Exceptions & Decorators

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Class outline:

  • Exceptions
  • Decorators


Handling errors

Sometimes, computer programs behave in non-standard ways.

  • A function receives an argument value of an improper type
  • Some resource (such as a file) is not available
  • A network connection is lost in the middle of data transmission
Moth found in a computer by Grace Hopper
Moth found in a Mark II Computer (Grace Hopper's Notebook, 1947)


An exception is a built-in mechanism in a programming language to declare and respond to "exceptional" conditions.

A program raises an exception when an error occurs.

If the exception is not handled, the program will stop running entirely.

But if a programmer can anticipate when exceptions might happen, they can include code for handling the exception, so that the program continues running.

Many languages include exception handling: C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.

Exceptions in Python

Python raises an exception whenever a runtime error occurs.

How an unhandled exception is reported:

                    >>> 10/0
                    Traceback (most recent call last):
                        File "<stdin>", line 1, in 
                    ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

If an exception is not handled, the program stops executing immediately.

Types of exceptions

A few exception types and examples of buggy code:

Exception Example
OverflowError pow(2.12, 1000)
TypeError 'hello'[1] = 'j'
IndexError 'hello'[7]
NameError x += 5
FileNotFoundError open('dsfdfd.txt')

See full list in the exceptions docs.

The try statement

To handle an exception (keep the program running), use a try statement.

                        <try suite>
                    except <exception class> as <name>:
                        <except suite>

The <try suite> is executed first. If, during the course of executing the <try suite>, an exception is raised that is not handled otherwise, and If the class of the exception inherits from <exception class>, then the <except suite> is executed, with <name> bound to the exception.

Try statement example

                        quot = 10/0
                    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
                        print('handling a', type(e))
                        quot = 0

Try inside a function

                    def div_numbers(dividend, divisor):
                            quotient = dividend/divisor
                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                            print("Function was called with 0 as divisor")
                            quotient = 0
                        return quotient

                    div_numbers(10, 2)
                    div_numbers(10, 0)
                    div_numbers(10, -1)

What would Python Do?

                    def invert(x):
                        inverse = 1/x # Raises a ZeroDivisionError if x is 0
                        print('Never printed if x is 0')
                        return inverse
                    def invert_safe(x):
                            return invert(x)
                        except ZeroDivisionError as e:
                            print('Handled', e)
                            return 0


                    except ZeroDivisionError as e:


Raising exceptions

Assert statements

Assert statements raise an exception of type AssertionError:

                    assert <expression>, <string>

Assertions are designed to be used liberally. They can be ignored to increase efficiency by running Python with the "-O" flag; "O" stands for optimized.

                    python3 -O

Raise statements

Any type of exception can be raised with a raise statement

                    raise <expression>

<expression> must evaluate to a subclass of BaseException or an instance of one

Exceptions are constructed like any other object. E.g., TypeError('Bad argument!')


A tracing function

Let's make a higher-order tracing function.

                    def trace1(f):
                        """Return a function that takes a single argument, x, prints it,
                        computes and prints F(x), and returns the computed value.
                        >>> square = lambda x: x * x
                        >>> trace1(square)(3)
                        -> 3
                        <- 9
                        def traced(x):
                            print("->", x)
                            r = f(x)
                            print("<-", r)
                            return r
                        return traced

A tracing decorator

What if we always wanted a function to be traced?

                    def square(x):
                        return x * x

That's equivalent to..

                    def square(x):
                        return x * x
                    square = trace1(square)

General decorator syntax

The notation:

                    def aFunc(...):

is essentially equivalent to:

                    def aFunc(...):
                    aFunc = ATTR(aFunc)

ATTR can be any expression, not just a single function name.