex) { if (FSO.GetBaseName(FSO.GetFileName(WScript.FullName)).toLowerCase() === cscript.toLowerCase()) { throw ex; } desire_relaunch = true; } if (desire_relaunch && !no_relaunch) { return ShellApp.ShellExecute(FSO.BuildPath(WScript.Path, cscript + ".exe"), create_command_line((WScript.Interactive ? [] : ["//B"]).concat(["//Nologo", WScript.ScriptFullName, NO_RELAUNCH]).concat(argv)), "", "runas", 1); } var ctrl_c_pressed = false; var to_throw_from_outside_catch_block = null; // this suppresses extraneous messages from WSH try { if (has_integrity && !has_high_integrity) { throw new Error("Please run this program with administrator privileges.\r\nYou can do this by launching it from a Command Prompt window that you \"Run as Administrator\"."); } move_out_microsoft_store_python_apps(); var arch = get_processor_architecture(); var python_url = null; WScript.StdErr.Write(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Searching: " + PYTHON_URL_PREFIX); try { var page = download(PYTHON_URL_PREFIX, false, /^text\/html(?:$|;)/); var all_python_urls = []; for (var regex = /Windows ([\w\-]+) executable installer<\/a>/g, match; (match = regex.exec(page)) !== null; ) /* we have to use regex since there's no usable HTML parser */ { if (decodeURIComponent(match[2]) === (arch === 64 ? "x86-64" : "x86") && (!python_version_regex || decodeURIComponent(match[1]).replace(/.*\//, "").replace(/^python-/, "").match(python_version_regex))) { all_python_urls.push(match[1]); } } all_python_urls.sort(function (a, b) { var c = 0; var x = extract_python_version_components(a); var y = extract_python_version_components(b); for (var i = 0; c === 0 && i < Math.max(x.length, y.length); ++i) { var left = i < x.length ? x[i] : 0; var right = i < y.length ? y[i] : 0; if (left < right) { c = -1; } else if (left > right) { c = +1; } } return -c; }); if (all_python_urls.length > 0) { python_url = all_python_urls[0]; } if (!python_url) { throw new Error("Could not find a matching version for Python!" + (python_version_regex ? " Pattern: " + python_version_regex : "")); } WScript.StdErr.Write("\r\n" + INFO_LINE_PREFIX + " found: " + python_url); } finally { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(); } // To extract ZIP file: var folder = ShellApp.NameSpace(target_directory); folder.CopyHere(zip_file_path); var msys2_download_speed = null; var msys2_dir_key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\GitForWindows\\InstallPath"; var msys2_dir = null, msys2_found_url = null, msys2_found_name = null; try { msys2_dir = WshShell_TryRegRead(msys2_dir_key); // NOTE: If you add any new lines, keep them synchronized with the copy below! } catch (ex) { /* key might not exist */ } /* must always do this so we can check any existing version against the one we want */ { WScript.StdErr.Write(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Searching: " + MSYS2_VERSION_URL); try { var tstart_test = new Date().getTime(); var json = download(MSYS2_VERSION_URL, false, /^application\/json(?:$|;)/); msys2_download_speed = json.length / Math.max(1, (new Date().getTime() - tstart_test) / 1000); // Use this page itself as the domain's speed test var potential_urls = []; for (var regex = /"browser_download_url"\s*:\s*"((?:[^\\\"]+|\\.)*)"/g, match; (match = regex.exec(json)) !== null; ) /* we have to use regex since there's no JSON implementation here */ { var url = match[1].replace(/\\./, function (m) { return m.substring(1); }); var name_match = url.match(/^[^?&]*\/([^\/?=]*\.exe)(?:$|\?)/i); if (name_match) { potential_urls.push(url); var name = name_match ? name_match[1] : null; if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf("git-") === 0 && (name.indexOf(arch + "-bit") >= 0 || name.indexOf(arch + " bit") >= 0) && !name.match("[\\.\\-]rc\\d+\\.")) { if (!msys2_version_regex || name.replace(/^Git-/i, "").match(msys2_version_regex)) { msys2_found_url = url; msys2_found_name = name; break; // we want the first match here, not the last one } } } } if (!msys2_found_url) { throw new Error("Could not find detect the latest version of Git-for-Windows!" + "\r\n" + "Please check: " + MSYS2_VERSION_URL + "\r\n" + "Candidate URLs:" + "\r\n" + potential_urls.join("\r\n")); } WScript.StdErr.Write("\r\n" + INFO_LINE_PREFIX + " found: " + msys2_found_url); } finally { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(); } } var confirm_installation = (function (confirmed) { return function () { if (!confirmed) { if (WScript.Interactive) { WScript.StdErr.Write("\r\n" + "Press ENTER to begin installing, or Ctrl+C to cancel..."); try { WScript.StdIn.ReadLine(); } catch (ex) { if (!(ex.number ^ COR_E_ENDOFSTREAM)) { ctrl_c_pressed = true; return false; } throw ex; } } confirmed = true; } }; })(false); var program_files_folder = (arch === 64 ? WshProcEnv('ProgramW6432') : null) || WshProcEnv('ProgramFiles'); if (!program_files_folder) { throw new Error("Could not find Program Files folder"); } if (GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS.BashTerminalOption === null) { var path = ShellApp.NameSpace(ssfPROFILE).Self.Path; if (path !== path.replace(/[^ -~]/g, "")) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("\r\n" + "WARNING: Your profile contains non-English characters: " + path + "\r\n If this causes problems later, consider using an English profile."); GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS.BashTerminalOption = 'MinTTY'; } else { GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS.BashTerminalOption = 'ConHost'; } } var python_found_name = url_basename(python_url); var python_major_version = python_found_name.match(/^python-(\d+)/i)[1]; var python_minor_version = python_found_name.match(/^python-(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/i)[1]; var python_revision = python_found_name.match(/^python-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)/i)[1]; var python_dir; for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var python_reg_subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + python_minor_version + (i ? "-" + arch : "") + "\\InstallPath\\"; python_dir = python_dir || WshShell_TryRegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" + python_reg_subkey) || WshShell_TryRegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + python_reg_subkey); } var existing_python = python_dir ? FSO.BuildPath(python_dir, 'python.exe') : python_dir; if (!(existing_python && FSO.FileExists(existing_python))) { existing_python = search_path(['python' + (python_major_version || '') + '.exe', 'python.exe'], +1, false); } var existing_python_revision = null, existing_python_major_version = null, existing_python_minor_version = null; if (existing_python) { run(create_command_line([existing_python, '--version']), function (line) { var match = line.match(/^Python (\d+[\.\d]*)/); if (match) { existing_python_revision = match[1]; existing_python_minor_version = existing_python_revision ? existing_python_revision.match(/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?/)[1] : existing_python_revision; existing_python_major_version = existing_python_minor_version ? existing_python_minor_version.match(/^\d+/)[1] : existing_python_minor_version; } }, function (line) { /* ignore standard error, since it seems a stub Python is included on Windows by Microsoft that outputs a confusing message */ }); } if (!(existing_python_major_version && existing_python_major_version === existing_python_major_version) && !(python_dir && FSO.FolderExists(python_dir))) { if (confirm_installation() === false) { return -1; } python_dir = FSO.BuildPath(program_files_folder, "Python " + python_minor_version); var tempfilepath = FSO.BuildPath(GetTempFolder(), python_found_name); var tempinfpath = tempfilepath + ".inf"; var local_file = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName), python_found_name); if (FSO.FileExists(local_file)) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Using already downloaded file: " + local_file); tempfilepath = local_file; } try { download(python_url, tempfilepath, "application/octet-stream"); var python_install_args = []; if (PYTHON_OPTIONS) { for (var key in PYTHON_OPTIONS) { if (PYTHON_OPTIONS.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = PYTHON_OPTIONS[key]; if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { python_install_args.push(key + '=' + value); } } } if (!('DefaultAllUsersTargetDir' in PYTHON_OPTIONS)) { python_install_args.push('DefaultAllUsersTargetDir' + '=' + python_dir); } }; var cmdline = create_command_line([tempfilepath, '/passive'].concat(python_install_args)); WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Installing Python: " + cmdline); var status = WshShell.Run(cmdline, 10, true); if (status !== 0) { WScript.Echo("Error " + status + " when installing: " + python_url); return status; } } finally { if (tempfilepath !== local_file && FSO.FileExists(tempfilepath)) { try { if (delete_downloads_before_exit) { FSO.DeleteFile(tempfilepath); } } catch (ex) { /* ignore errors deleting temporary files */ } } } var config_keys_path = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(python_dir, 'Lib'), 'idlelib'), 'config-keys.def'); if (FSO.FileExists(config_keys_path)) { replace_text(IdleLib_ConfigKeys_Fixup, config_keys_path); } var config_main_path = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(python_dir, 'Lib'), 'idlelib'), 'config-main.def'); if (FSO.FileExists(config_main_path)) { replace_text(IdleLib_ConfigMain_Fixup, config_main_path); } WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Successfully install Python."); } else { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine((python_revision !== existing_python_revision ? "Not installing Python " + python_revision + " because " : "") + "Python " + existing_python_revision + " is already installed:" + "\r\n" + INFO_LINE_PREFIX + (existing_python || python_dir)); } var uninstall = 'uninstall'; var uninstall_python = 'uninstall-python'; var uninstall_git_for_windows = 'uninstall-git-for-windows'; if (!msys2_dir) { if (confirm_installation() === false) { return -1; } var tempfilepath = FSO.BuildPath(GetTempFolder(), msys2_found_name); var tempinfpath = tempfilepath + ".inf"; var local_file = FSO.BuildPath(FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName), msys2_found_name); if (FSO.FileExists(local_file)) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Using already downloaded file: " + local_file); tempfilepath = local_file; } try { var old_internet_connection_speed = internet_connection_speed; try { if (msys2_download_speed) { internet_connection_speed = msys2_download_speed; } download(msys2_found_url, tempfilepath, "application/octet-stream"); } finally { internet_connection_speed = old_internet_connection_speed; } try { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Installing Git-for-Windows..."); var lines = ['[Setup]']; if (GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS) { lines.push('Group' + '=' + 'Git'); for (var key in GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS) { if (GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = GIT_FOR_WINDOWS_OPTIONS[key]; if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { lines.push(key + '=' + value); } } } } save_text(lines, tempinfpath); var status = WshShell.Run(create_command_line([tempfilepath, "/Silent", "/NoRestart", "/SP-", "/CloseApplications", "/RestartApplications", "/Components=" + ["icons", "icons\\desktop", "ext", "ext\\shellhere"].join(","), "/LoadINF=" + tempinfpath]), 10, true); if (status !== 0) { WScript.Echo("Error " + status + " when installing: " + msys2_found_url); return status; } msys2_dir = WshShell_TryRegRead(msys2_dir_key); var newline = '\n'; var python_path = python_dir ? python_dir.replace(/^([A-Za-z]):\\/, function (m, v) { return '/' + v.toLowerCase() + '/'; }).replace(/[\\]/g, '/') : null; if (python_path && python_path.substring(python_path.length - 1) === '/') { python_path = python_path.substring(0, python_path.length - 1); } save_text([ 'ClicksPlaceCursor=yes', 'Columns=140', 'Rows=40', 'ScrollbackLines=1000000', 'PgUpDnScroll=yes', 'CtrlShiftShortcuts=yes', 'ClipShortcuts=no' ], FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(msys2_dir, "etc"), "minttyrc"), null, newline); save_text([ '##### Begin CS 61A commands #####', 'if [ ! "${CS61A_GIT_BASH_SKIP_PYTHON_SETUP-0}" = "1" ]; then', 'CS61A_GIT_BASH_SKIP_PYTHON_SETUP=1', 'if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION+x}" ]; then _localappdata_drive="${LOCALAPPDATA/%:*/}" _localappdata_path="${LOCALAPPDATA#*:}"; _winapps="/${_localappdata_drive,,}${_localappdata_path//\\\\/\\/}/Microsoft/WindowsApps"; if [ -d "${_winapps}" ]; then export PATH="${PATH/:${_winapps}/}"; fi; unset _winapps _localappdata_path _localappdata_drive; fi || true', '_pypath="' + python_path + '"; if [ -f "${_pypath}/python.exe" ]; then export PATH="${_pypath}:${_pypath}/Scripts:${PATH}"; fi && unset _pypath || true', '_winpty="" && if [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ] && [ -t 2 ] && read -s -dc -p $\'\\E[>c\' _da < /dev/tty && [ "${_da}" = "${_da##$\'\\E\'[>67;}" ]; then _winpty=winpty; fi && unset _da', 'winpty() { if [ 0 -eq "$#" ]; then TERM=cygwin exec /usr/bin/start "${SHELL}" "${SHELL}" -l; elif [ "$(unalias "$1" 2>&- || true; type -t "$1")" = file ]; then command winpty "$@"; else "$@"; fi; }', 'if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION+x}" ]; then _pypath=""; for _regpath in /proc/registry*/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Python/PythonCore/' + (python_major_version || '*') + '.*/InstallPath/@; do if [ -f "${_regpath}" ]; then IFS=":" read -r -d "" _pydrive _pypath < "${_regpath}" && _pypath="/${_pydrive,,}${_pypath//\\\\/\\/}" && unset _pydrive && _pypath="${_pypath%/}" && if [ -d "${_pypath}" ]; then export PATH="${_pypath}:${_pypath}/Scripts:${PATH}"; fi || true; fi; done || true; if [ -n "${_pypath}" ] && [ -f "${_pypath}/python.exe" ]; then eval "python' + (python_major_version || '') + '() { local exe=\\"${_pypath}/python.exe\\" && if [ -f \\"\\${exe}\\" ]; then ${_winpty} \\"\\${exe}\\" \\"\\$@\\"; else ${_winpty:-command} python' + (python_major_version || '') + ' \\"\\$@\\"; fi; }"; fi; unset _pypath _regpath; fi || true', 'unset GIT_EXEC_PATH GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR GITPERLLIB', "MSYS2_PS1='\\[\\e[32;1m\\]\\u\\[\\e[0;1m\\]@\\[\\e[36;1m\\]\\h\\[\\e[0;1m\\] \\[\\e[33;1m\\]\\w\\[\\e[0;1m\\]$ '", uninstall_python + '() { (set -euo pipefail && echo "Uninstalling Python..." 1>&2 && { local found="" cmd="" f && for f in /proc/registry*/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/*; do local name; if [ -d "$f" ] && read -r -d "" name < "$f/DisplayName"; then case "${name}" in "Python "*) found="$f";; esac; fi; done && if [ -n "${found}" ] && read -r -d "" cmd < "${found}/${1-UninstallString}"; then printf "%s\\n" "Start \\"\\" /Wait ${cmd}" | MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*" "${COMSPEC//\\\\/\\\\\\\\}" /S /D /Q > /dev/null && test -n "${found}" && test ! -d "${found}"; fi; }); }', uninstall_git_for_windows + '() { echo "Uninstalling Git-for-Windows..." 1>&2 && { (set -euo pipefail && cd / && rm -f -d -- mingw*/etc/gitconfig var/log/pacman.log var/log/ etc/profile.d/python-setup.sh && { MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*" "${COMSPEC}" /S /D /Q /C "start .\\\\unins000.exe ${2-}"; }) & exit -1; }; }', uninstall + '() { ' + uninstall_python + ' ModifyPath && ' + uninstall_git_for_windows + ' "/Silent"; }', "if [ -n \"${BASH_VERSION+x}\" ] && shopt -q login_shell; then 1>&2 echo \"Welcome to Git-Bash, a Linux-like environment for Windows.\" && if false; then 1>&2 echo 'Your Windows drives can be accessed at the following paths:' && 1>&2 sed -e '/^\\s*\\([^\\# \\t].*\\) \\(\\S\\+\\) \\(\\S\\+\\) \\(\\S\\+\\) \\(\\S\\+\\) \\(\\S\\+\\)$/!d;s//\\3\\t\\2\\t\\1/g' -e '/^\\(tmpfs\\|proc\\|devpts\\|sysfs\\|binfmt_misc\\)\\t/d' -e 's/^[^\\t]*\\t//g' -e '/^\\(\\/\\|\\/bin\\|\\/tmp\\)\\t/d' -e '/^[^\\t]*\\t\\/bin\\t/d' -- /proc/mounts; fi && if [ -n \"${_winpty-}\" ]; then alias python='1>&2 printf \"\\e[0;1mLaunching Python... (if nothing shows up below, try \\e[33;1mpython3\\e[0;1m or \\e[33;1mwinpty python\\e[0;1m)\\n\" && python'; fi; fi", 'fi', '##### End CS 61A commands #####' ], FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(msys2_dir, "etc"), "profile.d"), "git-prompt.sh"), 8, newline); save_text([ "", "set nowrap # Don't hard-wrap text at all.", "set nonewlines # Don't automatically add a newline to the ends of files.", "set noconvert # Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.", "set constantshow # Constantly display the cursor position in the status bar. (The old form of this option, 'set const', is deprecated.)", "#set mouse # Enable mouse support, if available for your system. When enabled, mouse clicks can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a double click), and execute shortcuts. The mouse will work in the X Window System, and on the console when gpm is running.", "set smooth # Use smooth scrolling by default.", "set smarthome # Make the Home key smarter. When Home is pressed anywhere but at the very beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor will jump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards). If the cursor is already at that position, it will jump to the true beginning of the line." ], FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(msys2_dir, "etc"), "nanorc"), 8, newline); save_text([ '', '"\\e[A": history-search-backward', '"\\e[B": history-search-forward', 'set bell-style none' /* default is 'visible', which causes a scrolling bug */ ], FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(msys2_dir, "etc"), "inputrc"), 8, newline); } finally { if (FSO.FileExists(tempinfpath)) { try { FSO.DeleteFile(tempinfpath); } catch (ex) { /* ignore errors deleting temporary files */ } } } } finally { if (tempfilepath !== local_file && FSO.FileExists(tempfilepath)) { try { if (delete_downloads_before_exit) { FSO.DeleteFile(tempfilepath); } } catch (ex) { /* ignore errors deleting temporary files */ } } } WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(INFO_LINE_PREFIX + "Successfully install Git-for-Windows."); } else { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Git-for-Windows is already installed:" + "\r\n" + INFO_LINE_PREFIX + msys2_dir); } } catch (ex) { if (!WScript.Interactive) { WScript.StdErr.Write("ERROR: " + ex.message); } if (no_relaunch) { throw ex; } return ex.number; } finally { if (WScript.Interactive && !ctrl_c_pressed && no_relaunch) { WScript.StdErr.Write("Press ENTER to quit..."); try { WScript.StdIn.ReadLine(); } catch (ex) { if (ex.number ^ COR_E_ENDOFSTREAM) { if (no_relaunch) { throw ex; } return ex.number; } } } } } (function () { var argv = []; for (var i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) { argv.push(WScript.Arguments(i)); } WScript.Quit(main(argv)); })();