passphrase = '*** PASSPHRASE HERE ***' def midsem_survey(p): """ You do not need to understand this code. >>> midsem_survey(passphrase) '6b11cc4633eb00f582dcc3a83f713aef58d85a1900d7cd9881d60e76' """ import hashlib return hashlib.sha224(p.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def has_path(t, term): """Return whether there is a path in a Tree where the entries along the path spell out a particular term. >>> greetings = Tree('h', [Tree('i'), ... Tree('e', [Tree('l', [Tree('l', [Tree('o')])]), ... Tree('y')])]) >>> print(greetings) h i e l l o y >>> has_path(greetings, 'h') True >>> has_path(greetings, 'i') False >>> has_path(greetings, 'hi') True >>> has_path(greetings, 'hello') True >>> has_path(greetings, 'hey') True >>> has_path(greetings, 'bye') False >>> has_path(greetings, 'hint') False """ assert len(term) > 0, 'no path for empty term.' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def duplicate_link(lnk, val): """Mutates `lnk` such that if there is a linked list node that has a first equal to value, that node will be duplicated. Note that you should be mutating the original link list. >>> x = Link(5, Link(4, Link(3))) >>> duplicate_link(x, 5) >>> x Link(5, Link(5, Link(4, Link(3)))) >>> y = Link(2, Link(4, Link(6, Link(8)))) >>> duplicate_link(y, 10) >>> y Link(2, Link(4, Link(6, Link(8)))) """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def deep_map_mut(fn, lnk): """Mutates a deep link lnk by replacing each item found with the result of calling fn on the item. Does NOT create new Links (so no use of Link's constructor). Does not return the modified Link object. >>> link1 = Link(3, Link(Link(4), Link(5, Link(6)))) >>> # Disallow the use of making new Links before calling deep_map_mut >>> Link.__init__, hold = lambda *args: print("Do not create any new Links."), Link.__init__ >>> try: ... deep_map_mut(lambda x: x * x, link1) ... finally: ... Link.__init__ = hold >>> print(link1) <9 <16> 25 36> """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class Tree: """ >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)]) >>> t.label 3 >>> t.branches[0].label 2 >>> t.branches[1].is_leaf() True """ def __init__(self, label, branches=[]): for b in branches: assert isinstance(b, Tree) self.label = label self.branches = list(branches) def is_leaf(self): return not self.branches def __repr__(self): if self.branches: branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches) else: branch_str = '' return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str) def __str__(self): def print_tree(t, indent=0): tree_str = ' ' * indent + str(t.label) + "\n" for b in t.branches: tree_str += print_tree(b, indent + 1) return tree_str return print_tree(self).rstrip() class Link: """A linked list. >>> s = Link(1) >>> s.first 1 >>> is Link.empty True >>> s = Link(2, Link(3, Link(4))) >>> s.first = 5 >>> = 6 >>> = Link.empty >>> s # Displays the contents of repr(s) Link(5, Link(6)) >>> = Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9)))) >>> s Link(5, Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9))))) >>> print(s) # Prints str(s) <5 7 <8 9>> """ empty = () def __init__(self, first, rest=empty): assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link) self.first = first = rest def __repr__(self): if is not Link.empty: rest_repr = ', ' + repr( else: rest_repr = '' return 'Link(' + repr(self.first) + rest_repr + ')' def __str__(self): string = '<' while is not Link.empty: string += str(self.first) + ' ' self = return string + str(self.first) + '>'