Adding Custom Special Forms to Scheme


CS61A Spring 2022

MWF 2:00-3:00pm

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Recall: Programs as Data

Scheme programs consist of expressions, which are either:

  • Primitive, such as 2, 3.3, #t, +, quotient
  • Combinations, such as (quotient 10 2), (not #t)

Combinations are essentially lists, meaning we can write code that writes code.

scm> (list 'quotient 10 2)
(quotient 10 2)

scm> (eval (list 'quotient 10 2))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Recall: Programs as Data

The following are all valid Scheme code, but how do we make it easier to turn this
into a template of sorts, in order to be able to reuse it?

scm> (list 'print 2)
(print 2)

scm> (list '+ 2 (list '- 3 2))
(+ 2 (- 3 2))

scm> (list 'if (list '> 3 2) ''greater ''smaller)
(if (> 3 2) (quote greater) (quote smaller))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Recall: Quasiquotation

Very similar to regular quotation, but you can now unquote parts of an expression.

scm> `(a b)
(a b)

scm> (define b 4)

scm> `(a ,(+ b 1))
(a 5)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Recall: Quasiquotation

We can use this to generate Scheme code in a templated form:

scm> (begin (define x 5) (define y 10))

scm> `(+ x y)
(+ x y)

scm> `(+ ,x ,y)
(+ 5 10)

scm> (eval `(if (< ,x ,y) 'success 'not-success))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Generating Code

Remember make_adder?

>>> def make_adder(n):
...     return lambda d: d + n
>>> add_2 = make_adder(2)

Here, calling add_2 results in Python looking up n in the make_adder frame each

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Generating Code

Remember make_adder?

scm> (define (make-adder n) `(lambda (d) (+ d ,n)))
scm> (eval (make-adder 2))
(lambda (d) (+ d 2))

Here, the result of make-adder doesn't contain any references to n, so we don't
need to refer to the make-adder frame again. in fact, make-adder only returns a
list, so it's not the parent of the lambda!

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu


In Python, we can't add new expressions or statement types. In Scheme, so far, everything has either been a built-in special form or a user-defined procedure. Macros allow us to write our own special forms!

A macro is an operation performed on code before evaluation. Macros exist in many languages, but they're easiest to define correctly in a language like Lisp.

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu


The following code doesn't quite do what we want:

scm> (define (twice expr) (list 'begin expr expr))
scm> (twice (print 2))
(begin undefined undefined)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Rules of Evaluation

When evaluating procedures, we:

  1. Evaluate the operator sub-expression
  2. Evaluate all of the operands
  3. Apply the procedure on the evaluated operands

scm> (define (twice expr) (list 'begin expr expr))
scm> (twice (print 2))
(begin undefined undefined)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Rules of Evaluation

When evaluating macros, we:

  1. Evaluate the operator sub-expression
  2. Call the macro on operands without evaluating the operands
  3. Evaluate the expression returned by the macro

scm> (define-macro (twice expr) (list 'begin expr expr))
scm> (twice (print 2))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Rules of Evaluation

When evaluating macros, we:

  1. Evaluate the operator sub-expression
  2. Call the macro on operands without evaluating the operands
  3. Evaluate the expression returned by the macro

How is this different from regular procedures? Your macros, not Scheme, define when an operand should be evaluated. You can delay evaluation as much as you want to -- custom special forms!

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Macros Without Macros

It's possible to replicate macro functionality without macros, but much less clean:

scm> (define (twice expr) (list 'begin expr expr))
scm> (eval (twice '(print 2)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of the squares of even numbers less than 10, starting at 2?

Scheme doesn't have while loops, so we need recursion. In Python:

def f(x, tot):
    if x < 10:
        return f(x + 2, tot + x * x)
    return tot
f(2, 0)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of the squares of even numbers less than 10, starting at 2?

In Scheme:

    (define (f x tot)
        (if (< x 10)
            (f (+ x 2) (+ tot (* x x)))
    (f 2 0))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of numbers with squares less than 50, starting at 1?

def f(x, tot):
    if x * x < 50:
        return f(x + 1, tot + x)
    return tot
f(1, 0)
    (define (f x tot)
        (if (< (* x x) 50)
            (f (+ x 1) (+ tot x))
    (f 1 0))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

Generically, what is the sum of expr of every nxt numbers where condn is true, starting at init?

In Python:

def f(x, tot):
    if condn(x):
        return f(nxt(x), tot + expr(x))
    return tot
f(init, 0)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

Generically, what is the sum of expr of every nxt numbers where condn is true, starting at init?

In Scheme:

    (define (f x tot)
        (if (condn x)
            (f (nxt x) (+ tot (expr x)))
    (f init 0))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of expr of every nxt numbers where condn is true, starting at
init? Let's wrap this in a procedure called sum-while, which takes in the
appropriate parameters:

(define (sum-while init condn expr nxt)
        (define (f x total)
            (if (condn x)
                (f (nxt x) (+ total (expr x)))
        (f init 0)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

We might use the sum-while procedure as follows:

scm> (sum-while 2 (lambda (x) (< x 10))
...>           (lambda (x) (* x x)) (lambda (x) (+ x 2)))
scm> (sum-while 1 (lambda (x) (< (* x x) 50))
...>           (lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of expr of every nxt numbers where condn is true, starting at
init? Let's use quasiquotation and unquotes to our advantage to make this less

(define (sum-while init condn expr nxt)
        (define (f x total)
            (if ,condn
                (f ,nxt (+ total ,expr))
        (f ,init 0)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

We might use our new sum-while procedure as follows:

scm> (eval (sum-while 2 '(< x 10) '(* x x) '(+ x 2)))
scm> (eval (sum-while 1 '(< (* x x) 50) 'x '(+ x 1)))

Much cleaner already!

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

What is the sum of expr of every nxt numbers where condn is true, starting at
init? Here's the same code as before, but turned into a macro:

(define-macro (sum-while init condn expr nxt)
        (define (f x total)
            (if ,condn
                (f ,nxt (+ total ,expr))
        (f ,init 0)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

while Statements?

We might use our shiny new sum-while macro as follows:

scm> (sum-while 2 (< x 10) (* x x) (+ x 2))
scm> (sum-while 1 (< (* x x) 50) x (+ x 1))

No eval, no quoting. Much nicer to read, isn't it?

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Checking Truthiness

Say we want to check if something's truthy or falsey:

scm> (define (check val) (if val 'passed 'failed))

scm> (define x -2)

scm> (check (> x 0))

Can't really check what's failing, as the check procedure only receives the
evaluated result of val!

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Checking Truthiness

Say we want to check if something's truthy or falsey:

scm> (define (check expr) `(if ,expr 'passed '(failed: ,expr)))

scm> (define x -2)

scm> (eval (check '(> x 0)))
(failed: (> x 0))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Checking Truthiness

Say we want to check if something's truthy or falsey:

scm> (define-macro (check expr) `(if ,expr 'passed '(failed: ,expr)))

scm> (define x -2)

scm> (check (> x 0))
(failed: (> x 0))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

def Statements

We want to write a macro that simulates Python's def statements in Scheme, in
order to say things like (def f(x y) (+ x y)).

scm> (define-macro (def n args b) `(define ,n (lambda ,args ,b)))

scm> (def f(x y) (+ x y))

scm> (f 5 2)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Thunk Macro

We want to write a macro that takes in some expr and turns it into a Thunk.
Remember that a Thunk is a no-argument lambda function that, when called,
evaluates and returns the expr it contains.

scm> (define-macro (thunkify expr) `(lambda () ,expr))

scm> (define thunk (thunkify (+ 2 4)))

scm> (thunk)
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

for Macro?

Scheme doesn't have for loops... yet. We want to be able to say things like:

scm> (for x '(2 3 4 5) (* x x))
(4 9 16 25)

First, let's see how to map items in a list vals using some function fn.

(define (map-fn fn vals)
    (if (null? vals) ()
        (cons (fn (car vals))
              (map-fn fn (cdr vals)))
vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

for Macro?

(define (map-fn fn vals)
    (if (null? vals) ()
        (cons (fn (car vals))
              (map-fn fn (cdr vals)))

We can now say things like (map-fn (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(2 3 4 5)), but
that's more work than we should have to do. Why do we need to explicitly write

vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

for Macro?

We can now say things like (map-fn (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(2 3 4 5)), but
that's more work than we should have to do. Why do we need to explicitly write

(define-macro (for var vals expr)
    `(map-fn (lambda (,var) ,expr) ,vals)
scm> (for x '(2 3 4 5) (* x x))
(4 9 16 25)


vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu

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vanshaj [at] berkeley [dot] edu