Object-Oriented Programming

Review and Design

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Object-Oriented Programming

  • Encapsulation:
    Classes bundle together related data and functions.
  • Composition:
    Objects may contain other objects.
  • Inheritance:
    Objects may inherit behavior from ancestor classes.
  • Polymorphism:
    A function can run on objects of different classes.


Bundling together related data and behavior:

                    class Tree:
                        """A tree."""
                        def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
                            self.label = label
                            self.branches = list(branches)

                        def __repr__(self):
                            if self.branches:
                                branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches)
                                branch_str = ''
                            return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str)

                        def __str__(self):
                            return '\n'.join(self.indented())

                        def indented(self):
                            lines = []
                            for b in self.branches:
                                for line in b.indented():
                                    lines.append('  ' + line)
                            return [str(self.label)] + lines

                        def is_leaf(self):
                            return not self.branches

                    tree = Tree(1, [Tree(1), Tree(2, [Tree(1, [Tree(1)])])])


Objects may contain other objects.

Definitely true for recursive objects:

                    tree = Tree(1, [Tree(1), Tree(2, [Tree(1, [Tree(1)])])])
                    for subtree in tree.branches:

But also true for other objects:

                    class EmissionsTracker:
                        def __init__(self, sources=None):
                            self.sources = sources or []

                        def add_sources(self, sources):

                    tracker = EmissionsTracker()
                    pp1 = EmissionSource("Anthracite Coal", 2602, 276, 40)
                    pp2 = EmissionSource("Lignite Coal", 1389, 156, 23)
                    tracker.add_sources([pp1, pp2])


Objects inherit behavior from ancestor classes.

                    class Assignment:
                        def __init__(self, title, deadline):
                            self.title = title
                            self.deadline = deadline

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{self.title} due {self.deadline}"

                    class Project(Assignment):
                        def __init__(self, title, deadline, checkpoints):
                            super().__init__(title, deadline)
                            self.checkpoints = checkpoints

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{super().__str__()} with checkpoints on {', '.join(self.checkpoints)}"

                    lab13 = Assignment("Lab 13", "Apr 27")
                    scheme = Project("Scheme", "Apr 20", ["Apr 13", "Apr 16"])

Polymorphism #1

A function can run on objects of different classes.

Easy way: the function runs on any objects that inherit from a particular base class.

                    class Place:
                        def add_insect(self, insect):

                    class Insect:
                        def add_to(self, place):
                            self.place = place

                    class Bee(Insect):

                    class ThrowerAnt(Insect):

                    place = Place()

Polymorphism #2 (🐤 Duck typing)

More flexible: a generic function runs on any object that behaves in a particular way.

e.g. functions that run on any iterable (objects with __iter__)

                    def print_list(iterable):
                        item_num = 1
                        for value in iterable:
                            print(f"{item_num}. {value}")
                            item_num += 1

                    print_list(["A", "B", "C"])
                    print_list([x * 3 for x in range(0, 5)])

                    class ShoppingList:
                        def __init__(self, store, items):
                            self.store = store
                            self.items = items

                        def __iter__(self):
                            for item in self.items:
                                yield item

                    shopping_list = ShoppingList("ZeroGrocery", ["Apples", "Tortillas"])

Polymorphism #3 (Type coercion)

More work: a function converts arguments to the necessary type.

                    def int_smash(num1, num2):
                        """Smashes together positive numbers NUM1 and NUM2, creating
                        a number with digits of NUM1 followed by digits of NUM2.
                        Non-integers will be converted to integers.
                        >>> int_smash(51, 34)
                        >>> int_smash(51.56, 34.72)
                        int1 = int(num1)
                        int2 = int(num2)
                        num_digits = count_digits(int2)
                        while int1 > 0:
                            int2 += ( (int1 % 10) * pow(10, num_digits) )
                            num_digits += 1
                            int1 = int1 // 10
                        return int2

                    def count_digits(num):
                        num_digits = 0
                        while num > 0:
                            num_digits += 1
                            num = num // 10
                        return num_digits

Polymorphism #3 (Type coercion)

Another approach to int_smash, with even more type coercion:

                    def int_smash(num1, num2):
                        """Smashes together positive numbers NUM1 and NUM2, creating
                        a number with digits of NUM1 followed by digits of NUM2.
                        Non-integers will be converted to integers.
                        >>> int_smash(51, 34)
                        >>> int_smash(51.56, 34.72)
                        >>> int_smash('51', '34')
                        >>> int_smash(0x33, 0x22)
                        >>> int_smash(0b110011, 0b100010)
                        return int(num1) * 10 ** len(str(int(num2))) + int(num2)

Polymorphism #4 (Type dispatching)

More complexity: the function inspects the argument type to select the appropriate behavior.

                    def print_obj(obj):
                        if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
                            for item in obj:

                    print_obj([1, 2, 3])

                    def display_first(data):
                        if isinstance(data, Link):
                        elif isinstance(data, Tree):
                            raise Error("Unsupported data type!")

                    display_first(Link(1, Link(2, Link(3))))
                    display_first(Tree("A", [Tree("B"), Tree("C")]))

Design Principles

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

The following slides are not 100% objective!

My own design choices may not be your design choices, or the design choices of your colleagues.

Twitter poll, Is programming more Art/Math/Science/Architecture? Architecture is top result, then Art, then Science, then Math.

Easy Construction

Easy Construction

                    lnk = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3, Link(4))))

                    lnk = LinkedList([1, 2, 3, 4])

🤷🏽‍♀️ Which do you prefer? 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ ?

A LinkedList class

                    class LinkedList:

                        def __init__(self, values):
                            self.head = link = Link(None)
                            for value in values:
                                link.rest = Link(value)
                                link = link.rest

                        def __iter__(self):
                            link = self.head.rest
                            while link is not Link.empty:
                                yield link
                                link = link.rest

                    linked_list = LinkedList([1, 2, 3, 4])
                    for link in linked_list:

Set boundaries

Without boundaries 😿

                    class Insect:
                        def __init__(self):
                            self.health = 100
                            self.perished = False

                        def reduce_health(self, amount):
                            self.health -= amount
                            if self.health <= 0:
                                print("Ohno! I have perished.")
                                self.perished = True

                    class Ant(Insect):

                    class BumbleBee(Insect):
                        def avenge_bee_deaths(self, ant):
                            ant.health -= 1000

                    bee = BumbleBee()
                    ant = Ant()

🙊 Oops! Did we just break the game?!

With boundaries 😺

                    class Insect:
                        def __init__(self):
                            self.__health = 100
                            self.__perished = False

                        def reduce_health(self, amount):
                            self.__health -= amount
                            if self.__health <= 0:
                                print("Ohno! I have perished.")
                                self.__perished = True

                    class Ant(Insect):

                    class BumbleBee(Insect):
                        def avenge_bee_deaths(self, ant):
                            # ant.__health -= 1000 # 🚫 Error!

Double underscores prevent accidental access but they can't prevent any access at all, since the attribute is still available at _classname__attrname.

Check your assumptions

A Person class

                    class Person:

                        def __init__(self, first_name, middle_name, last_name):
                            self.first_name = first_name
                            self.middle_name = middle_name
                            self.last_name = last_name

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{self.last_name}, {self.first_name} {self.middle_name[0]}."

🤔 What assumptions does this class make about names? What are examples of names that won't work?

Check assumptions about names

                    p = Person("Ugo", "Tiago Marcondes", "Leal Chaves")
                    print(p) # Leal Chaves, Ugo T.
                    p = Person("Vincent", "van", "Gogh")
                    print(p) # Gogh, Vincent v.
                    p = Person("Jerome", "K", "Jerome")
                    print(p) # Jerome, Jerome K.
                    p = Person("Stephie", "", "Cha")
                    print(p) # 🚫 Error!
                    p = Person("Suharto", "", "")
                    print(p) # 🚫 Error!
                    p = Person("鄭", "", "根")
                    print(p) # 🚫 Error!

Some names can't be written on a computer at all. Only a fraction of Chinese logograms are represented in the Unicode code points.

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names

After: Person

Here's just one way to refactor. However, this refactor needs to be compatible with how the system gets the data about each person, so a UI change may also be needed.

                    class Person:

                        def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, family_first=True):
                            self.family_name = family_name
                            self.given_name = given_name
                            self.family_first = family_first

                        def __str__(self):
                            if self.family_first:
                                return f"{self.family_name}, {self.given_name}"
                                return f"{self.given_name} {self.family_name}"

Student/Parent classes

                    class Student(Person):

                        def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, mother, father):
                            self.mother = mother
                            self.father = father
                            self.address = mother.address or father.address

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{super()} (child of {self.mother} and {self.father}"

                    class Parent(Person):

                        def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, address):
                            self.address = address

🤔 What assumptions does this class make about parent/child relations? What are examples of IRL situations that won't work?

Check assumptions about families

  • What if they have two mums or two dads?
  • What if they have less than 2 parents or more than 2 parents?
  • What if the student lives with the other parent?
  • What if the student doesn't live with either parent?
  • What if the student has an additional guardian that isn't a parent?

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families

After: Student/Parent

Here's one refactor that is certainly not perfect.

                        class Student(Person):

                            def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, guardians, address):
                                self.guardians = guardians
                                self.address = address
                                # What could go wrong below?
                                self.lives_with_guardian = False
                                for guardian in guardians:
                                    if guardian.address == address:
                                        self.lives_with_guardian = True

                            def __str__(self):
                                return f"{super()} (in care of {"".join(self.guardians)}"

                        class Guardian(Person):

                            def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, address):
                                self.address = address

Address class

                    class Address:

                        def __init__(self, street_num, street, apt_or_suite, city, state, zip, country):
                            assert street_num > 0
                            self.street_num = street_num
                            self.street = street
                            self.apt_or_suite = apt_or_suite
                            self.city = city
                            self.zip = zip
                            self.country = country

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{self.street_num} {self.street}, {self.apt_or_suite}, \
                                {self.city}, {self.state}, {self.country} {self.zip}"

                    a = Address(1074, "Live Oaks Blvd", "Apt 1", "Pasadena", "CA", "13078", "US")
                    a = Address(98, "Shirley Street", "", "Pimpama", "QLD", "4209", "Australia")

🤔 What assumptions does this class make about address formats? What are examples of addresses that won't work?

Check assumptions about addresses

                    # No state, city is same as country
                    a = Address(35, "Mandalay Road", "# 13–37 Mandalay Towers",]
                        "Singapore", "", "308215", "Singapore")

                    # No state or postcode
                    a = Address(150, "Kennedy Road", "Flat 25, 12/F, Acacia Building",
                        "Wan Chai", "", "", "Hong Kong Island")

                    # Should actually be written as "101-3485, rue de la Montagne"
                    a = Address(3485, "rue de la Montagne", "101",
                        "Montréal", "Québec", "H3G 2A6", "Canada")

There are also some addresses we can't construct at all!

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Addresses

After: Address

Still imperfect, but it's a start.

                        class Address:

                        def __init__(self, line1, line2, line3, city_or_town,
                                     state_or_region, zip_or_postcode, country):
                            self.line1 = line1
                            self.line2 = line2
                            self.line3 = line3
                            self.country = country
                            self.state_or_region = state_or_region
                            self.city_or_town = city_or_town
                            self.zip_or_postcode = zip_or_postcode

                        def __str__(self):
                            lines = [line for line in [self.line1, self.line2, self.line3] if line]
                            newline = '\n'
                            return (f"{newline.join(lines)}\n"
                                f"{', '.join([self.city_or_town, self.state_or_region])}\n"
                                f"{', '.join([self.country, self.zip_or_postcode])}")

                    a = Address("101-3485, rue de la Montagne", None, None,
                        "Montréal", "Québec", "H3G 2A6", "Canada")

More ways to check assumptions

All the falsehoods programmers believe in!

General rule: The less your program has to assume about the real world, the better!

Design for Reuse


                    class UCBMFET:
                        num_members = 0

                        def __init__(self, name):
                            self.name = name
                            self.posts = []
                            self.members = []

                        def add_member(self, name):
                            UCBMFET.num_members += 1

                        def post_in_UCBMFET(self, title_of_post):

                    page = UCBMFET("UCB Memes For Edgy Teens")
                    page.post_in_UCBMFET("Prepping for 61A Final Be Like...")

🤔 What would it mean to create another instance of this class? What would that represent? What feels amiss about this design?

After Refactor: MemePage

                    class MemePage:

                        def __init__(self, name, organization):
                            self.name = name
                            self.organization = organization
                            self.posts = []
                            self.members = []

                        def add_member(self, name):

                        def add_post(self, title_of_post):

                        def num_members(self):
                            return len(self.members)

                    page1 = MemePage("UCB Memes For Edgy Teens", "UC Berkeley")
                    page1.add_post("Just Chilling On The Glade")

                    page2 = MemePage("Wholesome Memes for Tweens", "King Middle School")
                    page2.add_post("DEFYING GRAVITY!")

Before: Cucumber Game

In each round, the players each play one card, starting with the starter. If the card played is as high or higher than the highest card played so far, that player takes control. The winner is the last player who took control after every player has played once.

                    def play_round(starter, cards):
                        """Play a round and return all winners so far. Cards is a list of pairs.
                        Each (who, card) pair in cards indicates who plays and what card they play.
                        >>> play_round(3, [(3, 4), (0, 8), (1, 8), (2, 5)])
                        >>> play_round(1, [(3, 5), (1, 4), (2, 5), (0, 8)])
                        [1, 3]
                        r = Round(starter)
                        for who, card in cards:
                                r.play(who, card)
                            except AssertionError as e:
                        return Round.winners

                    class Round:
                        players, winners = 4, []
                        def __init__(self, starter):
                            self.starter, self.player, self.highest = starter, starter, -1

                        def play(self, who, card):
                            self.player = (who + 1) % Round.players
                            if card >= self.highest:
                                self.highest, self.control = card, who
                            if self.complete():

                        def complete(self):
                            return self.player == self.starter and self.highest > -1

After Refactor: Cucumber Game

                    class Game:
                        >>> g = Game()
                        >>> g.play_round(3, [(3, 4), (0, 8), (1, 8), (2, 5)])
                        >>> g.winners
                        >>> g.play_round(1, [(3, 5), (1, 4), (2, 5), (0, 8)])
                        >>> g.winners
                        [1, 3]
                        def __init__(self):
                            self.winners = []

                        def play_round(self, starter, cards):
                            r = Round(starter)
                            for who, card in cards:
                                    r.play(who, card)
                                except AssertionError as e:
                            if r.winner:

                    class Round:
                        num_players = 4

                        def __init__(self, starter):
                            self.starter = starter
                            self.next_player = starter
                            self.highest = -1
                            self.winner = None

                        def play(self, who, card):
                            if card >= self.highest:
                                self.highest = card
                                self.control = who
                            self.next_player = (who + 1) % Round.num_players
                            if self.is_complete():
                                self.winner = self.control

                        def is_complete(self):
                            return self.next_player == self.starter and self.highest > -1

Designing reusable classes

The Reuse Test:
🤔 Is it possible to create multiple instances of the class, where each instance stores its own relevant state?

👉🏽 Use instance variables to store any state that's specific to an instance.

👉🏽 Use class variables only for constants or for state that's shared across all instances.