Mutable Values

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Today we'll cover...

  • Tree creation algorithms
  • Mutability vs. Immutability
  • Mutable trees
  • List mutations
  • Identity and Equality


Tree: Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation 1 2 3 True False
(..,..) [..,..] {...}
Data abstraction tree() children() label()
User program count_leaves(t) double(t)

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Abstractions involve choices

  • What operations should be exposed?
  • What should those operations be named?
  • What are the parameters and return values?

Two possible tree() abstractions (of many):

This lecture Your assignments
tree(label, children=None) tree(label, branches=[])
label(tree) label(tree)
children(tree) branches(tree)

👀 Can you spot the differences?

A tree() implementation

A number-list tuple for each tree/subtree:

(20,[(12,[(9,[(7,[]),(2, [])]),(3, [])]),(8,[(4,[]),(4,[])])])

					def tree(label, children=None):
					    """ Creates a tree whose root node is labeled LABEL and
					        optionally has CHILDREN, a list of trees."""
					    return (label, list(children or []))

					def label(tree):   
					    """ Returns the label of the root node of TREE. """
					    return tree[0]

					def children(tree):   
					    """ Returns a list of children of TREE. """
					    return tree[1]

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                 [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					               [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Tree creation algorithms

A function that creates a tree from another tree is also often recursive.

Doubling trees diagram

Tree creation: Doubling labels

Doubling trees diagram

					def double(t):
					    """Returns a tree identical to T, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        doubled_children = []
					        for c in children(t):
					            doubled_children += [double(c)]
					        return tree(label(t) * 2, doubled_children)

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Creating trees: Doubling labels

How can we shorten this?

					doubled_children = []
					for c in children(t):
					    doubled_children += [double(c)]

List comprehension!

					def double(t):
					    """Returns a tree identical to T, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(c) for c in children(t)])

Even shorter!

					def double(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(c) for c in children(t)])


Non-destructive 🏛️ vs. Destructive 💥

A non-destructive operation:

					>>> aThing
					<output A>
					>>> <operation on aThing (that obey abstraction boundaries)>
					>>> aThing
					<output A>

A is never changed by the operation. 🏛️

A destructive operation:

					>>> aThing
					<output A>
					>>> <operation on aThing (that obey abstraction boundaries)>
					>>> aThing
					<output B>

A and B don't always differ, but if they ever differ, it's destructive! 💥

Non-destructive 🏛️ vs. Destructive 💥

					def double(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in T."""
					    return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(c) for c in children(t)])

Is double(t)...

  • destructive?
  • non-destructive?

double(t) did not mutate the original input data, so it is considered a non-destructive operation.

Immutability vs. Mutability

An immutable value is unchanging once created.

Immutable types (that we've covered): int, float, string, tuple

					a_tuple = (1, 2)
					a_tuple[0] = 3                  # 🚫 Error! Tuple items cannot be set.
					a_string = "Hi y'all"
					a_string[1] = "I"               # 🚫 Error! String elements cannot be set.
					a_string += ", how you doing?"  # 🤔 How does this work?
					an_int = 20
					an_int += 2                     # 🤔 And this?

A mutable value can change in value throughout the course of computation. All names that refer to the same object are affected by a mutation.

Mutable types (that we've covered): list, dict

					grades = [90, 70, 85]
					grades_copy = grades
					grades[1] = 100
					words = {"agua": "water"}
					words["pavo"] = "turkey"

Mutation in function calls

An function can change the value of any object in its scope.

					four = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Even without arguments:

					four = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Mutables inside immutables

An immutable sequence may still change if it contains a mutable value as an element.

					t = (1, [2, 3])
					t[1][0] = 99
					t[1][1] = "Problems"

Immutability vs. Mutability

					def tree(label, children=None):
					    """ Creates a tree whose root node is labeled LABEL and
					        optionally has CHILDREN, a list of trees."""
					    return (label, list(children or []))

					def label(tree):   
					    """ Returns the label of the root node of TREE. """
					    return tree[0]

					def children(tree):   
					    """ Returns a list of children of TREE. """
					    return tree[1]

Is tree()...

  • mutable?
  • immutable?

Our current tree() abstraction is immutable, as long as we don't break the abstraction barrier. We cannot mutate a tree once it's created.

A mutable tree()?

Suppose we add two mutators to our abstraction:

                    def set_label(tree, label):
                        """Sets the label of TREE's root node to LABEL"""
                        tree[0] = label

                    def set_children(tree, children):
                        """Sets the children of TREE to CHILDREN, a list of trees."""
                        tree[1] = children

Will that work? Let's find out...

Remember our current implementation of tree():

                    def tree(label, children=None):
                        return (label, list(children or []))

We can't mutate elements of tuples, since tuples are immutable.

A mutable tree()

A list with label and a list for each child:

					def tree(label, children=None):
					    return [label] + list(children or [])

					def label(tree):
					    return tree[0]

					def children(tree):
					    return tree[1:]

					def set_label(tree, label):
					    tree[0] = label

					def set_children(tree, children):
					    tree[1] = children

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                  [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					                [tree(4), tree(4)])])
					set_label(t, 40)
					set_children(t, [tree(24)])

A destructive tree doubling

Doubling trees diagram

					def double(t):
					    """Doubles every label in T, mutating T."""
					    set_label(t, label(t) * 2)
					    if not is_leaf(t):
					        for c in children(t):


Lists in environment diagrams

					pair = [1, 2]
  • Lists are represented as a row of index-labeled adjacent boxes, one per element
  • Each box either contains a primitive value or points to a compound value

Try in PythonTutor.

Lists in environment diagrams

A nested list:

					matrix = [ [1,2,0,4], [0,1,3,-1], [0,0,1,8] ]
Screenshot of PythonTutor of nested list

Lists in environment diagrams

A very nested list:

					worst_list = [ [1, 2],
					               [ [3, False, None],
					                 [4, lambda: 5]]]
Screenshot of PythonTutor of nested list

Copying lists

Slicing a whole list copies a list:

					listA = [2, 3]
					listB = listA

					listC = listA[:]
					listA[0] = 4
					listB[1] = 5

list() creates a new list containing existing elements from any iterable:

					listA = [2, 3]
					listB = listA

					listC = list(listA)
					listA[0] = 4
					listB[1] = 5

Try both in PythonTutor.

Python3 provides more ways in the copy module.


Is list(l)...

  • destructive?
  • non-destructive?

list(l) did not mutate the original iterable, so it is considered a non-destructive operation.

Are lists...

  • mutable?
  • immutable?

Python lists are mutable. Let's see ways to mutate them!

Mutating lists with slicing

We can do a lot with just brackets/slice notation:

					L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

					L[2] = 6

					L[1:3] = [9, 8]

					L[2:4] = []            # Deleting elements

					L[1:1] = [2, 3, 4, 5]  # Inserting elements

					L[len(L):] = [10, 11]  # Appending

					L = L + [20, 30]

					L[0:0] = range(-3, 0)  # Prepending

Try in PythonTutor.

Mutating lists with methods

append() adds a single element to a list:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					t = 0

Try in PythonTutor.

extend() adds all the elements in one list to a list:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					s.extend(4) # 🚫 Error: 4 is not an iterable!
					t = 0

Try in PythonTutor. (After deleting the bad line)

Mutating lists with methods

pop() removes and returns the last element:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					t = s.pop()

Try in PythonTutor.

remove() removes the first element equal to the argument:

					s = [6, 2, 4, 8, 4]

Try in PythonTutor.

Identity of objects vs. Equality of contents

Identity: exp0 is exp1
evaluates to True if both exp0 and exp1 evaluate to the same object

Equality: exp0 == exp1
evaluates to True if both exp0 and exp1 evaluate to objects containing equal values

					list1 = [1,2,3]
					list2 = [1,2,3]
					identical = list1 is list2
					are_equal = list1 == list2

Try in PythonTutor.

Identical objects always have equal values.