Dictionaries, Matrices, and Trees

Today will cover...

  • Announcements
  • Dictionary type
  • Matrix abstraction
  • Tree abstraction
  • Tree processing

Review: Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation 1 2 3 True False
(..,..) [..,..]
Data abstraction make_rat() numer() denom()
add_rat() mul_rat() print_rat() equal_rat()
User program exact_harmonic_number()

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Review: Python types

Type Examples
Integers 0 -1 0xFF 0b1101
Booleans True False
Functions def f(x)... lambda x: ...
Strings "pear""I say, \"hello!\""
Tuples (1, 10) ("Oh", "hi", 11)
Ranges range(11) range(1, 6)
Lists [] ["apples", "bananas"]
[x**3 for x in range(2)]


A dict is a mutable mapping of key-value pairs

					states = {
						"CA": "California",
						"DE": "Delaware",
						"NY": "New York",
						"TX": "Texas",
						"WY": "Wyoming"


					>>> len(states)

					>>> "CA" in states

					>>> "ZZ" in states

Dictionary selection

					words = {
						"mรกs": "more",
						"otro": "other",
						"agua": "water"

Select a value:

					>>> words["otro"]

					>>> first_word = "agua"
					>>> words[first_word]

					>>> words["pavo"]
					KeyError: pavo

					>>> words.get("pavo", "๐Ÿค”")

Dictionary mutation

Create an empty dict:

					users = {}

Add values:

					users["profpamela"] = "b3stp@ssEvErDontHackMe"

Change values:

					users["profpamela"] += "itsLongerSoItsMoreSecure!!"

					>>> users["profpamela"]

Dictionary rules

  • A key cannot be a list or dictionary (or any mutable type)
  • All keys in a dictionary are distinct (there can only be one value per key)
  • The values can be any type, however!

					spiders = {
					  "smeringopus": {
						  "name": "Pale Daddy Long-leg",
						  "length": 7
					  "holocnemus pluchei": {
						  "name": "Marbled cellar spider",
						  "length": (5, 7)

Dictionary iteration

					insects = {"spiders": 8, "centipedes": 100, "bees": 6}
					for name in insects:

...is the same as:

					for name in list(insects):

What will be the order of items?

					8 100 6

Keys are iterated over in the order they are first added.

Nested data

Lists of lists [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ]
Lists of tuples [ (1, 2), (3, 4) ]
Tuples of tuples ( (1, 2), (3, 4) )
Dicts of tuples {"x": (1, 2), "y": (3, 4)}
Dicts of lists {"heights": [89, 97], "ages": [6, 8]}

...what else?! Dicts of dicts, Lists of dicts, etc.

Next up: more abstractions


Consider a matrix (two-dimensional table) like this:


That matrix has three rows and four columns, with integer values in each location.

Matrices: Data abstraction

We want this constructor, selector, and mutator:

matrix(rows, cols) Returns a ROWS x COLS matrix with all values set to 0
value(matrix, row, col) Returns value of MATRIX at (ROW, COL)
set_value(matrix, row, col, val) Sets value of MATRIX at (ROW, COL) to VAL

How could we implement? Answer the poll!

Matrices: Implementation A

A list of lists, row-major order:

[ [1,2,0,4], [0,1,3,-1], [0,0,1,8] ]

					def matrix(rows, cols):
						return [ [0 for col in range(cols)] for row in range(rows) ]

					def value(matrix, row, col):
						return matrix[row][col]

					def set_value(matrix, row, col, val):
						matrix[row][col] = val

					m = matrix(3, 4)
					set_value(m, 0, 0, 1)
					set_value(m, 0, 1, 2)
					set_value(m, 0, 3, 4)

Matrices: Implementation B

A list of lists, column-major order:

[ [1,0,0], [2,1,0], [0,3,1], [4,-1,8] ]

					def matrix(rows, cols):
						return [ [0 for row in range(rows)] for col in range(cols) ]

					def value(matrix, row, col):
						return matrix[col][row]

					def set_value(matrix, row, col, val):
						matrix[col][row] = val

					m = matrix(3, 4)
					set_value(m, 0, 0, 1)
					set_value(m, 0, 1, 2)
					set_value(m, 0, 3, 4)

Matrices: Implementation C

A tuple of lists, row-major order:

( [1,0,0], [2,1,0], [0,3,1], [4, -1,8] )

					def matrix(rows, cols):
						return tuple( [0 for col in range(cols)] for row in range(rows) )

					def value(matrix, row, col):
						return matrix[row][col]

					def set_value(matrix, row, col, val):
						matrix[row][col] = val

					m = matrix(3, 4)
					set_value(m, 0, 0, 1)
					set_value(m, 0, 1, 2)
					set_value(m, 0, 3, 4)

Matrices: Implementation D โŒ

A list of tuples?

[ (1,2,0,4), (0,1,3,-1), (0,0,1,8) ]

					def matrix(rows, cols):
					    return [ tuple(0 for col in range(cols))
					        for row in range(rows) ]

					def value(matrix, row, col):
					    return matrix[row][col]

					def set_value(matrix, row, col, val):
					    matrix[row][col] = val

					m = matrix(3, 4)
					set_value(m, 0, 0, 1) โŒ
					set_value(m, 0, 1, 2) โŒ
					set_value(m, 0, 3, 4) โŒ

Matrices: Implementation D2

A list of tuples?

[ (1,2,0,4), (0,1,3,-1), (0,0,1,8) ]

					def matrix(rows, cols):
					    return [ tuple(0 for col in range(cols))
					        for row in range(rows) ]

					def value(matrix, row, col):
					    return matrix[row][col]

					def set_value(matrix, row, col, val):
					    matrix[row] = matrix[row][:col] + (val,) + matrix[row][col+1:]

					m = matrix(3, 4)
					set_value(m, 0, 0, 1)
					set_value(m, 0, 1, 2)
					set_value(m, 0, 3, 4)

Designing an implementation

Which implementation was your favorite?
Answer the poll!

When might you use a tuple?

When might you use a list?

When might you use a dict?


Diagram of tree
  • Each oval is a node
  • Top node is the root
  • Each node is itself the root of another tree (called a subtree); the nodes immediately below are its children
  • Nodes without children are leaves; others are inner nodes
  • Each node generally has a label

Trees: Data abstraction

We want this constructor and selectors:

tree(label, children) Returns a tree with given LABEL at its root, whose children are CHILDREN
label(tree) Returns the label of root node of TREE
children(tree) Returns the children of TREE (each a tree).
is_leaf(tree) Returns true if TREE is a leaf node.

How could we implement? Answer the poll!

Trees: Implementation A

A list of label + list for each tree/subtree:


					def tree(label, children=[]):
						return [label] + children

					def label(tree):
						return tree[0]

					def children(tree):
						return tree[1:]

					def is_leaf(tree):
						return len(children(tree)) == 0

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                  [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					                [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Trees: Implementation B

A number-list tuple for each tree/subtree:

(20,[(12,[(9,[(7,[]),(2, [])]),(3, [])]),(8,[(4,[]),(4,[])])])

					def tree(label, children=[]):
					  return (label, children)

					def label(tree):
					  return tree[0]

					def children(tree):
					  return tree[1]

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                 [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					               [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Trees: Implementation C

A dictionary for each tree/subtree:

{'l':20,'c':[{'l':12,'c':[{'l':9,'c':[{'l':7,'c': []},{'l':2,'c':[]}]},{'l':3,'c':[]}]},{'l':8,'c':[{'l':4,'c':[]},{'l':4,'c':[]}]}]}

					def tree(label, children=[]):
					    return {"l": label, "c": children}

					def label(tree):
					    return tree["l"]

					def children(tree):
				        return tree["c"]

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                 [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					                [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Tree processing

A tree is a recursive structure.

Each tree has:

  • A label
  • 0 or more children, each a tree

Recursive structure implies recursive algorithm!

Tree processing: Counting leaves

Diagram of tree

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        children_leaves = 0
					        for c in children(t):
					            children_leaves += count_leaves(c)
					        return children_leaves

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Tree processing: Counting leaves

The sum() function sums up the items of an iterable.

					>>> sum([1, 1, 1, 1])

That leads to this shorter function:

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        return sum([count_leaves(c) for c in children(t)])

Creating trees

A function that creates a tree from another tree is also often recursive.

Creating trees: Doubling labels

Diagram of tree

					def double(t):
					    """Returns a tree identical to T, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(c) for c in children(t)])

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Creating trees: Doubling labels


					def double(t):
						"""Returns a tree identical to T, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        doubled_children = []
					        for c in children(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2, doubled_children)


					def double(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(c) for c in children(t)])

Challenge: List of leaves

Try this on your own:

					def list_of_leaves(t):
					    """Return a list containing the leaf labels of T.

					    >>> leaves(t) # Using the t from the slides
					    [7, 2, 3, 4, 4]
					    if ______:
					        return ______
					        return ______

Hint: If you sum a list of lists, you get a list containing the elements of those lists. The sum function takes a second argument, the starting value of the sum.

Tree: Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation 1 2 3 True False
(..,..) [..,..] {...}
Data abstraction tree() children() label()
User program double(t) count_leaves(t)

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Trees, trees, everywhere!

Directory structures

Tree for a directory structure

Parse trees

For natural languages...

Parse tree for English sentence: A mouse eats a cat

Key: S = Sentence, NP = Noun phrase, D = Determiner, N = Noun, V = Verb, VP = Verb Phrase

Parse trees

For programming languages, too...

Parse tree for an arithmetic expression

Key: E = expression