List Mutation, Identity, and Nonlocal

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List creation

Creating a list from scratch:

                    a = []
                    b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Creating a list from existing lists:

                    c = b + [20, 30]
                    d = c[:]
                    e = list(c)

Non-destructive or destructive?
The operations above are non-destructive.

Try in PythonTutor.

List mutation

					L[2] = 6

					L[1:3] = [9, 8]

					L[2:4] = []            # Deleting elements

					L[1:1] = [2, 3, 4, 5]  # Inserting elements

					L[len(L):] = [10, 11]  # Appending

					L[0:0] = range(-3, 0)  # Prepending

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Non-destructive or destructive?
All of the operations above are destructive.

List methods

append() adds a single element to a list:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					t = 0

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extend() adds all the elements in one list to a list:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					s.extend(4) # 🚫 Error: 4 is not an iterable!
					t = 0

Try in PythonTutor. (After deleting the bad line)

Non-destructive or destructive?
append() and extend() are destructive.

List methods

pop() removes and returns the last element:

					s = [2, 3]
					t = [5, 6]
					t = s.pop()

Try in PythonTutor.

remove() removes the first element equal to the argument:

					s = [6, 2, 4, 8, 4]

Try in PythonTutor.

Non-destructive or destructive?
pop() and remove() are destructive.

Equality and Identity

Equality of contents vs. Identity of objects

Identity: exp0 is exp1
evaluates to True if both exp0 and exp1 evaluate to the same object

Equality: exp0 == exp1
evaluates to True if both exp0 and exp1 evaluate to objects containing equal values

					list1 = [1,2,3]
					list2 = [1,2,3]
					are_equal = list1 == list2
					identical = list1 is list2

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Identical objects always have equal values.

Equality of contents vs. Identity of objects

                    a = ["apples", "bananas"]
                    b = ["apples", "bananas"]
                    c = a

                    if a == b == c:
                        print("All equal!")

                    a[1] = "oranges"

                    if a is c and a == c:
                        print("A and C are equal AND identical!")

                    if a == b:
                        print("A and B are equal!") # Nope!

                    if b == c:
                        print("B and C are equal!") # Nope!

Try in PythonTutor.

Identity and immutables

Try this in your local friendly Python interpreter:

                    a = "orange"
                    b = "orange"
                    c = "o" + "range"
                    print(a is b)
                    print(a is c)

                    a = 100
                    b = 100
                    print(a is b)
                    print(a is 10 * 10)
                    print(a == 10 * 10)

                    a = 100000000000000000
                    b = 100000000000000000
                    print(a is b)
                    print(100000000000000000 is 100000000000000000)

Beware: is may not act like you expect for strings/numbers!


Names inside local scopes

Does this work? 😊 Yes!

                    attendees = []

                    def mark_attendance(name):
                        print("In attendance:", attendees)


Does this work? 😿 No!

                    current = 0

                    def count():
                        current = current + 1
                        print("Count:", current)


UnboundLocalError: local variable 'current' referenced before assignment

Scope rules

Action Global code Local code
Access names that are bound in the global scope? βœ… Yes βœ… Yes
Re-assign names that are bound in the global scope? 🚫 No (unless declared global) 🚫 No (unless declared global)

                    current = 0

                    def count():
                        current = current + 1     # 🚫  Error!
                        print("Count:", current)


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Re-assigning globals

                    current = 0

                    def count():
                        global current
                        current = current + 1
                        print("Count:", current)


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Avoiding global

"Just because you can do something in a language, it doesn't mean you should." - Prof Fox

Re-assigning global variables inside functions can lead to more brittle and unpredictable code.

How about...

                    current = 0

                    def count(current):
                        current = current + 1
                        print("Count:", current)
                        return current

                    current = count(current)
                    current = count(current)


Names inside nested scopes

Does this work? 😊 Yes!

                    def make_tracker(class_name):
                        attendees = []

                        def track_attendance(name):
                            print(class_name, ": ", attendees)

                        return track_attendance

                    tracker = make_tracker("CS61A")

Names inside nested scopes

Does this work? 😿 No!

                    def make_counter(start):
                        current = start

                        def count():
                            current = current + 1
                            print("Count:", current)

                        return count

                    counter = make_counter(30)

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'current' referenced before assignment

Scope rules

Can code inside functions...
Access names that are bound in the enclosing function? βœ… Yes
Re-assign names that are bound in the enclosing function? 🚫 No (unless declared nonlocal)

                    def make_counter(start):
                        current = start

                        def count():
                            current = current + 1     # 🚫  Error!
                            print("Count:", current)

                        return count

                    counter = make_counter(30)

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Re-assigning names in parent scope

The nonlocal declaration tells Python to look in the parent frame for the name lookup.

                    def make_counter(start):
                        current = start

                        def count():
                            nonlocal current
                            current = current + 1
                            print("Count:", current)

                        return count

                    counter = make_counter(30)

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Avoiding nonlocal

The nonlocal keyword was only added to Python 3, so most code that might use it can be done in more Pythonic ways.

For the example, the counter can be done with a generator:

                    def make_counter(start):
                        current = start
                        while True:
                            current = current + 1
                            print("Count:", current)

                    counter = make_counter(30)

⚠️ But we haven't learned about generators yet! Stay tuned! ⚠️

Avoiding nonlocal

We could also use a mutable value like a list or dict:

                    def make_counter(start):
                        current = [0]

                        def count():
                            current[0] = 1
                            print("Count:", current[0])

                        return count

                    counter = make_counter(30)

Try in PythonTutor

Another use of nonlocal

We saw it earlier when making a pair data abstraction:

                    def pair(a, b):
                        def pair_func(which, v=None):
                            nonlocal a, b
                            if which == 0:
                                return a
                            elif which == 1:
                                return b
                            elif which == 2:
                                a = v
                                b = v
                        return pair_func

                    def left(p):
                        return p(0)

                    def right(p):
                        return p(1)

                    def set_left(p, v):
                        p(2, v)

                    def set_right(p, v):
                        p(3, v)

                    aPair = pair(3, 2)
                    set_left(aPair, 5)

Avoiding nonlocal

But then we learned about tuples, lists, and dicts...

                    def pair(a, b):
                        return [a, b]

                    def left(p):
                        return p[0]

                    def right(p):
                        return p[1)

                    def set_left(p, v):
                        p[0] = v

                    def set_right(p, v):
                        p[1] = v

                    aPair = pair(3, 2)
                    set_left(aPair, 5)

Avoiding nonlocal

And we'll soon be learning how to use classes!

                    class Pair:

                        def __init__(left, right):
                            self.left = left
                            self.right = right

                        def set_left(left):
                            self.left = left

                        def set_right(right):
                            self.right = right

                    aPair = Pair(3, 2)

⚠️ You don't need to understand that code yet! Stay tuned! ⚠️

When to use nonlocal or global

Rarely! Once you finish this class, you will have many tools in your toolbox, and you will often find a way to write your code that doesn't need to re-assign names in parent scopes.

Scope rules

Action Global code Local code Nested function code
Access names that are bound in the global scope? βœ… Yes βœ… Yes βœ… Yes
Re-assign names that are bound in the global scope? βœ… Yes 🚫 No (unless declared global) 🚫 No (unless declared global)
Access names in enclosing function? N/A N/A βœ… Yes
Re-assign names in enclosing function? N/A N/A 🚫 No (unless declared nonlocal)