Iterators + Generators

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Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and strings are all iterable objects.

                    my_order = ["Yuca Shepherds Pie", "Pão de queijo", "Guaraná"]

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")

                    prices = {"pineapple": 9.99, "pen": 2.99, "pineapple-pen": 19.99}

                    best_topping = "pineapple"

🕵🏽‍♀️ Sets are also iterable, but we haven't discussed those at length.


We can iterate over iterable objects:

                    my_order = ["Yuca Shepherds Pie", "Pão de queijo", "Guaraná"]
                    for item in my_order:
                    lowered = [item.lower() for item in my_order]

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    for chocolate in ranked_chocolates:

                    prices = {"pineapple": 9.99, "pen": 2.99, "pineapple-pen": 19.99}
                    for product in prices:
                        print(product, " costs ", prices[product])
                    discounted = { item: prices[item] * 0.75 for item in prices }

                    best_topping = "pineapple"
                    for letter in best_topping:


An iterator is an object that provides sequential access to values, one by one.

iter(iterable) returns an iterator over the elements of an iterable.

next(iterator) returns the next element in an iterator.

                    toppings = ["pineapple", "pepper", "mushroom", "roasted red pepper"]

                    topperator = iter(toppings)
                    next(iter) # 'pineapple'
                    next(iter) # 'pepper'
                    next(iter) # 'mushroom'
                    next(iter) # 'roasted red pepper'
                    next(iter) # ❌ StopIteration exception

Handling StopIteration

An unhandled exception will immediately stop a program.

Use try/except to handle an exception:

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")

                    chocolaterator = iter(ranked_chocolates)

                    except StopIteration:
                        print("No more left!")

Iterating with Iterators

We can use a while loop to process iterators of arbitrary length:

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocolaterator = iter(ranked_chocolates)

                        while True:
                            choco = next(chocolaterator)
                    except StopIteration:
                        print("No more left!")

Iterators vs. For loops

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocorator = iter(ranked_chocolates)

                        while True:
                            choco = next(chocorator)
                    except StopIteration:
                        print("No more left!")

Why not just...

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    for chocolate in ranked_chocolates:

Well, actually, a for loop is just syntactic sugar! 🍬

For loop execution

                    for <name> in <expression>:
  1. Python evaluates <expression> to make sure it's an iterable.
  2. Python gets an iterator for the iterable.
  3. Python gets the next value from the iterator and assigns to <name>.
  4. Python executes <suite>.
  5. Python repeats until it sees a StopIteration error.

                    iterator = iter(<expression>)
                        while True:
                            <name> = next(iterator)
                    except StopIteration:

🕵🏼‍♂️ Click here to dig deeper...

__next__() and __iter__()

When the iter() function is passed an iterable object, it calls the __iter__() method on it:

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocorator1 = iter(ranked_chocolates)
                    chocorator2 = ranked_chocolates.__iter__()

When the next() function is passed an iterator, it calls the __next__() method on it:

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocolate1 = next(chocorator1)
                    chocolate2 = chocorator2.__next__()

Once we learn how to make our own objects, we can make anything iterable!

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The sugary for loop: 🍬

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    for chocolate in ranked_chocolates:

The "look ma, no sugar" version: 🙌🏽

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocorator = iter(ranked_chocolates)
                        while True:
                    except StopIteration:

Poll time! What do you prefer? ✍🏽

Behavior != Implementation

The for loop and iterator version behave the same, but the Python interpreter can choose to implement them in different ways, which can affect execution time.

Version 10,000 runs 1,000,000 runs
For loop 3.2 milliseconds 336 milliseconds
Iterator 8.3 milliseconds 798 milliseconds

Is that significant? 🤔

We typically use a for loop unless we have a particular reason to use next()/iter()/StopIteration, since it is both easier to read and better optimized.

🕵🏼‍♂️ Click here to dig deeper...

Implementation comparison

We can use the dis module to see the difference in implementation for each approach.

Bytecode comparison table

The results will vary based on the Python engine. See code that produced that bytecode.

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Functions that return iterators

Function Description
reversed(sequence) Iterate over item in sequence in reverse order
(See example in PythonTutor)
zip(*iterables) Iterate over co-indexed tuples with elements from each of the iterables
(See example in PythonTutor)
map(func, iterable, ...) Iterate over func(x) for x in iterable
Same as [func(x) for x in iterable]
(See example in PythonTutor)
filter(func, iterable) Iterate over x in iterable if func(x)
Same as [x for x in iterable if func(x)]
(See example in PythonTutor)

A useful detail

Calling iter() on an iterator just returns the iterator:

                    numbers = ["一つ", "二つ", "三つ"]
                    num_iter = iter(numbers)
                    num_iter2 = iter(num_iter)

                    assert num_iter is num_iter2

That's why this works...

                    nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

                    for num in filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, nums):

Functions that return iterables

Function Description
list(iterable) Create a list containing all items in iterable
tuple(iterable) Create a tuples containing all items in iterable
sorted(iterable) Create a sorted list containing all items in iterable



A generator is a type of iterator that yields results from a generator function.

A generator function uses yield instead of return:

                    def evens():
                        num = 0
                        while num < 10:
                            yield num
                            num += 2

Just call the generator function to get back a generator:

                    evengen = evens()

                    next(evengen)  # 0
                    next(evengen)  # 2
                    next(evengen)  # 4
                    next(evengen)  # 6
                    next(evengen)  # 8
                    next(evengen)  # ❌ StopIteration exception

How generators work

                    def evens():
                        num = 0
                        while num < 2:
                            yield num
                            num += 2

                    gen = evens()

  • When the function is called, Python immediately returns an iterator without entering the function.
  • When next()is called on the iterator, it executes the body of the generator from the last stopping point up to the next yield statement.
  • If it finds a yield statement, it pauses on the next statement and returns the value of the yielded expression.
  • If it doesn't reach a yield statement, it stops at the end of the function and raises a StopIteration exception.

🕵🏻‍♀️ Dig deeper: When are the function arguments evaluated?

Looping over generators

We can use for loops on generators, since generators are just special types of iterators.

                    def evens(start, end):
                        num = start + (start % 2)
                        while num < end:
                            yield num
                            num += 2

                    for num in evens(12, 60):

Looks a lot like...

                    evens = [num for num in range(12, 60) if num % 2 == 0]
                    # Or  = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(12, 60))
                    for num in evens:

Why use generators?

Generators are lazy: they only generate the next item when needed.

Why generate the whole sequence...

                    def find_matches(filename, match):
                        matched = []
                        for line in open(filename):
                            if line.find(match) > -1:
                        return matched

                    matched_lines = find_matches('frankenstein.txt', "!")

...if you only want some elements?

                    def find_matches(filename, match):
                        for line in open(filename):
                            if line.find(match) > -1:
                                yield line

                    line_iter = find_matches('frankenstein.txt', "!")

A large list can cause your program to run out of memory!

Yielding from iterables

A yield from statement yields the values from an iterator one at a time. 🍬

Instead of...

                    def a_then_b(a, b):
                        for item in a:
                            yield item
                        for item in b:
                            yield item

                    list(a_then_b(["Apples", "Aardvarks"], ["Bananas", "BEARS"]))

We can write...

                    def a_then_b(a, b):
                        yield from a
                        yield from b

                    list(a_then_b(["Apples", "Aardvarks"], ["Bananas", "BEARS"]))

Recursive yield from

A yield from can also yield the results of a generator function.

Instead of...

                    def factorial(n, accum):
                        if n == 0:
                            yield accum
                            for result in factorial(n - 1, n * accum):
                                yield result

                    for num in factorial(3, 1):

We can write...

                    def factorial(n, accum):
                        if n == 0:
                            yield accum
                            yield from factorial(n - 1, n * accum)

                    for num in factorial(3, 1):

Recursive generators for trees

Tree diagram

A pre-order traversal of the tree leaves:

                    def leaves(t):
                        yield label(t)
                        for c in branches(t):
                            yield from leaves(c)

                    t = tree(20, [tree(12,
                                      [tree(7), tree(2)]),
                                   [tree(4), tree(4)])])

                    leave_gen = leaves(t)