Exam Prep 1: Control, Higher-Order Functions

Students from past semesters wanted more content and structured time to prepare for exams. Exam Prep sections are a way to solidify your understanding of the week's materials. The problems are typically designed to be a bridge between discussion/lab/homework difficulty and exam difficulty.

Reminder: There is nothing to turn in and there is no credit given for attending Exam Prep Sections.

We try to make these problems exam level , so you are not expected to be able to solve them coming straight from lecture without additional practice. To get the most out of Exam Prep, we recommend you try these problems first on your own before coming to the Exam Prep section, where we will explain how to solve these problems while giving tips and advice for the exam. Do not worry if you struggle with these problems, it is okay to struggle while learning.

You can work with anyone you want, including sharing solutions. We just ask you don't spoil the problems for anyone else in the class. Thanks!

You may only put code where there are underscores for the codewriting questions.

You can test your functions on their doctests by clicking the red test tube in the top right corner after clicking Run in 61A Code. Passing the doctests is not necessarily enough to get the problem fully correct. You must fully solve the stated problem.

We recommending reading sections 1.1-1.6 from the textbook for these problems.

Q1: Run, K, Run

An increasing run of an integer is a sequence of consecutive digits in which each digit is larger than the last. For example, the number 123444345 has four increasing runs: 1234, 4, 4 and 345. Each run can be indexed from the end of the number, starting with index 0. In the previous example, the 0th run is 345, the first run is 4, the second run is 4 and the third run is 1234.

Implement get_k_run_starter, which takes in integers n and k and returns the 0th digit of the kth increasing run within n. The 0th digit is the leftmost number in the run. You may assume that there are at least k+1 increasing runs in n.

Your Answer
Run in 61A Code
def get_k_run_starter(n, k):
    >>> get_k_run_starter(123444345, 0) # example from description
    >>> get_k_run_starter(123444345, 1)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(123444345, 2)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(123444345, 3)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(123412341234, 1)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 0)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 1)
    >>> get_k_run_starter(1234234534564567, 2)
    i = 0
    final = None
while i <= k:
while n > 10 and (n % 10 > (n // 10) % 10):
n = n // 10
final = n % 10
i = i + 1
n = n // 10
return final

Q2: High Score

For the purposes of this problem, a score function is a pure function which takes a single number s as input and outputs another number, referred to as the score of s. Complete the best_k_segmenter function, which takes in a positive integer k and a score function score.

best_k_segmenter returns a function that takes in a single number n as input and returns the best k-segment of n, where a k-segment is a set of consecutive digits obtained by segmenting n into pieces of size k and the best segment is the segment with the highest score as determined by score. The segmentation is right to left.

For example, consider 1234567. Its 2-segments are 1, 23, 45 and 67 (a segment may be shorter than k if k does not divide the length of the number; in this case, 1 is the leftover, since the segmenation is right to left). Given the score function lambda x: -x, the best 2-segment is 1. With lambda x: x, the best segment is 67.

Your Answer
Run in 61A Code
def best_k_segmenter(k, score):
    >>> largest_digit_getter = best_k_segmenter(1, lambda x: x)
    >>> largest_digit_getter(12345)
    >>> largest_digit_getter(245351)
    >>> largest_pair_getter = best_k_segmenter(2, lambda x: x)
    >>> largest_pair_getter(12345)
    >>> largest_pair_getter(245351)
    >>> best_k_segmenter(1, lambda x: -x)(12345)
    >>> best_k_segmenter(3, lambda x: (x // 10) % 10)(192837465)
partitioner = lambda x: (x // (10**k), x % (10**k))
def best_getter(n): assert n > 0 best_seg = None
while n:
n, seg = partitioner(n)
if best_seg == None or score(seg) > score(best_seg):
best_seg = seg return best_seg return best_getter

Q3: It's Always a Good Prime

Implement div_by_primes_under, which takes in an integer n and returns an n-divisibility checker. An n-divisibility-checker is a function that takes in an integer k and returns whether k is divisible by any integers between 2 and n, inclusive. Equivalently, it returns whether k is divisible by any primes less than or equal to n.

Review the Disc 01 is_prime problem for a reminder about prime numbers.

You can also choose to do the no lambda version, which is the same problem, just with defining functions with def instead of lambda.

Hint: If struggling, here is a partially filled out line for after the if statement. checker = (lambda f, i: lambda x: __________)(checker, i)

Your Answer
Run in 61A Code
def div_by_primes_under(n):
    >>> div_by_primes_under(10)(11)
    >>> div_by_primes_under(10)(121)
    >>> div_by_primes_under(10)(12)
    >>> div_by_primes_under(5)(1)
    checker = lambda x: False
i = 2
while i <= n:
if not checker(i):
checker = (lambda f, i: lambda x: x % i == 0 or f(x))(checker, i)
i = i + 1
return checker
def div_by_primes_under_no_lambda(n): """ >>> div_by_primes_under_no_lambda(10)(11) False >>> div_by_primes_under_no_lambda(10)(121) False >>> div_by_primes_under_no_lambda(10)(12) True >>> div_by_primes_under_no_lambda(5)(1) False """ def checker(x): return False
i = 2
while i <= n:
if not checker(i):
def outer(f, i):
def inner(x):
return x % i == 0 or f(x)
return inner
checker = outer(checker, i)
i = i + 1
return checker

Q4: My Last Three Brain Cells

A k-memory function takes in a single input, prints whether that input was seen exactly k function calls ago, and returns a new k-memory function. For example, a 2-memory function will display “Found" if its input was seen exactly two function calls ago, and otherwise will display “Not found".

Implement three_memory, which is a three-memory function. You may assume that the value None is never given as an input to your function, and that in the first two function calls the function will display “Not found" for any valid inputs given.

Your Answer
Run in 61A Code
def three_memory(n):
    >>> f = three_memory('first')
    >>> f = f('first')
    Not found
    >>> f = f('second')
    Not found
    >>> f = f('third')
    Not found
    >>> f = f('second') # 'second' was not input three calls ago
    Not found
    >>> f = f('second') # 'second' was input three calls ago
    >>> f = f('third') # 'third' was input three calls ago
    >>> f = f('third') # 'third' was not input three calls ago
    Not found
    def f(x, y, z):
        def g(i):
if i == x:
print('Not found')
return f(y, z, i)
return g
return f(None, None, n)