MT2 Review Pt 1

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Class outline:

  • Linked lists
  • Lists
  • Objects

Linked lists

Exercise: Is it ordered?

Is a linked list ordered from least to greatest?

431 341

                    def ordered(s):
                        """Is Link s ordered?

                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(4, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))))

Exercise: Is it ordered? (Solution)

Is a linked list ordered from least to greatest?

431 341

                    def ordered(s, key=lambda x: x):
                        """Is Link s ordered?

                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(4, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))))
                        if s is Link.empty or is Link.empty:
                            return True
                        elif s.first >
                            return False
                            return ordered(

Exercise: Is it ordered? Part 2

Is it ordered when a key function is applied, like abs?

-341 4-31

                    def ordered(s, key=lambda x: x):
                        """Is Link s ordered?

                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(4, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))), key=abs)
                        >>> ordered(Link(-4, Link(-1, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(-4, Link(-1, Link(3))), key=abs)

Exercise: Is it ordered? Part 2 (Solution)

Is it ordered when a key function is applied, like abs?

-341 4-31

                    def ordered(s, key=lambda x: x):
                        """Is Link s ordered?

                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(4, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(1, Link(-3, Link(4))), key=abs)
                        >>> ordered(Link(-4, Link(-1, Link(3))))
                        >>> ordered(Link(-4, Link(-1, Link(3))), key=abs)
                        if s is Link.empty or is Link.empty:
                            return True
                        elif key(s.first) > key(
                            return False
                            return ordered(, key)

Exercise: Sorted merged list

Create a sorted Link containing all the elements of two sorted Links.

51 + 41 = 5411

                    def merge(s, t):
                        """Return a sorted Link containing the elements of sorted s & t.
                        >>> a = Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b = Link(1, Link(4))
                        >>> merge(a, b)
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> a
                        Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b
                        Link(1, Link(4))

Exercise: Sorted merged list (Solution)

Create a sorted Link containing all the elements of two sorted Links.

51 + 41 = 5411

                    def merge(s, t):
                        """Return a sorted Link containing the elements of sorted s & t.
                        >>> a = Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b = Link(1, Link(4))
                        >>> merge(a, b)
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> a
                        Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b
                        Link(1, Link(4))
                        if s is Link.empty:
                            return t
                        elif t is Link.empty:
                            return s
                        elif s.first <= t.first:
                            return Link(s.first, merge(, t))
                            return Link(t.first, merge(s,

Exercise: Sorted merged list II

This time, do it without creating any new Link objects.

51 + 41 = 5411

                    def merge_in_place(s, t):
                        """Return a sorted Link containing the elements of sorted s & t.
                        >>> a = Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b = Link(1, Link(4))
                        >>> merge_in_place(a, b)
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> a
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> b
                        Link(1, Link(4, Link(5)))

Exercise: Sorted merged list II (Solution)

This time, do it without creating any new Link objects.

51 + 41 = 5411

                    def merge_in_place(s, t):
                        """Return a sorted Link containing the elements of sorted s & t.
                        >>> a = Link(1, Link(5))
                        >>> b = Link(1, Link(4))
                        >>> merge_in_place(a, b)
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> a
                        Link(1, Link(1, Link(4, Link(5))))
                        >>> b
                        Link(1, Link(4, Link(5)))
                        if s is Link.empty:
                            return t
                        elif t is Link.empty:
                            return s
                        elif s.first <= t.first:
                   = merge_in_place(, t)
                            return s
                   = merge_in_place(s,
                            return t

Iterables & Iterators

Exercise: Find indices

What are the indices of all elements in a list that have the smallest absolute value?

                    [-4, -3, -2,  3,  2,  4]  → [2, 4]
                      0   1   2   3   4   5 

                    [ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6]  → [0]
                      0   1   2   3   4   5  

                    def min_abs_indices(s):
                        """Indices of all elements in list s that have the smallest absolute value.

                        >>> min_abs_indices([-4, -3, -2, 3, 2, 4])
                        [2, 4]
                        >>> min_abs_indices([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

Exercise: Find indices (Solution)

What are the indices of all elements in a list that have the smallest absolute value?

                    [-4, -3, -2,  3,  2,  4]  → [2, 4]
                      0   1   2   3   4   5 

                    [ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6]  → [0]
                      0   1   2   3   4   5  

                    def min_abs_indices(s):
                        """Indices of all elements in list s that have the smallest absolute value.

                        >>> min_abs_indices([-4, -3, -2, 3, 2, 4])
                        [2, 4]
                        >>> min_abs_indices([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
                        min_abs = min(map(abs, s))
                        return list(filter(lambda i: abs(s[i]) == min_abs, range(len(s))))
                        # OR
                        return [i for i in range(len(s)) if abs(s[i]) == min_abs]

Exercise: Largest sum

What's the largest sum of two adjacent elements in a list? (Assume length > 1)

                    [-4,  -3,  -2,   3,   2,   4]  → 6
                       -7    -5    1    5    6 

                    [-4,   3,  -2,  -3,   2,   -4]  → 1
                       -1    1    -5   -1   -2 

                    def largest_adj_sum(s):
                        """Largest sum of two adjacent elements in a list s.
                        >>> largest_adj_sum([-4, -3, -2, 3, 2, 4])
                        >>> largest_adj_sum([-4, 3, -2, -3, 2, -4])

Exercise: Largest sum (Solution)

What's the largest sum of two adjacent elements in a list? (Assume length > 1)

                    [-4,  -3,  -2,   3,   2,   4]  → 6
                       -7    -5    1    5    6 

                    [-4,   3,  -2,  -3,   2,   -4]  → 1
                       -1    1    -5   -1   -2 

                    def largest_adj_sum(s):
                        """Largest sum of two adjacent elements in a list s.
                        >>> largest_adj_sum([-4, -3, -2, 3, 2, 4])
                        >>> largest_adj_sum([-4, 3, -2, -3, 2, -4])
                        return max([x + y for x, y in zip(s[:-1], s[1:])])
                        # OR
                        return max([s[i] + s[i + 1] for i in range(len(s) - 1)])
                        # OR
                        return max(map(lambda i: s[i] + s[i + 1], range(len(s) - 1)))